
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · アニメ·コミックス
581 Chs

Chapter 438 Hody Joness: So What?

The people of The Fishman Island panicked for a while when they heard that the people from the World government and Marine were on their way to The Fishman Island.

After seeing the video, what they disbelieve and dislike the most are Tenryuubito, and Cipher Pol and Marine who are dogs for the World government.

It is they who gave Tenryuubito the confidence to do whatever they wanted.

Now that Marine is coming to The Fishman Island, it's obvious that the one that will come are not good. The Tenryuubito even kill their king at will, how could they expect these guys to treat them well.

Once The Fishman Island is occupied by Marine, it will become the back garden of Tenryuubito.

They haven't forgotten the words that just entered their ears.

[What God wants must be offered with both hands]

Just now they have seen with their own eyes what it is like to fall under the control of Tenryuubito, even their king can't do anything about it, let alone anyone else.

Gotta get out of here!

They simply abandoned the idea of ​​guarding The Fishman Island.

Even a Straw Hat Pirates can suppress The Fishman Island, not to mention the World Government and Marine.

Stay here, and sooner or later become a slave to the Tenryuubito.

The only way is to get out of here.

As long as people are alive, there are countless possibilities.

After listening to Neptune's words, the people of The Fishman Island started to move, and hurriedly went home to pack up and prepare to leave the island.

They also don't care about the live broadcast and Hody Jones' attack on Ryugu Castle, and now there are more important things to do.

On the other side, Hody Jones and Fukaboshi who were fighting, as well as the New Fishman Pirates and the Neptune Army all heard Neptune's speech.

The sudden appearance of the World government and Marine really disrupted the plans of Hody Jones and the New Fishmen Pirates.

Hody Jones' face sank immediately, and he stood there in deep thought.

This is not within his expectations.

In fact, what happened today is not in his plan.

The sudden live broadcast of the QnA suddenly exposed his plan, forcing him to launch a coup and change in advance.

If there is no such exposure, even if he launched a coup and change in advance, he would have already entered the Ryugu Palace and captured Neptune, and there is no need to fight outside.

But now there are people from Marine and World government.

This has completely disrupted his plans.

He now has to admit the gap between him and the strong human beings, and the self-confidence that is pierced by the straw hat Luffy has not healed up to now.

In the face of the menacing Marine, he had no confidence to deal with it.

Now he didn't know what to do.

He wanted to seize The Fishman Island and the country, but Neptune decided to give up the island and leave here, so what's the point of him taking the island.

Everyone is gone, and it is useless for him to guard it

Hody Jones looked ugly, he found that his plans had become a mess, and his efforts over the years were now completely in vain.

The Fukaboshi on the opposite side also stopped.

He knew that Marine is on his way, and he came out to delay Hody Jones to wait for reinforcements from the World government.

However, the plans couldn't keep up with the changes, and he didn't expect the Tenryuubito to do such thing to them.

Hearing his father's words, he very much agreed with his father's choice at the moment, and now there is no better choice than leaving here.

Shirahoshi Poseidon's identity is exposed, The Fishman Island is destined to be in chais, he wanted to rely on the protection of the World government, but he did not expect Tenryuubito to treat them like this.

Fukuboshi looked at Hody Jones and said, "Hody Jones, let's stop. We don't need to fight anymore, now I have more important things to do. If you want this island, it will be yours after we leave, and you can build whatever country you want here, With five million fishmans living on the island, evacuation is a huge undertaking. And they had to finish the evacuation before the Marine arrived, so they had to hurry. There is no more time to waste "

However, Hody Jones laughed after hearing it, and just after thinking about it just now, he came up with a better choice.

"I refuse." Hody Jones sneered.

Fukaboshi frowned, "What do you want?! You should understand, Hody Jones, that it's time for the fishmans to leave. We have no time to waste on this meaningless internal friction. The most important thing to do now is to help the people transfer. If we continue to fight, there will be no good outcome."

"So what?" Hody Jones said coldly.

"What?" Fukaboshi froze for a moment.

"I said what about it, what does their life and death have to do with me?" Hody Jones's mouth twitched, "I don't care at all. More important to me than this is to defeat you. "

Fukuboshi's face suddenly sank, "What do you want to do?!"

"Hehe..." Hody Jones smiled, he rubbed his fists, "I want it all. Neptune's plan is great, but I'd like to make a small modification on this one."

"What?" Fukuboshi said solemnly.

"I have no problem with them being transferred by Noah. After all, if the king does not have civilians, then the king is meaningless. But there is one king of this country, and that is me, so you must die. Get rid of you first, and I will take them to other places to build new kingdoms. "Hody Jones laughed.

"Impossible! The public will never listen to you, and you can't control Noah..." Fukaboshi paused suddenly when he said this, he realized what Hody Jones is thinking.

Hody Jones laughed at this time: "It seems that you understand, yes, I won't kill you for the time being, I will catch you first, wait for Shirahoshi to come back, and then use you to threaten her for my use"

Hearing Hody Jones' plan, Fukaboshi's face also became solemn. Hody Jones made up his mind to fight them to the end.

There is no way, Fukuboshi can only let some people lead some people to organize the transfer of personnel, while others continue to fight against the new fish-man pirates.

Hody Jones did not stop those people from leaving, and as the new king he also needed people.

His only goal is to replace the Neptunes.

Hody Jones rushed straight to Fukaboshi, and his moves were more ferocious than before.

Knowing that Marine is on his way to The Fishman Island 0, he had to hurry.

He didn't want the World government to take advantage of it.

Sooner or later he will retake The Fishman Island and let the World Government and the Tenryuubito know what real fear is.

And this time, Fukuboshi and the others no longer have room to spare. They have no reinforcements, and the time is limited. If they can't solve the new fish-man pirate group, they have no way to leave here.

So all they can do is fight it!

Everyone felt a sense of compulsion in their hearts, whether it is the Neptune Army or the New Fishmen Pirates, so the battle became more intense.

However, Hody Jones and the cadres of the New Fishmen Pirates still did not choose to use the murderous drug.

They all know in their hearts what price they will pay for eating this, and they will never use it unless they have to.

On the other side, the people of The Fishman Island are also busy moving to Noah on Fishman District.

The transfer of millions of people has formed a mighty stream of people and streams on the seabed.

A large area of ​​darkness all walked towards Fishman District.

And Neptune still stayed in Ryugu castle and did not leave, but arranged for people to help the people transfer.

He will stay here and wait for Shirahoshi.

Shirahoshi disappeared in the tower and then appeared in the answer live broadcast, she should also be in the tower when she came back.

If he also left, what should Shirahoshi do when she comes back.

At this moment, the darkness on the screen gradually lit up.

The screen switched from video to the QnA live room.

Luke, Shirahoshi and Jinbei appeared on the screen again.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
