
Ex-Hero Living With Monsters

After being sent away by the King our now Ex-Hero sets out to live his life however he wants with his monster companions.

DeadLibrarian · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Dungeons and Slime

We made it to the town that I learned was named Snake's Canyon. I found the name peculiar, so I asked why it was named that and the answer I got left me with a few questions.

"Well, it's because it was built where the Snake Canyon Dungeon appeared over twenty years ago." Mike said though he seemed to realize I probably didn't know what a dungeon was, so he kept talking.

"As for what a dungeon is, they're monster filled portals that form at random overnight. Once formed a large pillar shoots up into the sky for twenty-four hours, the color of which symbolizes the strength of the dungeon.

If they're not dealt with within a month, then there are dungeon breaks where the thousands of monsters that appeared within the dungeon come to the surface and begin killing everything in their path.

The Snake's Canyon was only a yellow rank Dungeon, so it was taken care of quickly. As for why it was called Snake's Canyon its cause the terrain within the dungeon was a giant canyon and there were only snake monsters within."

Was what he said though that just created more questions. According to him they appeared at random but there had to be more to it than that. Also, what were they really? I remember reading some novels where monster filled portals appeared all over the world that was another dimension invading them. Was it the same here but then why were the monsters that appeared within the dungeons monsters that were also found on the continent?

I decided to get my mind off this topic at least until I saw one for myself though from what he said there was only one or two white colored dungeons per year while yellow dungeons appeared with decades in between. Then there were green dungeons with only three recorded in the continents history that stretched for over a thousand years.

Reaching the town Mike told me we would be leaving tonight. He also asked me to help load their things into the carriage once it was night so we could be long gone before anybody noticed. I agreed though what I wanted was to find a monster I could defeat so I could finally make use of my skill.

"Any monsters near the town? The only monsters you'll find near here are slimes and the occasional Iron-back boar. The slimes are found near the lake north of town while the boars are within the forest. Other than that, you'll only find normal critters around these parts.

Though you should still be careful as there have been sightings of shadow leopards within the woods while the lake and the slimes are poisonous."

He said seriously emphasizing on being careful. I get a small smile knowing that after travelling together for over a week made us something close to friends. He was even a quiet type, so he wasn't always babbling away for nothing.

Stopping the carriage in front of his house ignoring all the stares we were receiving from the other towns people he led me inside.

"May I'm back." He yells out once we're inside his house. We didn't have to wait as footsteps were soon heard coming from within the house.

Looking at the hallway I see a woman in her mid-twenties walking towards us. She could be used as the definition of what a housewife looked like in mid-evil times.

She smiled at her husband but paused when she saw me. Sending a look at Mike, she saw him nod before greeting me.

"Hello I'm May, Mikes wife. Who might you be?" She asks with a smile though I can tell its strained. I'm liking this family more and more.

"Hello, I'm Martin and I'll be accompanying your family on their trip to the forest." I say with a small smile.

She seemed stunned before turning to Mike with a confused and concerned look on her face.

"He's right. It was thanks to him I could get the carriage out of the castle as soon as I did. We'll be leaving tonight so get everything packed up."

Hearing Mike confirm my statement she seems a bit more relaxed though still apprehensive. Ignoring her I turn to Mike and tell him I'll be going to the lake.

He gives me directions once more before telling me to be extra careful, so I don't get turned into a puddle.

While leaving he tells me to be back before night fall. Nodding I leave their house while looking forwards to finally getting to use my skill.

Once the young man was gone, I turn to my husband and ask him to explain why we would be accompanied by a stranger.

"You know how the king kept on yelling about summoning heroes to help in his war?" I nod since it would be weird to find someone on the continent that wouldn't know rather than someone who did.

Months before they were summoned the king placed posters in ever town and city along with people preaching about how we were guaranteed to win with the help of the heroes.

"He's one of them. From what I was told he was a failed summon they wanted me to dump in the mountains. He seemed like a nice kid, so I brought him with me. The thing is I don't believe he's a failed summon. He didn't notice but, on the way here, there were some monsters along the road but the moment they saw him they ran away. What I think is that he's either strong enough or has a skill with a high enough tier to not be detected by those stuck-up mages in the castle."

Hearing what he said I couldn't help but be stunned. He was able to get past the identification magic of the country's strongest mages.

Nodding I let out a breath knowing that our trip to the Dark Forest would be much safer if he's with us.

Walking along the path leading out of town there are people giving me strange looks. I would prefer they didn't but seeing as I'm still wearing my modern-day clothes it can't be helped. I would have to change them soon if I wanted to stop drawing so much attention to myself. Looking at my clothes I'm at least glad they're still clean thanks to Mike.

There is apparently chore magic in this world that isn't really counted as magic. It's simple things that allow one to clean their clothes, collect dust and so on. Almost anyone can learn it since everyone has some level of mana inside them.

Though that's as far an many people go with magic. From what I learned on the way here classes are pre-assigned when one reaches the age of five.

