
Are We Safe Yet?

BANG!!! Lightning continued bolting to the ground and smashed the trees as they fall together. The Bear and dot yelled in fear HELP TAKE COVER!!! The ball in speed motion fell a dodo from the hill the dodo "yelled RUN!!! "The bear and the dot ran with the dodo as a thunderstorm followed there every footstep they ran and ran and ran till they reached an abandoned shack they hid in the shack in fear the thunder storm shook the shack as they hid underneath the ratted bed the thunderstorm passed the rain stopped they opened the door slightly and the blossoms where blooming the trees grow in size. The Dodo, Bear and dot all took a walk as the dodo introduced herself with a grin and laid her feathers back gently "hello I didn't mean to startle you I am Bella the dodo the last of its kind I believe." "I lost my friends and family in a plane that polluted the area." The bear replied back in a millisecond "I am so sorry Bella let me introduce myself I am Winston the Bear and this is Lola the dot."They continued walking and complimenting the wonderful unique plants and animals they pass on there peaceful walk. CLUNK-CA-CLUNK-CA-BANG-BOOM!!! A plane in the sky was breaking down in mid air releasing dangerous chemicals in the air to find a glass tub plummeting to the grass. In a reach of the ground glass shattered into pieces!

To be continued…