

A lonely soul in the void, who's memories a slipping away and by chance received some foreign memories and a being to guide him upon his journey, The main character Ark is The Existence, The Creator, he's a powerful being but he explore things little by little.

Sitouo · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 02

Me and the pod where baby Kal El currently sleeps in, its dragging me through space and now it opened a wormhole outside the star system and came out of another one outside the star system of earth 'sol', this pod's speed is amazing and i can't fathom what a complete krypton spaceship can do.

Now we passed Saturn and the pace was splendid, and when we entered earth's atmosphere I let go of the pod and I fell into the ocean.

I haven't found out that i can't swim till i was drowning, well you can't blame i have been in the dark for i don't know how long.

~Hello, i haven't asked you this before..but what can i call you~

[...Call me X]

~Ok then X can you teach me how to use my absolute powers?~

[It's Simple, just think about what you want to do and it will be, but you have to be careful not to erase something because it's easier than you think]

~huh, thanks i guess~

So I did just that and I was breathing and floating underwater instead of sinking, I explored the ocean a little more and saw the beauty. I also stumbled on humanoid beings that live underwater but I didn't make myself known. Instead I swam to the surface and from there I flew to the nearest island.

I first looked around and there was no one, and then I thought of some casual clothes I could pull from memories.

~X where am i?~ (A/N: ~for mc talking~ | "for others talking" | 'for others thinking' | for mc thought~)

[Find that out yourself]

Cruel, so i looked around some more and found out that this island is very small, so i flew out of it and went in a random direction.

I just move a little and i arrived above land instantly, i need to control myself more so i can feel the wind more, anyway i landed nearby near a high a building and found a person in ragged clothes sleeping there, so i put my hand on his head and closed my eyes, then i received all his memories.

And like that now i know where i am, here is Gotham city and it's year 1948 and received many more information so i just walked away from the ragged person and kept walking around like everybody else.

I tried controlling someone, and that someone took one command from me and his brain went kaboom, his intestine was blasted out in the open, I guess I really really need to learn to control my power.

Of course i didn't leave him dead on the floor, instead i used my thoughts and created a trigger for it by waving my hand and then i resurrected him and then i tried again using mind control and tried again many times over.

Till i finally got it done, so i resurrected the person and wiped his memory then i sent him on his way, as explore the city day and night flew by faster and i paid no mind to it at all cause i literally don't get tired or can i die for that matter, in here i'm basically invincible.

Days, months, years, you know I tasted multiple foods and I have to say these humans are amazing, but they have their cons too. One night I was in an alley and a guy came with a strange device and from memories I gathered around it's called a 'gun'.

He tried to rob me, when I looked at him without moving he shot me, and of course it only tingled me a little, he was afraid and begged me to spare him but instead I just waved my hand and he turned to dust.

He didn't even see it coming, I looked up because I sensed someone looking towards me, when I saw the person it was a young child so I smiled back at her and left the ally by flying out.

I landed on a high building and sat on the roof, then I started looking into the memories more clearly.

~X why do they worship a god who they think is the creator instead of me?~

[The God they worship is the creator of the multiverse, and there are many gods and many multiverses, and you are the creator of the creator of these multiverses, get it?]

~Yes i got it, so what about the children thing you told me earlier~

[You'll find out about that later]

Yes i guess i will, so i just sat in the roof for who knows how long, day and night shifting so quickly, i left the roof and went down and entered the building i sat on and went to the counter, it seems you can rent a level of this building so i controlled them to give me a ready level.

It was luxurious as humans describe it, i turned on a wide black device and a picture appeared on it, not exactly a picture but a moving one but more importantly i looked at the date and it said 2001, i have to say that was fast but i guess it's a perk of mine, time is below me.

One above all huh cool, i poured some red wine i found in the kitchen and sat there switching channels and watching anything i can find and then i got the idea of starting an organization that i'll keep with me, it's like servants that will govern everything and follow me around.

That would be cool~

935 words, a fast one!

Sitouocreators' thoughts