A lonely soul in the void, who's memories a slipping away and by chance received some foreign memories and a being to guide him upon his journey, The main character Ark is The Existence, The Creator, he's a powerful being but he explore things little by little.
You know those big trucks that scare the shit out of you when you ride a bicycle, it's like a big monster that shares the road with you and you get scared that if you take a turn it will eat you.
Well Mister those big trucks ate me today, and i opened my eyes in an endless darkness, i have no idea how long i've been here and i haven't seen any light flashing anywhere.
At first I looked around, and it seems I came here with my body but kinda different, you see my body is pure black just like this endless void.
My memories man kept slipping away, at first starting with my childhood memories then my family's faces and name and like that I got left out with my name and the idea of what's happening to me now.
Hey it's been a while, haha yeah i'm still here but something is different, my body is lighter now in color and my hair is pure black anyway i'll leave the details of my appearance at that.
Hello again, i got to tell you there is something around me, like really something is looking at me and it's huge, i think i have felt like this in the past but i don't remember when.
That feeling is still around me man, it's sca..sc...what is it again?
Nevermind, ughhhhhhhh my head it's going to explode, what is this I have never felt like this, something is going on, what is this?
Memories? No this is a little abnormal for my memories but I have no idea how I would know it's abnormal, i won't drive that way i mean i won't question myself anymore.
So much chaos in these memories, there is a big green guy lifting cars up and throwing them at another big monster ugh, green? Cars? What is that? Ohhh I said I won't question myself but I forgot.
There are a lot of abnormal things in these memories, a young girl carrying a sword and fights an armored old man, a purple guy with a gauntlet with strange stones on it and a fast lighting guy running and fighting another fast lightning guy and many more things, very strange it's like doing drugs. Huh? Drugs? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh i forgot sorry.
More memories are coming in, there is this strange one where this girl shot lightning from her hand and this thing that lights red like uh like a sword.
There are pretty ones and bad ones, more and more are flowing into my mind and a voice came with it.
[Initialization Complete]
[Please state your name]
My name is..my name..what? Don't tell me i forgot my name too, and here i thought i still remember it, well i have to start somewhere it seems!
All i can recall is what it starts with Ark.. yes that is all i can recall, and it's not so bad.
[Name Ark has been saved]
[Ark Please Ask away]
What? It can talk? Well I won't lose anything if i ask.
~What are you?~
[I am a temporary being created to guide you on your journey]
~...what journey? And who created you?~
[I am not capable of telling you to who created me, but about the 'journey' part is your Multiverse it has been a long time since the beings there have heard of their father]
~I don't understand anything you just said~
[Simply said, you're a very very strong guy and you have a place you created, and your children
are fighting each other, one side thinks it all according to your plan and the other thinks you left them]
~Hmm, but i don't remember any children or any place i created~
~Never mind i won't ask, just guide me then~
[You have access to Inventory, Multiverse Database, Shop]
~Can you explain..please~
[..Inventory is a dimension where you put staff and take them out whenever you want, and it has no limits, you can put non-living and living things inside]
[Multiverse Database is where you'll search a certain universe you wish to travel too, it include informations, and coordinations]
[Shop is an interface that displays everything you can purchase, the currency used is called 'verse' and you can earn it from completing Quests received from the system]
~ok! That's better, now what will i do to go to that Multiverse you have been talking about~
[Close your eyes and open them again, you'll find a bright blue crystal in front of you, touch it]
I listened to it and closed my eyes and when I opened them again I found the thing it called a crystal, and it was a shining blue thing.
I touched it and instantly I'm no longer in a dark place instead I'm in a place filled with color and a bright red big thing in front of me.
[Hold on to receive extra Information of where you are]
Before I finished a headache hit me again, and this time it was bad, and when it was done I now seem to know where I am and what is this place and where everything is and what everything is, and that feeling to know a lot was epic for me who has never known anything except black.
I'm currently floating in space and from my memories this in front of me is an old red star and has two planets with intelligent life on it, one is called Krypton and the other twin planet is called Daxam.
Now in front of me I'm seeing the planet cracking, and i know the reason so i just let it happen, a pod left the planet before it exploded so i stick myself to it and travel to where it goes 'earth'.