
30. Survival of the Fittest

翻訳者: 549690339

Deep into the night, Lin Zichen lay on his bed, unable to fall asleep—his mind was preoccupied with the death of the security captain.

The report had stated that the captain was killed by a giant mutant rat.

Could the large rat he saw from the car be the same giant mutant rat that killed the security captain?

But that so-called big rat looked only about the size of a cat; how could it possibly be the giant mutant rat that measured three meters in length?

He couldn't figure it out no matter how much he thought about it.

Gazing out the window,

the night was deep.

All the streetlights along the road had been extinguished, and not a single shadow could be seen.

"Speaking of which, I haven't tested my biometric data in a long time, and since I can't sleep anyway, I might as well go outside and test it."

Thinking this, Lin Zichen donned a hat and a mask and quietly left his home.

He chose paths without surveillance cameras, and after some time, he arrived at an abandoned highway.