
eye of creation

In the majestic kingdom of Ashrone, a once powerful and prosperous nation, a grave tragedy unfolded - the untimely death of its beloved king. This catastrophic event not only plunged the kingdom into chaos and uncertainty but also created a dangerous power vacuum that various factions sought to exploit for their own gain. As political intrigue and clandestine manipulations ran rampant in the halls of power, some individuals resorted to devious and wicked means to secure their place at the top of the hierarchy. Smokescreens of deceit and shadows of treachery enveloped the kingdom, casting a dark shadow over its once glorious legacy. However, amidst the turmoil and darkness, a hero emerged from the most unlikely of places - a figure not born of noble blood, but of humble origins. This unassuming individual possessed a heart filled with courage, a mind sharpened by wisdom, and a spirit ignited by an unyielding sense of justice.

Mthokozisi_Mnguni · ファンタジー
20 Chs

chapter sixteen

The kingdom of ashrone

The grand presence of the queen was felt as she entered the Ashrone library, her loyal guard trailing behind her. The library itself was a sight to behold, boasting rows upon rows of towering bookshelves filled with an extensive array of books, making it the largest collection ever seen in the world.

Upon entering, the queen decided to venture deeper into the library, leaving her guards stationed at the entrance. She made her way through the aisles of books until she reached a particular shelf in the middle of the room. With a gentle tug on a specific book, a hidden door disguised as a shelf creaked open, revealing a staircase leading downwards.

Descending the stairs, the queen found herself in a room adorned in various shades of blue, lined with more books. Seated in a cozy corner, engrossed in a book, was Minato. The queen settled into a seat of her own, silently observing Minato until she finally broke the silence.

"I met a very interesting boy," she began, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and intrigue. "The boy had blond hair, but what drew me in were his eyes. I have only seen those eyes on one person," she trailed off, gauging Minato's reaction.

Minato remained unfazed, merely flipping a page of his book in response to the queen's statement.

Growing visibly frustrated, the queen stood up abruptly, her words laced with urgency. "She's alive, isn't she?" she demanded, searching Minato's face for any signs of confirmation.

With a deliberate motion, Minato closed his book and rose to his feet, positioning himself next to the queen. "What if she is?" he replied calmly, his tone tinged with a hint of mystery.

The queen's silence spoke volumes as she locked eyes with Minato before swiftly exiting the room. Just as she was about to leave, Minato's ominous warning pierced the air. "If anything happens to that boy, you won't like what I will do," his words resonating with a chilling finality.

As the queen ascended the stairs, her mind raced with questions, the weight of Minato's warning lingering in the air. "Did he come for the throne?" she mused aloud.


The kingdom of Kedeilin

The king sat down heavily on his imposing throne, feeling the weight of the crown resting on his head. It was always a burden, especially now as he grappled with the ambitions of his younger brother, General Ilidan. The general was always striving for grandeur without considering the costs it took to achieve those ambitions. "Why can't he see that this mindset is not what the kingdom needs?" the king thought wearily, rubbing his temples in frustration.

As the king contemplated his brother's actions, two guards entered the throne room, bowing their heads respectfully. One of them spoke up, "My king, the royal prince is here to see you." The king nodded, granting permission for his son to enter.

In walked Prince Erend Yarrow, a handsome young man with striking blue hair and royal attire adorned with the symbol of the Yarrow clan. His appearance tugged at the king's heart, as Erend bore a striking resemblance to his late wife.

Erend bowed his head respectfully before addressing his father, "What can I do for you, my son?" the king inquired.

"Father, I heard about the meeting held at the palace today," Erend began. "Some information has come to my ears, and I urge you to reconsider what the general has proposed."

The king let out a weary sigh, knowing that his son was one of many who followed the general's radical philosophy. "I will not change my mind," he declared firmly.

Erend's expression darkened with frustration, his teeth bared in anger. "How long must our nation be the laughing stock of the world?" he demanded. "How can you, as king, allow this to happen? It would not be so if Ilidan were in your place."

The king's patience wore thin at his son's words. "Choose your next words carefully, Erend. You may be my son, but never forget that I am still your king," he warned sternly.

With fire in his eyes, Erend stormed out of the throne room, leaving the king to ponder the growing divide within his own family and the kingdom.

As the king rises from his throne, a sharp pain shoots through his right side, causing his arm to briefly go numb. The look of discomfort crosses his face as he struggles to move his hand. This ongoing ailment that has plagued the king for the past two years has been growing increasingly worrisome, as he knows it will only continue to deteriorate with time.

With a furrowed brow, the king contemplates the future of his kingdom. "Who will succeed me on the throne?" he ponders, surveying his limited options, none of which fill him with confidence. The weight of responsibility rests heavily on his shoulders, knowing that the wrong successor could spell disaster for his people.

After a moment, the king regains control of his paralyzed limb and exits the throne room, moving slowly down the hall. His steps are deliberate as he makes his way towards a large window overlooking the kingdom. Through the glass, he observes his subjects going about their daily lives, unaware of the burdens that weigh upon their ruler.

Standing by the window, a soft smile plays across the king's lips as he watches the bustling activity outside. While the rest of the kingdom looks forward, always chasing the next goal or conquest, the king takes a moment to appreciate the present and the beauty of his realm.

In a moment of wistfulness, the king's thoughts turn to his son. "I hope my son can see the world as I do," he muses.