
Ex-Hero Living With Monsters

After being sent away by the King our now Ex-Hero sets out to live his life however he wants with his monster companions.

DeadLibrarian · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Summoned Heroes

Looking over at my two classmates I can't help but get annoyed. They for some reason decided to stay in the classroom during lunch to talk about whatever crosses their minds.

Honestly, I'm probably being unreasonable since they are just talking but with lunch time being the only time of day, I can have some peace and quiet to just think I find my feelings justified.

Looking back outside the window I try my best to tune them out but that's when I notice some flashing purple light coming from behind me. Turning around to see what's causing the light I pause at seeing the large circle on the ground with many intricate designs within glowing with an ethereal purple. Looking at my classmates faces I see them just as baffled while looking at me.

We didn't have time to think as moments later there's a bright flash and the three of us disappear from the classroom with the only proof that we were there being our pulled-out chairs.

Landing on the ground with a thud I open my eyes to see what's going on only to for the second time today to pause. I seem to be inside a throne room given the obese man sitting on a throne with a large crown on his head that's decorated with many different precious gems.

Looking to his left I see a smaller throne with a woman on it. She's wearing expensive looking clothes with a lot of jewelry. I can see pearl necklace along with a large golden with a pendant that's just one large purple gem. There are rings on each of her fingers and she has earrings covered in many small diamonds.

I can only assume she's the queen while to her left there is a younger version of her. The princess seems to be a bit younger than us so I would say sixteen at most. She much like her mother is covered in expensive looking clothing with jewelry present wherever it can be placed.

Turning back to the king I see that he too has a ring on every one of his fingers and a scepter that looks about a meter tall. The scepter has nine glowing gems held in the mouth of some beast on its top.

Hearing someone talking I put these details to the back of my head to focus and hopefully get some answers.

"Welcome young heroes to the kingdom of Trish. It is a great honor to meet you and we can only hope that you will be willing to help our poor kingdom with our troubles." Said the king though as someone that often speaks bs left and right I can just as easily spot it. For one the queen and princess look uninterested as if us being here means nothing while how they're dressed means this kingdom is anything but poor or they're horrible rulers.

"Can you please elaborate so we can know what exactly is going on." Said James from my right. Looking over I can see that both him and Kattie have their heads slightly raised from the bs that king said. Internally sighing at having been placed into this situation with these two attention whores I focus on the king hoping some of my questions will be answered.

"Of course, I am King Eric, and this is my queen Elena and our daughter Mary. I rule over the peaceful Kingdom of Trish as my ancestors have. Though recently news has reached me that the demi-humans are planning declare war on our kingdom. With Trish being the only human kingdom on the continent if it falls so will the humans. It's because of this that we summoned the three of you. So please as king I beg you to help us come out of this victorious."

Oh, so that's how it is. He wants to turn us into his WMD against these other kingdoms. Turning I resist the urge to facepalm at seeing the flames of determination within the eyes of these two. The king's story was full of holes so that proves he's an idiot. Though seeing as these two didn't catch them they're even bigger idiots.

"You can count on us. After all we're all humans here so we must stick together." Spoke James while Kattie nodded. I just kept staring at the king waiting for him to continue explaining.

"Wonderful. You don't know how relieved hearing that made me. Now before we continue can you please check your status, so we know who to place you with for your training." He said with a certain light in his eyes that made my apprehension towards him increase. Though what did surprise me a little is that the princess seemed to focus on us.

After talking we learned that to see our status, we just had to say status and it would appear before us. The king had said that status could only be viewed by the person themselves though I waited for the other two to say it first to confirm before I checked my own. Though since stats are a thing there's probably a skill that lets someone view the stats of others.

[Name - Martin]

[Race - Human]

[Level - 1/1]

[Class - None]


HP - 20/20

MP - 20/20

Strength - 10

Agility - 10

Endurance - 10

Mind - 10

Will - 10

Luck - 10



SS Tier

LV 1

Allows the user to integrate monsters they've killed gaining their skills, racial traits, while your level matches that of your highest leveled monster. Can control the evolutionary path of your monsters.

0/1 Integrations

Can integrate 1 aspect per monster]

The king explains that the average stat of an adult is five. My stats aren't anything to spectacular though my one skill seems to be quite powerful. With it I can have my own loyal monster's that fight for me and would never betray me. Not only that but I could gain skills and traits that a human would probably never be able to obtain.

Focusing on my stats a new screen pops up with a description for each stat.

[Strength: The extent of the being's physical strength.

Agility: The extent of a being's mobility which includes their dexterity.

Endurance: Represents the durability of one's physical body. 1 Endurance = 2 HP

Mind: Represents one's ability to process information along with how much mana one has. 1 Mind = 2 MP

Will: Represents one's resistance to Spiritual/mental attacks. A higher Will stat allow for mastery over more complex magic.

Luck: Affects the probability of receiving positive outcomes for things that take chance into play.]

After giving us a minute to check our stats the king asks us what we got.

James apparently got the class High Magus and judging from the gasp of the king it's a pretty good one. In addition, he also got a skill that makes it cheaper to learn magic skills with skill points, one that increases his ratio between mind and mana, and finally a skill that cuts the mana consumption for magic skills in half.

