

After being cheated on by her husband, Zhu Biyu agrees to sign the divorce papers and leaves the marriage. But one night with that man seemed to have resulted in a baby, and with the help of her family, she escaped overseas to train her child and build her life back. Five years later, she's back with her genius son. Only, why was this man trying to win her back? Devoted assistant: "President Ye, Madam has been spotted with another woman" Ye Yating: Have the man's eyes unable to see her again. Zhu Biyu: There's nothing between us anymore, let's stay in our separate ways. Ye Yating: I have let you go once, this time, I'm tying you to my side! Lan Lan: Daddy, Hurry, Mommy is being courted again!!

Floatingyueshen · 都市
17 Chs

I Am Going To Have This Baby

Zhu Biyu's eyes fell wide open when she heard this. Pregnant.

She never expected that she'd be pregnant. 

She wanted to get a divorce from Ye Yating and get a clean break from him so that he would not have anything to do with her anymore. But if she was pregnant....it changed a lot of things. 

That night, when the both of them slept together, he didn't use protection because he was drunk, and the next day, she didn't think about getting the morning-after pills. She figured there was a chance for them to salvage their relationship since they slept together. 

She was now pregnant....what was she going to do? 

"You are a one-month pregnant young lady. How could you not know this?" The doctor scolded on, not reading the mood.

Zhu Biyu bowed her head in shame. "I had no idea...I haven't been in a good place lately....." She said to the doctor. 

The doctor squinted his eyes. He looked at the man beside her and then Zhu Biyu, who had a worried look on his face. 

They seemed like they were not happy about the baby. 'Aissh, these kids of nowadays.' He just shook his head at this. He had seen too many cases of this and was used to it. 

"If you're not ready for a baby, you should use protection. What's the big deal about that?" The doctor muttered under his breath. 

"Are you planning on keeping the baby miss? If you don't want to, you can book an appointment with the nurse." the doctor advised. 

"No! I want this baby!" She said while holding her stomach possessively. 

She had just gotten out of her marriage with Ye Yating and had no idea how she was supposed to chase her dreams, but she did not want to get rid of her child. 

She was going to keep her baby. 

As for Ye Yating, he could go to hell. She was never going to tell him about the baby. It was hers. Completely hers! 

The doctor smiled at her decision.

"In that case, you should register for prenatal care and ensure you come for every appointment," The doctor advised before walking out of the room. 

Zhu Tian paced around the room when he heard this. He was agitated. He had just found his sister and he was going to treat her like the princess she was but he found out that she was pregnant. He was so mad that he wanted to go over to Ye Yating and give him a few punches. 

He could even imagine his mom and dad's expressions if they knew their princess was going through such hardships. 

How dare he get his sister pregnant and then abandon her?! Who did he think he was?!.

Zhu Biyu shivered when she saw Zhu Tian pacing up and down. She thought that he was mad at her for getting pregnant with a man who did not even want her.

"Zhu Tian...." She called out softly. 

"Is it Ye Yating's?" Zhu Tian asked coldly.

Zhu Biyu nodded her head weakly. "Yes"

"Fuck! How dare he do this to you?! If he didn't want you, why did he get you pregnant? Who the hell does he think he is?!" Zhu Tian asked angrily. 

"Are....are you mad at me?" Zhu Biyu asked softly. 

Zhu Tian turned to look at her. "What?" 

"Are you mad at me? I got pregnant by a man who doesn't even want me. I am so stupid...I actually thought that I would be able to fix our marriage because we spent a night together...and now, I even want to keep the baby....you must think that I am foolish, right?" Zhu Biyu asked her brother. 

"Of course not! I am not mad at you, Xiao Yu. I am mad at that bastard, Ye Yating! He is not a man at all! How dare he get married to you and not take care of you?! He even asked for a divorce after he got you pregnant? I want to make him suffer!" Zhu Tian threatened. 

Zhu Biyu shook her head. "Don't do it. Ye Yating....he's not worth it. I just want to be away from him. My baby and I.....I don't want to have anything to do with him!" Zhu Biyu said. 

She had exhausted all her love for him in the past few days. She finally opened her eyes and saw that she was just foolish for pining over someone who would never give her a second look. 

Someone who was in love with someone else.

Zhu Tian looked at Zhu Biyu. 

"Are you sure that you want to keep this baby? Zhu Biyu, you're just twenty-one. If you have a baby, you are going to have a lot of responsibilities. Are you sure that you want to, if you don't think that you can....." 

Zhu Biyu knew what her brother was going to suggest, and she shook her head vehemently.

"No, I don't want that! I am going to have this baby! " She said. 

"But it's Ye Yating's baby! Don't forget what he's done to you!" Zhu Tian. There was no one he hated more than Ye Yating at that moment. 

"My baby has nothing to do with Ye Yating. It's mine and mine alone. I am going to raise my baby myself!" Zhu Biyu said determinedly. 

She did not mind how difficult it was going to be. The baby was hers to raise, and she was going to give it all her life. 

Zhu Tian nodded his head. "Fine. You should do that. The baby will be a part of the Zhu family. It has nothing to do with Ye Yating or the Ye family," Zhu Tian said. 

The resources were not the problem as their Zhu family could raise ten babies if needed.

Zhu Biyu smiled. She felt delighted to have an older brother who was willing to do anything for her and help her. 

She had never had anyone support her so unconditionally before. So this was what it felt like to have a family by her side. 

"Zhu Tian....can you not ...tell anyone else about this first?"