
War Breaks Out

[Top Student's Glasses: These are ordinary silver-rimmed glasses and wearing them will make you seem slightly smarter. Yeah, just slightly. Let me tell you, these are obviously ordinary glasses that the top students use to blind their competitors!]

[Top Student's Decayed Teeth: "Yes, it's these teeth. Wuuuuu, it's this one! It almost killed me!"]

[Top Student's Dentures: "My dentures are actually poisonous teeth filled with venom! Don't force me to bite you. Lick… AHHHHHH, it's poisonous!"]

[When you gather the full set "Top Student's Glasses," "Top Student's Decayed Teeth," and "Top Student's Dentures," you will gain the special effect "Dunce Masquerading as the Top Student". Your retorting abilities will be increased by 30%, integrity score will be lowered by 30% while your Cuteness Might will be increased by 30%—System hasn't eaten my medicine yet, but I still feel cute!]