

SWOOSH SMASH the lightning and thunder collide in the gray stormy air was bad. down at the lake sitting on the edge waiting for a fish to jump in the air was a bear in the rain unhappily. Then came a dot "hello" pronounced the dot. The bear was ready with a moth open to gobble the dot up he opened his mouth to catch in the dot a second before he was even able to close his mouth with the dot the dot screamed "wait!!!!" Don't eat me I just wanted to be friends you seem so cool cooler than me I am sorry if you don't want to be friends." "I am sorry said the bear I am starving I haven't seen a fish in days let me introduce myself I am Winston the bear who are you and what's your name?" "I am Lola a dot I may seem small but I am smart, quick and intelligent." "You seem nice I haven't seen a dot I thought they were extinct! from when all the humans got wiped out since the Pollution the water and also the deadly chemicals they released in the air" BANG!! the trees fell in the home of the wadawurrung animals and the extinct dodos homes.the rain HIT more intense more trees felled in a gust of lightning then came rolling down!!!