Kattie on the other hand received the class Swords Master. This once more caused a gasp to escape the king. Her skills allowed her to wield a sword like a master, one which increased her ration between endurance and health points and her last skill made buying sword related skills with skill points cheaper.

With them out of the way it was my turn. I told them that I didn't have skills or a class while my level was capped at 1. The king seemed shocked though he then looked behind me. I felt weird like I did the first time I was naked in front of someone. Seconds later the feeling disappeared, and the king looked back at me though this time he didn't even try to fake being interested in me. The princess even looked at me like I was trash while I could hear my two classmates snickering beside me.

"No matter you are still now one of my citizens. Please follow Mr. Becker behind you. He will give you a monetary compensation and then take you to one of our coaches who will drop you off in a town on the other side of the kingdom away from the battlefield." I could tell he was lying but I had no other choice, so I nodded, turned around and began following the man that beckoned towards me.

It didn't take long for me to be shoved into a carriage after being given a small leather pouch fill with coins. I heard the man who lead me here talking to the driver though they're whispering so I cant hear them.

A minute later the man leaves without giving me so much as a glance while the carriage starts moving. Seeing as we'll probable be moving for a while I open the pouch and see five gold coins within. Now the fact they're gold must mean they're worth something but I don't know how much.

"Hey sir can I ask you something." I say to the driver once we leave the city. He seems to jump at the sound of my voice though he calms down moments later.

"Sure kid just make it quick." He responded in a raspy voice though he doesn't seem upset at my question which is a good thing.

"Can you tell me about the currencies of the kingdom." I ask but he stays silent. I begin thinking he wont answer my question when he releases a sigh before speaking.

"So they didn't even tell you that did they." He asks to which I respond with no.

"The cheapest coin is a copper coin. A meal at a common restaurant goes for about five of em. Next is the silver coin. It takes a hundred copper coins to make a silver one. That's about how much a commoner household makes a week. Next, we got golden coins. Like with the copper ones it takes a hundred silver to make one gold coin. You could get yourself a decent war horse or even a carriage for a gold coin. They're usually only used by nobles and well-off merchants. Above them are monster cores. Those things can only be bought using gold coins since only truly strong monsters form one with a few exceptions. As for how many that depends how strong the monster it belonged to was." Once he finished speaking, he seemed to think about something if the way he scratched the back of his head was any indication.

"Listen kid the people at the castle are full of crap. Its that fat king that wants to start this whole war with the other nations. Them elves stay in their forest like the dwarves stay in their mountains while any fight with the beast-kin was started by humans. As for why I'm telling you this its cause like you I'm not coming back to the capital. I got wind of the war a few months ago and got my family all packed up and ready to leave. I just had to figure out how to get out of the city with one of these carriages and then you came along so thanks for that." He said before once more going quiet. That was honestly a lot more than I expected to learn from him.

"Where did you plan on going?" I asked since if this guy had spent months planning wherever he was going had to be somewhat safe from the war that was to come. He took a moment to think before responding.

"I got family in a small town next to the Dark Forest. We plan on going over there with them. As for why well it's because no one messes with them Dark Elves and they never leave their forest unless someone's causing trouble near it." So Dark Elves exist and seeing as a town was made near their home, they aren't the crazy genocidal ones.

"Can you tell me about the Dark Elves?" I asked since he doesn't seem to have any problems with answering my questions.

"You really don't know anything about this place do ya." He asks with a tired voice.

"Not really. What I do know are the basics along with what you've told me."

"Alright get up here so I don't gotta raise my voice for ya to hear." He said while scooting over so I could sit next to him.

Carefully pulling the curtain open I climb into the seat while holding onto the side just in case this guy decides to push me off though I doubt he will if what he said about his family is true.

"Oh, right I'm Martin nice to meet you." I introduce myself once I'm seated next to him. He looks at me before nodding.

"I'm Mike." Was all he said before he continued with his explanation.

"So do you know what the Beast-Kin are?" He asks to which I shake my head.

"Alright so they're like a mix between humans and beasts. Like give a man fur instead of skin, claws instead of nail. Some have feathers while others scales though. The point is that they all have some things that you would see on beasts. The Dark Elves are like that but a mix between Elves and nature." That I did not expect. I though Dark Elves were just dark-skinned Elves but apparently not.

"Legend says they were all once just like the other Elves. The thing is that a group of em wanted to be closer to nature, so they looked at the Beast-kin for ideas. Since they were a mix between Human and beast why couldn't they be a mix between Elf and nature. They succeeded but were banished since many of them died because of it.

As for why no one messes with them its cause unlike the Elves the Dark Elves will go all out against someone for the slightest offence. Also, unlike the Elves they don't get weaker when they're not within a forest. Just imagine the grass you're walking on growing a few meters tall and starts to choke you or plant roots stabbing into you before sucking all your blood out." Yeah, Dark Elves sound awesome but scary. Pushing my want to meet them to the back of my mind at least until I'm strong I focus back on our conversation.

Like that we spent the rest of the journey talking about how life is on the continent, his family which is made up of him, his wife and their son or I would tell him how my world was like since apparently the entire continent knew Trish was summoning heroes. Shaking my head, I once more think about how dumb the king is.

Suggestions on how to improve my writting are appreciated.

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