

A lonely soul in the void, who's memories a slipping away and by chance received some foreign memories and a being to guide him upon his journey, The main character Ark is The Existence, The Creator, he's a powerful being but he explore things little by little.

Sitouo · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 03

I left my floor and went outside, I tried to walk with time so it won't be going fast while I walk slowly, but it's too hard to do so I just ignored it.

I stopped outside the city and closed myself then i imagined a forest empty of humans and filled with wildlife and when i opened my eyes i was there.

I floated above the ground and thought of making a human, at first it came out somewhat different, at the second time it came complete but didn't have eyes nor a mouth.

So I tried some more and eventually I succeeded. I created a human and gave him certain abilities.

So i gave him some clothes and started teaching him basic stuff like talking, and so on. Normally i just inject stuff like that into his brain but i wanna see how it feels like to teach a child, since i have children but i didn't teach them or have i ever seen them.

I named him Ari and then I took to the ice continent that humans call 'Antarctica'. I didn't feel cold but he did so I gave him cold resistant and fire resistant abilities and I then taught him how to fly and how to fight everything I could think about.

And hey, I haven't forgot about myself, i improved a lot in using my power, i just think about stuff and they happen but i i locked changing reality stuff away and i'll unlock them if i need them.

Earth changes a lot every ten years or so, it's 2014 now, and i keep hearing some noise it's like something is digging into the planet's core but i have a feeling they won't succeed and not just a feeling i have it in my memories but i try no to think about these memories it's like they are ruining my experience here.

Ari and I traveled around, and I completely forgot about the organization creation thing, i indulged myself to teaching my child Ari here, and i'm feeling a bit proud about it.

"Father what is that?" Ari asked and I looked down, and an island different from the world and I knew what it was when I saw the more different things in it.

~Those are amazons~

I replied and went down, and when they saw us coming down from the sky, they held swords at us, and I understood how things are here, all females island.

"Why have you come here stranger?" The first to ask was a woman on a horse with golden armor.

I have no idea how to answer that~

So I left things like that, and gave her a gift.

~I give you this artifact as a gift child, and its use is you can talk with your daughter through it~

I thought about the thing and how it will look like and what it does and it materialized in the air and it floated to the amazon queen.

"Wh.." before she finishes, she finds us gone.

Yes i didn't want to stay there for long, and it's for another reason i have no idea how to interact with someone else.

We traveled the world and I grew somewhat bored. I don't know why, with so much power i couldn't find something to do.

~X is there something interesting to do?~

[Quest Received: Travel to Multiverse O-01 and entertain yourself]

[Quest Rewards: 15% control over your power and 400 verse]

~What kind of quest is that, to entertain myself?~

[...getting bored is bad, it can put you to sleep and you don't want to go back to that dark place don't you?]

~yeah you are right there~

Then I opened the multiverse database and searched for the Multiverse O-01 and selected Universe Prime and both i and Ari traveled to it, ripples appeared around us and next moment appeared in a palace with clear sky and wingmen flying around, some are just talking like anybody else.

"Your majesty you came back" one of them kneeled and said.

Then a Bang sounded in my head showing me the history here, this guy is called Michael he's an Arch-Angel the highest and this place i am in is called heaven.

~It's time for the humans to struggle~

That came out and he jumped up and said "Is it according to your plans? Your highness?"

I nearly laughed out and simply answered him ~Yes, Here Start the Flood~

His eyes nearly popped out and I left him frozen there with the artifact i materialized using my power, and left Ari in heaven while I went down to earth.

778 words.

Sitouocreators' thoughts