For instance, some get the magic-apprentice or sword-apprentice class. This shows they have talent in that field and are usually taken as students by those of that corresponding class.

Still there is probably only one in a hundred people who get a class that isn't commoner. Even nobility awaken the commoner class only to get them changed into the noble class after they're acknowledged as such by their parents who are already nobles.

The same can happen with the merchant class. One just needs to be taken under the wing of someone with the merchant class for theirs to change into Merchant's Apprentice.

As for why mages are seen as the top of the food chain it's cause out of those that awaken a special class only one in a hundred of them awaken a magic related class.

I believe that one can awaken a class such as magic apprentice even if they started out as a commoner. If one can get a class change from commoner to noble or even royalty, then why can't they get Magic Apprentice.

As for why this hasn't been discovered I'd attribute it to the current mages keeping those in high places that have realized it quiet.

For instance, 'help my child become a mage and not only will I pay you a lot of money, but I will also help keep it secret.'

Yeah, I can see that happening with the royals and nobles. They do have the ability to think for themselves and anything that can always places themselves first.

Looking at the buildings I see that they all look somewhat similar. They're all one storied apart from the businesses such as the inn an all seem to be made from wood. There's no glass only wooden boards nailed together to fill the windows while the roads were all made of compact dirt. Now that I think about it, I didn't even see glass during my time in the castle.

While walking I did see a few people dressed ready for combat, but it was mostly hunters from what I could tell with a few that looked like the book definition of adventurer from my world.

Once outside the town I make my way towards the lake. It takes me about half an hour to reach it on foot.

From a distance I see the lake with its beautiful emerald like liquid.

Meanwhile all around it are small emerald-colored blobs bouncing around while some are inside the lake swimming.

Pausing I look around for a tree with a decently thick branch I could reach. I see one that's a few minutes' walk away.

All the other trees in these plains are either huge or too small. Some were the size of those sold during the month of December back in my world.

Reaching the tree, I grab hold of the branch and begin pulling. It takes a minute before I hear small cracking sounds. Giving it a few more powerful pulls a loud crack reverberated throughout the area and I now have a large stick in hand.

Removing the smaller branches that sprouted from it while walking towards the lake I look up into the sky.

I give myself around three hours before I would need to start heading back, can't have them waiting or worse leave without me.

Standing a dozen or so meters from the lake I look around trying to find a slime that's furthest from the others. It takes me a few minutes before I see one hop further away from the lake. Moving to intercept it I crouch with the branch in hand ready to use it like a bat.

Once it was close enough, I swing connecting and sending the slime a few meters further from the lake.

Quickly following it I start smashing down on the momentarily stummed slime. While hitting it I notice two things. One the branch in my hand is slowly being corroded and the other is the marble sized spere within the slime.

Havin read enough novels in my past life to know the marbles is its core I take aim and smash down on it. Connecting the core shatters into many little pieces causing the slime to stop moving.

Wasting no time, I think 'use Integration' and I receive a prompt asking me if I wanted to integrate with 'Acid Slime LV 3'. Smiling I confirm and the body of the slime in front of me disappears.

Hearing a ding I open my status screen and smile at the changes.

[Name - Martin]

[Race - Human]

[Level - 3/3]

[Class - None]


HP - 20/20

MP - 20/20

Strength - 10

Agility - 10

Endurance - 10

Mind - 10

Will - 10

Luck - 10



SS Tier

LV 1

Allows the user to integrate monsters they've killed gaining their skills, racial traits, while your level matches that of your highest leveled monster. Can control the evolutionary path of your monsters.

1/1 Integrations

Can integrate 1 aspect per monster]


[Acid Slime LV – 3 'Please choose 1 aspect to Integrate']

Skill Points - 2

Stat Points - 4

Selecting on Acid Slime its Status appear before me.

[Name - None]

[Race – Acid Slime]

[Level - 3/15]

[Class – N/A]


HP – 1/1

MP – 4/4

Strength - 4

Agility - 6

Endurance – N/A

Mind - 2

Will – 2

Luck - 2


[Acid Shot

D Tier

LV 3

Allows the user to shoot a blob of corrosive Acid at their target.]

[Racial Traits]


A Tier

Foregoes the need for a physical body and instead houses their soul within a core. So long as the core remains the being will never die.]

[Liquid Body

A Tier

The being's body is liquid rather than the standard solid. This means any mutilation done is not permanent as the being can reform their body so long as they have access to liquid.]

[Acid Body

B Tier

The being's body is no different from acid. From their blood to their sweat it is all acid. Grants full immunity to acid.]

Looking at its stats I can't help but do a double take. This little level –3 slime had two A – Tier traits and a B – Tier. As for its singular health point caused by its Core skill, I think it's worth it.

Just imagine a giant dragon with the core trait. It wouldn't die no matter its injuries and given the size of its body I doubt it'd be easy to find its core. I wish good luck to whoever has to fight such a monster.

Re-reading though the descriptions I quickly decide on what to pick.

Suggestions on how to improve my writting are appreciated.

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