
Exiled Saviour

What do you do when you are summoned to a filthy corrupted world and asked to vanquish the Chaos god. Only to be disposed of for no specific reason by the very entity that you were summoned by. However it doesn't end there. After surviving you must now get stronger and help the very being that betrayed you to save this world, so that you may go home and leave this treacherous planet... Is what you want everyone to think. --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** --- *** Authors Note: Hello. This is my first time writing a Webnovel, so I'm not very experienced. However, I'm hoping that with time I can improve both my writing and novel so that this may be a more delightful read. I'm planning to make socials in the the future such as discord and what not. Also the front cover isn't mine. Alright bye.

_MYSTERY · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Heroes or Cowards?

3rd person POV:

A bunch of kids, of varying ages, were currently looking around in confusion as they had just turned up in a place they had never seen before. Whispers and voices filled the area within minutes, as some of these kids seemed to know each other. 

It went on like this for a while before one of the kids stepped up, acting as a leader of sorts. "Alright, guys let's quiet down. Does anyone know where we are or how we got here?" He shouted so that everyone could hear him. 

The area was then filled with "no'' and people shaking their heads. After a minute or two, people started to recognise this guy. He was the aspiring newtuber who created the biscord server Isaac was in. When they noticed him, they started to make their way to him, some knew him and some didn't. 

Either way, the man became a beacon. Although he didn't seem to be disliking the attention it was quite the opposite. He loved it. As people shoved each other to try and get to him, someone shouted "I'm a part of your biscord server!" "Yeah I am too, so what?" "I was a high-ranking member of the server." Immediately the area was filled with people shouting, trying to get his attention. Some even lied, saying they were high-ranking members.

Then a person who he seemed to know whispers something in his ear. "Alright, guys. Can we get a bit quiet, please?" As they started to quiet down, curious about the announcement, he continued. 

"Raise your hand if you were a part of my biscord server." To this, everyone raised their hand, proving his friend's theory correct. This was Aaron. He was the owner of the server, an aspiring newtuber and also the guy playing leader right now. 

He was quite bulky for his age, coming in at about 80 kg. He also had a small moustache and beard. It was hard to believe he was only 17.

Before he could carry on, he saw everyone looking behind him in shock. As if they had just seen a ghost. He turned around to see a female with beautiful skin and luscious blond hair. What was most surprising to them were the giant white wings on her. 

"Hello, young ones. My name is Order and I have summoned you heroes to fight for my world." She couldn't drag this out for too long. Because she spent so much time and power on Isaac, she was running low. "My world is being corrupted by my other evil half. Chaos. He has plunged the world into destruction and mayhem."

"Because I cannot interfere with the human realm, and also because I cannot defeat chaos as I am right now. I need you to work to destroy his cult and the influence he has on the world. And also to remind people of the goodness inside them."

"Then I will be strong enough to take your heroes back to your world." Most of them looked sceptical at the thought. For those who could comprehend what she was saying, they didn't want to risk their lives for a world that had nothing to do with them. "We'll do it!" Exclaimed Aaron. Silence filled the area. Everyone just stared at him. 

"Wait, can I ask a question, please?" A boy no older than Isaac, spoke up, to which Order nodded politely.  "You said after we do all these things, THEN you will have the power to send us home. Does that mean you can't send us back right now, and that we have no choice in the matter?" He pointed out. 

The others were curious about this question too after hearing it. "That's very observant of you. Yes, that is correct." She admitted. "Although I am not happy about this, I had no other choice, if I did you young ones wouldn't be here." She explained after a pause.

"Alright, I guess there's nothing that can be done about it now. Thank you for answering my question." He said, stepping back into the crowd. This was Luca. He was recently 18 and is about the same height as Isaac. 

He was quite a good-looking person. With messy blond hair that suited him, and fair white skin.

Seeing that they had no choice and that they wouldn't be alone, they followed Aaron's enthusiasm and started to become more willing.

Order then carried on. "Alright, young ones, I don't have much power left therefore I will be sending you away now. I will be setting you up in a small mansion in the middle of nowhere."

"You will have food for the first couple of months and clothes for each of you. However, this food will run out, therefore you need to learn to hunt for yourselves." To this, there were a few that looked a bit overwhelmed and scared even.

"While there, you will need to train to get stronger and eventually make your way to civilisation." To be honest, she didn't have the utmost faith in them, I mean they were only there to support Isaac, and become his army. However, since he's gone, this is the best she had. 

Although they weren't the most talented and didn't have the most potential, some could surprise her, and that could go far. She also didn't sense any "darkness" or anything of the sort, as she chose to check very thoroughly, for the most part, they were all pure-hearted. 

"Alright, young ones, I wish you the best of luck in your adventure." She said, sliding her hand in the air. As a small storm of Wind started to blow below them.

"Wait before we leave, is it just us, should we expect to see anyone else there?" Aaron shouted amid the strong gusts and everyone's excitement. After a slight pause, Order looked at him and said "Nope, there's nobody else." And just like that, they vanished.

