
Exposing One Piece with QnA

Luke gotten himsel Isekai'd to the One Piece World But instead of waking up in an island surrounded by water, or in a ship... Luke found himself in the Moon, and he was seal in the moon To be unseal Luke need to change the Canon Plot with the help of a QnA System So he expose the story of One Piece with a QnA, to try and free himself... Read ahead only on https://www.patreon.com/goldengaruda

GarudaTranslation · アニメ·コミックス
581 Chs

Chapter 289 Helping hand

If he returns to human form, he has the confidence to defeat Diamante, but his strength will be greatly reduced when he becomes a toy.

Even the big sword in his hand has turned into a small stick, without any lethality.

The man in front of him is Diamante, one of the top cadres of the Donquixote Family, and he is not confident that he could defeat him.

All he can do is to hold back the enemy and buy time for his wife and daughter to leave.

Hearing Kyros' words, Rebecca had tears in her eyes, she nodded heavily, wiped away her tears, and said:

"I will protect my mother, but you must defeat him and come and meet us, Right, Dad. "

This is the first time Kyros had heard Rebecca call him Dad after turning into a toy, and he had been waiting for these word for eight years.

Hearing Rebecca calling out to his father again, Kyros is overwhelmed with excitement.

If he is a human, that the tears could not be controlled at this moment.

But now he is a toy, which saves the time to wipe tears, and there are enemies on the opposite side.

"Yeah." Kyros said.

Scarlett felt a hint of familiarity when he saw this scene, as if the exact same scene had happened before.

But can't remember.

Diamante over there saw Kyros and the others didn't take him seriously at all, but the family are warm and touching, which made him a little angry.

Especially this Kyros even beat him in the video, making him lose face.

Diamante scoffed, "Want to run? Did you ask me? You can't run from here"

He looked at Scarlett and grinned: "When I killed you eight years ago, this toy cried so badly, that scene is really funny. I didn't expect you to be resurrected. I would love to watch it again. too bad Doffy ask me to catch you guys alive. If you're willing to surrender, you'll save me the trouble. If you still want to fight, Then don't blame me for any casualties"

Kyros took out his weapon, turned his head to Rebecca and said, "Come on!"

Rebecca took Scarlett and ran towards the back door.

Seeing this, Diamante wanted to chase after him, but was blocked by Kyros.

"Since that's the case, let's get rid of you first." Diamandi joked, "You don't think I'm the only one here this time. This place has been surrounded by my subordinate, and they can't escape. Also, I can reveal a piece of information to you. Doffy has already planned and will be waiting for you to return. Not only you, but the traitor Violet is also waiting for her due, none of you can escape. And that King Riku..."

Diamante laughed.

Diamante's words made Kyros' face change, and he took his toy sword and hit Diamante.

Seeing that Kyros rushing, Diamante is not in a hurry. He liked to play with his opponent, and gave them a fatal blow when the opponent is most desperate.

As for Rebecca and Scarlett, he is not worried, one is a 14-year-old child, and the other is a princess who is incompetent.

He is looking forward to what this toy would look like when the other catch them.

Thinking of losing to this guy who lost a leg, Diamante is very angry, he would torture this guy well, so that he could vent his anger.

On the other side, Rebecca and Scarlet kept running away, but there were too many chasing soldiers behind, and Rebecca had to protect her mother who didn't know how to fight. In addition, she is young, not the same as two years later. The undefeated princess in the D area of the arena.

Facing a large number of enemies, she is a little overwhelmed.

It didn't take long before he is surrounded by these Donquixote Family's subordinates, and she is about to be capture.

Just then, a voice came from the side.

"Aren't you ashamed that so many people bullying a mother and daughter?"

The pirates, who were thinking of catching Rebecca and Scarlet back to, heard that someone dared to make irresponsible remarks to them.

This is Dressrosa, the territory of the Donquixote Family, how dare you say such things to them, do you not want to live?

They looked in the direction of the voice, but their response in their mouths had not been uttered.

They stayed where they were.

Because they saw the face of the person who is speaking, it is very familiar, and they had seen it not long ago.

Standing there is a girl and a fishman.

They had just seen them in the broadcast video.

They are Koala and Hack of the Revolutionary Army.


Why are people from the Revolutionary Army here?

The discovery surprised them.

They know that Dressrosa is now in Lord Doflamingo's Birdcage.

When the Birdcage is active, no one can come in and no one can go out.

The presence of the revolutionary army here means that they have long come to Dressrosa.

What are they trying to do?!

Before they had time to think about it, the two people on the opposite side attacked them.

The situation is directly reversed, and these pirates were vulnerable to the attack of Koala and Hack, and they were soon wiped out.

Rebecca looked at Koala and the others in shock. She also didn't understand why the Revolutionary Army appeared here.

After the live broadcast of the QnA, Koala and Hack were in charge of looking for Kyros and the others, but because they didn't know their whereabouts, they found that there was fighting on the way, so they rushed over.

And then the found exactly what they were looking for.

But Kyros doesn't seem to be with Rebecca and Scarlett "Where's your father?" Koala asked.

Rebecca, who had recovered, quickly asked Koala: "As soon as we came back, we were surrounded by Diamante. My father stayed and fought Diamante to protect us, please go and save him. ."

Koala and Hack's faces turned solemn when they heard the words, and they hurriedly asked Rebecca to lead the way.

Although Kyros is strong when he was a human, his strength is greatly reduced when he became a toy, and he is definitely not Diamante's opponent.

Just as they were rushing home, something shocked everyone in Dressrosa happened.

Toys become human!


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
