
Exiled Saviour

What do you do when you are summoned to a filthy corrupted world and asked to vanquish the Chaos god. Only to be disposed of for no specific reason by the very entity that you were summoned by. However it doesn't end there. After surviving you must now get stronger and help the very being that betrayed you to save this world, so that you may go home and leave this treacherous planet... Is what you want everyone to think. --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** Authors Note: Hello. This is my first time writing a Webnovel, so I'm not very experienced. However, I'm hoping that with time I can improve both my writing and novel so that this may be a more delightful read. I'm planning to make socials in the the future such as discord and what not. Also the front cover isn't mine. Alright bye.

_MYSTERY · ファンタジー
25 Chs

The Beginning

Isaac's POV

"What the fuck?" I was feeling completely disoriented, I couldn't even think straight. I couldn't help but freak out a little. "Hmm I guess the pain is making it hard for you to focus, allow me." 

As she said this, she waved her hand over my wound. And just like that, I felt a feeling of comfort, the pain that once made me wanna shout as many curses as I wanted, was completely gone. I was feeling normal, better than normal in fact. Because of my new clarity, I was able to look around and get a feel for my surroundings. 

Although, there was nothing to see. It was an endless void of white light. Apart from me and this other person, there was no other sign of life.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to get started, I don't have much time." I finally took a good look at the person who had supposedly healed my wound. And damn, she was an angel. 

I mean literally, she was an angel. She had blond hair, fair white skin, and even wings on her back, she was what you'd think of when you thought "angel". "Well that's to be expected since I've projected myself in a form you're comfortable with and will trust." She said in her typical soft voice

Huh? What just happened? Did she just read my… "Mind. Yes, I did." She answered him. At this point, I was at a complete loss for words. "I see that you're confused, allow me to explain."

"My name is Order, and I have summoned you to my world, to fight for it. I know this is quite unethical, taking you from your home and asking you to fight for a world you know nothing about, and I'm sorry. However, this was truly a last resort and I wouldn't summon it if it weren't necessary." At this point it was all making sense, it was crazy and hard to believe, but I was starting to understand. 

She continued "My world is dying. The other half of me, or my brother if you please, has corrupted the world with his evil and his destruction. I barely have any influence in the world, therefore I'm unable to stop him. It's too late." 

She probably read my mind again as she answered the question I was asking. "You see, our power relies on mortals. The more people believe and or worship me, the stronger I become. When I say I barely have any influence in the world, it means fewer and fewer people believe in what I stand for, therefore making me weaker."

"Whereas my brother is constantly getting stronger as the days pass. The more I sit around and do nothing, the stronger my brother gets and the closer the world comes to being his. Forever." She explained, almost as if she was sobbing.

"I might as well speak out loud since you'll just mind-rape me anyway. But why me, there are billions of people on Earth, why did you have to kidnap me?" I mean I wasn't complaining, my life was boring, I didn't have anything I held dear, sure I had my family, but as long as I knew they were safe that was enough for me. "Because I can sense a great amount of potential in you, I can tell you are destined for greatness. 

Allow me to explain this world to you."Instantly I felt the scenery change, like a sideway transition. We went from white nothingness to a clear blue sky with buildings and people below us. It wasn't a modern-day town, more like a 16th-century type of place. 

The buildings were quite bland, with 2 stories, a couple of windows, a roof and a door. Nothing spectacular, it was just a house. There were a lot of them all built to touch each other. The roads were made of cobblestone, again not very interesting. It was all in all just a boring town where nothing caught the eye.

"This is a small town in the Sapia kingdom. As you can tell there's nothing much to see here. This is how life is in this town today." She said as she pointed to what looked like a couple of homeless, street kids pickpocketing, scamming and even outright grabbing goods and making a run for it. 

But this wasn't terrible, I mean pickpocketing was something of the norm, even on Earth. "You're right, this is just the tip of the iceberg." She said as she waved her hand transitioning into another scene. It was the same street, only what I was assuming was another day. This time you could see two men arguing about something. 

The two men were accompanied by what was most likely a friend of theirs each. The two men ended up brawling on the street, with their respective partners joining in. It turned into a full-on street brawl.

Although, again, this wasn't that crazy, It was just some guy disagreeing, it happens. "You're right again, this isn't that much of a big deal, it's just an altercation in which both parties were in the wrong." She agreed again. 

"Hey, you mind cutting that out…" Before he could finish his sentence he transitioned again to the same street, most likely on a different day. This time it was an altercation between a mother, with her daughter and a fat man, most likely a businessman, and he dressed and acted as though he was better than everyone else. 

"As you can tell the businessman here is upset because the child spilled a beverage onto his garments. He is demanding the mother to compensate him for this "injury". Insinuating she should have sexual interco…" before she could finish she got a "Yeah yeah yeah. I got it. Carry on" He said, trying not to think about such an act. 

She carried on, transition after transition, at one point I was getting annoyed. It was all the same thing, different days of different people being assholes. Eventually, after what seemed like hundreds of transitions, we went back to the endless white void. 

The angel stared at me as if she was waiting for me to say something. "What? You showed me what was most likely just a year of conflict, although a bit much for a year, it's not exactly the kinda problem you might wanna bother with other people from different worlds." I said, being a bit agitated. The angel just gave him a soft giggle. It would have been kinda cute if he weren't so pissed off right now.