They woke up to a bright sun on their face. It was the sunrise of this planet. From what one could see, this planet wasn't that much different from Earth, the grass was green, the sky was blue, the sun was yellow and the clouds were white. They were atop a hill, surrounded by an endless forest of trees and such,  as far as the eye could see. 

Who knew what kind of creatures lurked? They all started to wake up around the same time and when they looked up, they saw a small mansion that they assumed was going to be their new home. 

It didn't look super fancy. It was quite generic. The colour was just common light brown, there were a couple of windows and the front door was disproportionate to the house as it was a normal small door, on a mansion. It didn't fit. 

They quickly made it inside as it was a bit cold and none of them had any proper clothes on. Making their way into the house, they were instantly met with a large living room, which had a decent amount of furniture. To their left, they saw a door that led to what looked like a second living room. As they continued to walk they saw a door in the far left corner, leading to a dining room and kitchen. 

As some people walked into the second living room they also found the stairs leading to the second story to their right. This was where all the bedrooms and toilets were located. They also found stairs that looked to be leading to a basement. 

Walking down it, they found a strange room filled with weapons. Very quickly before they were settled in, Aaron, the aspiring newtuber, decided to give a speech. "Alright guys, I know we've been through a lot in the last 2 hours. 

But let's try to sort things out. If we're going to be living together we need structure. I suggest we implement the same hierarchy we had in the biscord server, as that is something we are all familiar with." 

To the people with brains, they knew what was going on here. This guy just wanted a position of power. He was just trying to control everything. That was an immediate red flag. Seeing that some were reluctant, Aaron came up with an idea. "Alright, to make it fair, how about we vote on it."

"To all those in favour of the biscord hierarchy being set in place, raise your hand." He said with a proud look. All the people in a position of power on the biscord server raised their hands. 

Also some others. As Aaron eyed everyone, he noticed more and more raise their hand out of peer pressure, and the rest who were left, were the smart ones who didn't want to be targeted, so they raised their hands too. Soon every single person had their hand in the air. "Great. See, fair." Said Aaron whilst some were thinking "Fair my foot".

After this, they were allowed to wander the mansion and explore. They explored the kitchen, the pantry, which was full of food that would last them a couple of months just like Order said, multiple toilets, countless rooms, 2 living rooms, a medical room full of first aid and even an armoury full of weapons. 

It was quite resourceful. And so they spent the rest of the day getting settled in. Aaron made another announcement to which he designated people with different jobs, such as Cook and cleaner. This person wouldn't fight and would just do housework. Guard, this person would make sure no one took weapons they pleased and that they were all accounted for. 

He would also make sure the pantry wasn't raided so nonchalantly whenever someone was hungry. They needed that food to last. And some other jobs similar to those were given out. However, most of them were fighters, who would help hunt. Then they decided to go out the next day and look around, to get a feel of the forest. And so they prepared the rest of the day, choosing what weapon and armour they were going to use and packing for the trip.

They all got a good night's sleep and left the next morning. Their expedition team was full of life, bustling with excitement. They were a bit too overconfident for a bunch of people who had never hunted anything in their lives and didn't even know what they were hunting. 

They wandered deeper and deeper into the forest with no precautions whatsoever. One person got bored and decided to yell "HEY ANIMALS, WHERE ARE YOU?! WE'RE HERE TO HUNT YOU AND TAKE YOUR MEAT." He shouted as he laughed. "Hey keep it down, we don't know what's out there" whispered Luca. 

"Oh, who cares nothing is here anyway…"  as he was about to finish his sentence some type of wolf creature leapt at him and chomped half his head off with one bite.

The others looked at this scene with complete horror, before most of them started dropping their weapons and running for their lives. "STAY IN FORMATION!!" Yelled Aaron, but no one was listening, they were all terrified. The ones who didn't run faced off against the wolf-like creature. 

There were only about 10 of them there and they had started the expedition with 30 people. The wolf-like creature eyed them, he stared at them almost hysterically, as if he was licking his lips. Luca stared at it with his longsword, preparing for that lunge at any point. And when it did he went for a slash, swinging down. 

However, the wolf-like creature was too fast as it easily dodged it and clawed at Luca. Thankfully he was wearing armour, so he wasn't damaged much.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Aaron went to slash at the wolfish creature with his sword. Again, it was too fast as it easily dodged and this time prepared to bite at Aaron's head. 

Luca then jumped in and plunged his sword into the side of the wolf, seeing that this wasn't enough he shouted "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE, KILL IT!!" Hearing this, the rest of them came out of their trance and ran at the wolf with their weapon pointing at it. As they all stabbed the wolf, its yelps of pain became more and more quiet, and in the end, it died. 

They still stood there, a bit shocked at what just happened, they had been so naive and calm this whole time, that wasn't even a wolf, that was some kind of mutant. Only now did they truly understand the weight of what Order was asking from them. And their hearts sank. 

As they carried themselves off the floor and quickly got out of the forest the way they came in since they were scared more would come. And just like that the "heroes", lost more than half their forces in a day, as the ones who ran, never came back.