
eye of creation

In the majestic kingdom of Ashrone, a once powerful and prosperous nation, a grave tragedy unfolded - the untimely death of its beloved king. This catastrophic event not only plunged the kingdom into chaos and uncertainty but also created a dangerous power vacuum that various factions sought to exploit for their own gain. As political intrigue and clandestine manipulations ran rampant in the halls of power, some individuals resorted to devious and wicked means to secure their place at the top of the hierarchy. Smokescreens of deceit and shadows of treachery enveloped the kingdom, casting a dark shadow over its once glorious legacy. However, amidst the turmoil and darkness, a hero emerged from the most unlikely of places - a figure not born of noble blood, but of humble origins. This unassuming individual possessed a heart filled with courage, a mind sharpened by wisdom, and a spirit ignited by an unyielding sense of justice.

Mthokozisi_Mnguni · Fantasy
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20 Chs

chapter seventeen

It was a dark and eerie night, with the moon casting a soft glow on the beautiful Blouet clan mansion. The sprawling estate, surrounded by towering trees, was a sight to behold with its pristine white walls and grandeur. The gates, adorned with the emblem of the Blouet family, stood imposingly as if guarding the secrets within.

At the front entrance, two guards stood watch, their shadows flickering in the moonlight. The tension in the air was palpable as they waited for the next squad to relieve them of their duty.

"How long before the next squad comes to relieve us?" the first guard asked, breaking the silence.

"I think about five minutes," the second guard replied, his voice tinged with anticipation.

But before any more words could be exchanged, chaos erupted. A deadly projectile struck the first guard, cutting off his words as blood gushed from his throat. The second guard's eyes widened in horror as he watched his comrade fall, only to meet a similar fate himself as a dark figure materialized and plunged a blade into his stomach.

The figure, known as White, showed no mercy or emotion as death unfolded before him. With a chilling calmness, he relayed orders through a transmitter to his accomplices.

"The guards have been taken care of. Move to the second phase," White's voice echoed through the night.

"Copy that, Captain White," came the response from the other end of the transmitter, a cold acknowledgment of the unfolding destruction.

As White vanished into the shadows, four other figures, named Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green, observed from their hidden perch in the trees surrounding the mansion. They communicated with silent gestures, each aware of their role in the orchestrated mayhem.

"White says we move to the second phase," Blue whispered to the group, his voice barely audible.

Yellow, a sorceress with mystical abilities, tapped into her magic and cast a spell of silence, enveloping their surroundings in a cloak of quietude.

"Sound magic: Room of Silence," Yellow murmured, suppressing any noise that could alert their targets.

Blue nodded in approval and focused his powers, rendering themselves invisible as they sprinted towards the mansion's windows, their intentions cloaked in shadows.

Green, the master of poison magic, unleashed a deadly cloud that seeped through the mansion, claiming unsuspecting victims in its toxic embrace. The poison spread swiftly, claiming lives of those unprepared for such a sinister attack, especially the children who had not yet learned to defend against such dark arts.

Red, a wielder of fire magic, ignited flames that danced with dark intent, engulfing the mansion in a fiery inferno. The once pristine halls now echoed with screams of agony as the flames consumed everything in their path, painting the night sky with the sinister glow of destruction.

Clad in masks to shield themselves from the smoke and chaos, the squad moved with precision, their mission clear: to decimate the Blouet clan and leave no survivors in their wake. Blood stained the floors as bodies fell, a grim testament to the ruthlessness of their assault on the once-majestic mansion.


Hunter Blouet was sprinting inside the mansion, trying to get any children outside the Blouet mansion, but very few could be found.

As he looked inside rooms and rooms of the burning mansion, some of his clan members were trying to put out the magical fire with water magic, but there was no use as the magical fire kept on burning.

From the fire and smoke, Hunter could see a figure with black clothing and a white mask covered in blood emerge from the carnage. Hunter's eyes were full of anger as he sprinted at the figure and threw a punch, but White blocked it. Hunter went with another punch, but White dodged.

They continued this dance for a while. After some time, Hunter channeled his wind magic into his arm, creating invincible swirling blades around them. He attacked White, but as White blocked the punch, his arm was cut, and blood spilled.

Seeing the danger, White moved out of the way, and spikes of bones came out of his arm and were thrown at Hunter, who twisted his body to dodge them. As Hunter twisted in the air to avoid the spikes, White kicked him and sent him into a pillar, breaking it. As he tried to get up,

White appeared on his back with a sharp bone to stab him, but Hunter twisted quickly and blocked the bone with his arm, causing it to pierce his hand, and he let out a scream.

As Hunter screamed, White headbutted him on the head, leaving him dizzy. White channeled magic into his legs, jumped high in the sky, and performed a magic-fused kick on Hunter's head. On impact, the ground shattered.

Hunter laid on the shattered floor, and White said, 'I expected a better challenge, but mission accomplished.' Hunter slowly got up from the ground, his head had a huge gash, and blood flowed from it. Hunter let magic flow into his body as he prepared his ultimate attack. He whispered, 'Wind Armor,' and an invisible wind armor appeared around Hunter's body, allowing him to move at high speed.

White prepared to defend himself against this attack. Hunter appeared in front of him with a cocked right fist, and the punch made White fly into the mansion wall, breaking it, and then continued to fly into the forest, breaking trees, and finally breaking a huge rock before falling over. Hunter appeared in front of White's broken body, preparing to end him, but a hand grabbed his arm, draining all his magic.

Hunter looks at the figure who drained his magic and sees Wendel Graf smiling at him.

'Shocked, aren't you?' Wendel says.

Hunter couldn't believe what he is seeing. How could someone so kind and helpful be a part of such a massacre?

'Why, why?' Hunter says as his legs finally give up because of all the magic Wendel drained.

'It's pretty simple really.' He gets on his knees, looks at Hunter in his eyes, and says, 'I hate you with every fiber in my body. The sight of you nobles every day, disguised, I had to keep myself from killing you every day.'

Wendel stands up and says, 'The death of your clan will be the catalyst of the revolution.'

He smiles at Hunter with madness in his eyes. 'You will be part of history, isn't it great?' Wendel says as his bandaged arm starts to flow with wind magic and takes a shape of a sword. He swings the sword at Hunter, taking of his head.

In front of him, blue, yellow, green, and red appear, and they kneel in front of him. 'Fix up white and kill all the remaining members,' Wendel gives out orders.