He was summoned to another world because the biggest problem they have in a year is attempted rape. That shit is a regular where I'm from. "Look, I get it…" I tried to explain before I was interrupted. "No, see you don't get it. A year's events? A year? All these events that I showed you occurred in one day." 

To this, I widened my eyes in shock. That's not possible. How can a world be so fucked up? So much hate, so much violence, it's hard to believe these people are even human. As I was beginning to understand she continued. "See now you're starting to see why we need you. What I mean when I say I do not influence the world, is there is no more order, no more balance. 

Even the most basic human emotion associated with me is starting to diminish. Happiness, kindness, empathy and even guilt. They're on the verge of being stripped from these humans. And when that happens, I'm afraid it'll be too late." She explained 

"So what do you want me to do about it? If you and this other dude are like the Goss of this world, what am I, a mere 18-year-old human, supposed to do about it." He questioned. "All I need you to do is represent me. Me, Order. My brother, or Chaos, has followers and minions in the world, even some like you, from Earth. 

They influence Chaos's name. All you need to do is get rid of the cult and bring back the goodness in people's hearts. Simple." She said enthusiastically. Yeah, 'Simple' my left testicle. How the fuck am I supposed to do that. "Don't be discouraged, young one. All you need to do is grow in strength and sorcery, so that you may be able to fight the cult head-on."

"And don't fret. You shall not be alone in this quest. You will have your friends… well the closest thing you have to friends, with you on this journey. Also, so that you can better track your progress and have a smoother understanding of your 'abilities', I've implanted a sort of system to help you with that" She said cheerfully, almost like those anime girls who try to act too cute, but you end up wanting to punch them in the face.

I had so many questions, specifically sorcery and system-oriented, but I had to ask "Who are my friends?" To which she replied, "Well, it's no secret you didn't have very many friends on earth or any for that matter." She pointed out, also stopping that awful voice. 

Probably reading my mind and knowing I found it annoying. "So I got the closest thing to what you called friends." She continued. At this point, I put two and two together and noticed what she was talking about. Before I could say anything I noticed her face become considerably more serious. She stared at me for a noticeable amount of time. Before I could ask what was going on she spoke. 

"It seems I have made a grave mistake." She said, looking disappointed. Before I could ask she cut me off again. "It seems I've made a grave mistake in bringing you here. I was foolish and didn't thoroughly check your soul."

Before she could read my mind I blurted out what I was thinking. "What are you talking about, how could you make a mistake? I thought you were a god" I said, giving her a 'Are you high' look. "Yes, however, because my power is so weak right now, I failed to notice everything about you."

"You seem to have a peculiar darkness inside you. I can't fully explain it. I believe releasing you into the world will have the opposite effect I'm looking for. If I release you, you might be the final nudge humanity needs to fall into complete darkness. Therefore, I apologise." She explained sincerely.

Alright, I guess. I mean, I wasn't too invested in the possibility of dying and fighting for a world I don't even live in.  "That's fine I guess. Just send me back." I said, slightly disappointed he wouldn't be able to throw fireballs. "That's the thing. I can't." She said while closing her eyes and her eyebrows scrunched together. To this sentence, my heart sank. 

"What do you mean you can't? Send me back! What kinda god are you?!" I said, slightly freaking out. "I am truly sorry, young one. If I could, I would. However, I barely had enough power to bring you and your friends here. And because I can't send you back and I also can't set you free in my world…" She couldn't finish the sentence, perhaps feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry, young one. But I cannot allow you to live." She said, raising her hand at me, preparing to do something. I started to step back, knowing nothing good was coming. Looking around I tried to look for a way to escape. But I saw nothing but the endless void. 

I stared at her, knowing there was no way out of this situation. I had just accepted my fate. I looked at her eyes to see them widen as if she was about to cry. She lowered her hand and looked at the ground below.

"I'm sorry. I can't do it. I don't have the stomach to kill an innocent boy, for my mistake, while also looking him in his eyes." She said as she held her chest. Wait, am I going to live?

"No, you aren't. I'm going to send you to my world. One of the deepest forests, where the beasts will finish you." She said moving her hands. To this, I looked at her blankly. Coward. Coward! COWARD!! 

As the "magic" started to create strong gusts under my feet, my clothes and hair started to get blown away.

As she turned to leave, I felt a sudden surge of anger and frustration. Without thinking, I screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice somehow echoing in the endless white void.

"COWARD!" I shouted, my eyes blazing with fury. "You don't even have the balls to kill me yourself! Some god you are! You can't even fix your own mistakes!" 

I could see the surprise and fear in her eyes as I continued, my words ringing out like thunder. "Mark my words you bitch! I won't stop! I won't die! I'll live, I'll rise to the top, and when I do, I'm coming straight for you! You hear me? I won't stop until you're dead at my feet, in the most gruesome way possible!"

My heart was pounding in my chest as I spoke, my fist clenched at my sides. "So send me anywhere, it doesn't matter! I'll come back and show you this 'darkness' you're so afraid of! Mark my words, you bitch. MARK MY WORDS!" 

With a final, defiant scream, I vanished into nothingness, leaving behind only the sound of my echoing voice. The endless void was silent once more, but the memory of my words hung in the air like a curse, a promise of vengeance yet to be fulfilled.