
Evolution core system

When gates open across the world leading beasts to invade the globe, humans awaken powers to battle them. As Gil turns 15 he embarks his journey to true power.

Artaxs · ファンタジー
45 Chs

Chapter 36

Gil had spent a week on the new training plan, he got on better with Tilly the elf more then the other two. Tilly explained to Gil about how she came through the gate 9 years ago with her family and met Ava, being the first monsters that could communicate Tilly tod Ava about her experience in the gate.

The world they came from was a thick woodland forest that was the world of the elves. In there most creatures had the powers wind and water, there where also several different species of elves. Tilly was a high elf that had a stronger connection to wind power then others, there where also sea elves that lived in the water, nature elves that had strong earth powers and then dark elves that had flame and darkness powers. There where also several subspecies of them but Tilly never cared about them, when she came through she agreed to help train students to better use there powers in exchange for safety for other elves that come through gated.

As Gil woke up to head for some food he entered the empty food hall, in the last week he hadnt seen any of his friends: grabbing an apple Gil made his way to the training room to start his days training. As Gil opened the door he saw Eve there ready for there morning session, through this training Gil had grown his fighting style. With Eve knowing how Gil was going to attack he had learnt many new skills, the best was [Faint].

"Morning Eve"

"Morning Gil, get ready" Eve dashed forward to Gil

Gil raised a wall of earth to slow her down, it wouldnt completely stop Eve but made her but gave Gil sometime to run to the side. As he left the cover of the wall Gil fired some earth needles into the sky, looking round Gil saw some Eve running along the earth wall. Gil slowly started to raise the earth wall knowing Eve wouldnt activate her foresight skill this early on, as Eve jumped of the wall to Gil he acted. Through his training Eve had only looked 5 seconds ahead meaning GIl had to plan 6 seconds in advanced, he know that she could look further ahead but limited it during training. AS she was in the air Gil fired several elemental spears towards her, and pulling his hand down.

"Clever" Eve said blocking Gils attacks with the edge of her blade, and moving out of the way of the rumble falling down from the roof. As she landed she rolled on the floor and sprang at Gil, the two practice like this for several hours before Eve stopped.

"That's it for today" Eve called

Gil fell to the floor exhausted, he had used most of his mana and stamina and had been only working on the last bit of energy. Sitting with his legs crossed and arms resting on there side Gil slowed down his breathing allowing for quicker recovery.

"You're improving rather quickly" Eve said stretching.

"Thank you, still cant land a good hit though" Gil replied

"Id be concerned if you are, im a grade 0 like Tilly" Eve added

"Really, the school has a lot of powerful connections"

"Yeah, Ava is the 3rd strongest God level and that comes with some advantages, and then theres Leon. With his power most people want to be friendly with him" Eve added

"What exactly is his power" Gil asked

"Im not entirely sure, it think its a sort of subspace that he lives in. Hes taken me there one its sort of like another world in there he can view what ever he wants when he wants and appear when ever. If im being honest i cant see how others can be more powerful then him" Eve replied

"What do you mean"

"He can avoid any attack he wants and appears when he wants" Eve explained "There are very few people that have similar powers but nonthat are as advanced as Leon"

"Thank you Eve" Leon suddenly walked past saying that before disappearing again.

"There an example, with his power being in another world i cant see into that world with my subspace so i cant fight against it" Eve said

"I see... is there anything you think i should improve on?" Gil asked.

"You have a good foundation and a good future, at the rate your going to will probably be a Grade 4 when you graduate" Eve said

Gil stopped asking questions and focused on restoring his stamina and mana, after 20 minutes both of them where fully restored. Standing up Gil noticed that Eve had left and Tilly was warming up, there where also other students starting there training.

"Morning Tilly" Gil said walking up to her

"Morning Gil, how was your earlier training" Till asked

"It was good, ready for this one" Gil answered

Gil enjoyed training with Tilly more then Sam and Eve, partly because he felt like they where the same age.

"Today, where going to be focusing you energy through you weapon. Similar to your elemental slash but allowing it to be more versatile. For example" Till raised her dagger and a small ball of wind gathered at the end, suddenly it shot forward into the wall.

"Whats the purpose of that when i can do this?" Gil asked firing a wind blast causing the same effect

"Although that is similar its not the same. Your using your own mana to create the attack, i used the mana in the air this way i can fire a lot more without feeling tired. Also it allows you attack closer to you opponent as they might not expect you to do it" Tilly added

"How do i do it" Gil was more excited to learn how to manipulate the mana around him then anything else.

"For us elves its easier to do then other species, as we can see the mana in the air. When you fired that blast there was mana from both the environment and yourself mixed into it but more of your own mana, for what i fired for me it looked like there was more environmental mana inside it. If you aim for 80-20 for environmental and your own when trying to attempt this" Tilly explained

Gil never thought of this, he know he could observe the mana in the air but never thought of trying to use the mana in the environment.

"Is it easier to focus on the end of a blade of in your hand" Gil asked ready to try

"Its easier at the end of the blade, the tip of your blade should be a bit further away from you so it should be easier to have less of your own mana added to it. Give it a try" Tilly answered.

Gil raised his sword upwards and activated mana detection, observing all the mana around him in the air. Trying to draw in the earth mana from the ground, Gil slowly started to get a few of them to the end of his sword. Just when he felt like this was going okay a surge of his own mana went through his swords increasing the size of the earth orb.

"Ah, very close for your first attempt" Tilly said "You seemed to be trying to for an earth orb, i would suggest attempting to form an air orb as the air is all around us and you dont have to bring the mana from the ground to you"

Gil attempted again and managed to gather more environmental mana this time before failing, this time when the orb failed it collapsed in on its self and several large gushes of wind flow out from within coming back out at Gil and Tilly.

"Oh, that means your getting close. What just happened is mana implode, thats what happens when the balance of environmental mana and your own mana dont combine correctly and implode" Tilly explained.

"Can that not be used as an attack, it seemed powerful even though i didnt use as much mana compared to the wind blast earlier" Gil questioned

"Its very hard to consistently cause an attack to implode and like youve just seen the result is even the person casting is at risk of getting attacked" Tilly added

Gil tried again but this time aimed for the mana implode, after the 5 time causing this Gil got the system message he was aiming for.

[Mana implode learnt]

[Mana implode lvl 1

Cause an unbalance in the build up mana causing it to collapse in on its self causing the mana to implode. As the level increase the use can effect other peoples mana]

Gil wasnt sure about what the skill was, he was aiming for the implode skill but nothing this strong.

"If i level this up then it will be a very powerful skill" Gil thought.

Gil now spent the rest of the training with Tilly working on the new skill, through the rest of the training with Tilly they spent there time talking about the difference in lives.

"So at what age are you considered an adult" Gil asked as the orb of mana on the end of the blade was now a noticeable size.

"At around 100 we are, but my family are very particular about the age 165, at that age we are made to leave the house and stat our own family and life, but after coming through the gate i was allowed to do what i wanted at the age of 140 ish" Tilly answered

"Oh, so when are you looking at making your own family" Gil asked not really looking at Tilly and focused on expanding the mana on his sword.

"I never thought about it, now im in the human world not everyone is excepting of us thanks to the dark elves that attack humans. There's also the case that i look 18 years old and not many people would want to be seen marrying someone that age here." Tilly answered turning a bit red.

Suddenly a ball of wind shot out from the end of Gil sword into the wall of the training room.

"Oh i think your getting the hang of that, it looked about 70-30. Your learning quicker then when i was attempting, it took me about a week to learn the basics and you look like you will be finished by the end of the session. Tomorrow we will start learning some elven technic if you want" Tilly offered

"Ohhh what type of attacks" Gil was now very interested.

"That will be a secret" Tilly said with a wink "That seems to be the end of our training, see you tomorrow" Tilly called walking past Sam as Gil sat down to recover his stats.

Gil didnt like training with Sam as it was a constant attack for 6 hours. Sam would use a chain whip and forcing Gil to dodge for several hours, then Sam would switch to close combat fighting with his fits so Gil had to block and through out this Gil had to maintain different bits of mana that Sam called out. Even though Gil didnt like it as he was constantly being hurt and never given enough time to recover, this was the time he felt like he was growing the most. Through training with Sam Gil had raised 2 levels and had made it to level 18 and improved his control of mana. Continuing the training Gil could only think about the elven technic Tilly would teach him tomorrow.

"You made it another session, well done. Hopefully ill crush your spirit tomorrow" Sam joked leaving the training hall. Gil looked round and noticed he was the last to leave the training grounds like every other day this week. Getting some food pills from his inventory he saved since the camping trip Gil returned to his room, washed and went to bed ready to repeat the process.