
Evolution begins with an ant colony

Akun, along with his classmates, was summoned as heroes by a goddess to save the world from the demon king. Akun, doubting he has what it takes to save the world, asks the goddess to send him back. Little did he know that this request infuriated the goddess. "How dare a mere mortal go against my will," she thought to herself while maintaining her facade. She opens a portal for him to go back. Little did he know, the goddess had something else in store for him. As he passed through the portal, his soul was separated from his body, and he fell through the sky and earth until he landed in the body of an ant in the godforsaken forest. Left there to die by the hands of the goddess, Akun awakens the "Endless Evolution System." [Ding!! The Endless Evolution System has been activated!! Grind to gain evolution points and evolve yourself and your comrades!!] "Endless Evolution System? Evolution points?" "Does this mean there's more to my transformation? Can I evolve even as an ant?" [Ding!! Unique skill detected!! Skill: Super Gamer Shop!! Evolution points can also be used on this skill to buy items!!] Follow Akun on his new epic adventure, and find out exactly what awaits him, maybe some conquest and retribution. Tags: Evolution, Dragon, Magic, Action, Fantasy, System, Reincarnation, Weak To Strong, Demons, Supernatural

Zurbluris · ファンタジー
397 Chs

Grinding In The Forest

As the dust settled from their triumphant victory over the Goblin, the system notified Akun of his reward—an evolution point. His silver eyes gleamed with anticipation as he received the news. "One evolution point," he muttered to himself, acknowledging the growth it would bring.

Talking to his trusty trio of ants, Akun gave them props for being brave and working together in the recent battle. "You guys were amazing back there."

One of the ants, sounding more self-assured than ever, jumped into the conversation. "Hey, boss, considering our recent achievements, how about assigning some names to our team? It could enhance our team spirit and strengthen our bond."

Akun paused, his antennae twitching as he considered the request. After a moment of contemplation, a smile crept across his silver face. "Alright, my awesome pals. Starting now, you're officially Flint, Ember, and Ivy. These names capture your toughness, your fiery energy, and your never-give-up attitude."

The ant trio was buzzing with excitement, their voices filled with gratitude. "Thanks a a lot, boss."

Their enthusiasm stirred something within Akun. He employed his appraisal skill to evaluate his companions' progress, and what he discovered was a delightful surprise.

"Hey Flint, Ember, Ivy, guess what? – you've all hit Insect Grade 2! Your progress is seriously impressive."

The ants practically radiated joy as they absorbed the news. "Insect Grade 2!"

Akun, his pride clearly visible, shifted his focus to his own status window. As he tracked his progress, a feeling of achievement swept over him. "Insect Grade 4," he mused, a sense of how far he had come settling in.

Addressing his named friends, Akun said, "Flint, Ember, Ivy, let's keep pushing ahead. This crazy forest is packed with secrets, and we're gonna uncover them, side by side. Time to keep exploring and aim for even bigger grades."

After embracing their new names and advanced grades, the quartet set out on their journey. Their spirits were high, and as they ventured further into uncharted territory, their connection deepened, fueled by their collective successes and the exciting prospect of continued evolution on their extraordinary path.


It had been a few weeks, this time when they went out, Akun and his trio pressed on, venturing deeper into the heart of the unforgiving forest, their steps synchronized with the rhythm of their rhyme. The melody carried through the dense foliage, weaving a thread of unity and determination amidst the ancient trees.

"Through shadows deep and secrets untold, We march as one, brave and bold. With each stride, our spirits ignite, In this forest's depths, we claim our right."

"Oh, we rise, with hearts ablaze, Conquering foes in nature's maze. Feasting upon our vanquished foes, Evolving with each bite that goes."

As Akun and his trio forged deeper into the treacherous forest, their footsteps were halted by the presence of another Goblin, lurking amidst the shadows. Akun's silver eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation, his mind filled with the memory of their previous encounter. With a decisive tone, he commanded his companions to halt.

"Hold, my comrades," Akun spoke, his voice steady and composed. "We have come across another foe. But fear not, for we shall face it as we have before, and emerge even stronger."

His trio of ants nodded in understanding, their determination unwavering. They remembered the growth they had achieved from their previous battles, and their trust in Akun's leadership was unwavering.

"Just as we evolved from our past trials, we shall do so again," Akun declared, his antennae quivering with anticipation. "Remember the strategy that led us to victory. Let us apply it once more and overcome this new challenge."

The trio buzzed with renewed vigor, ready to put their skills and tactics into action. They understood that growth came not only from the battles they won but also from the lessons they learned along the way. As a team, they were prepared to adapt and improve, just as they had done before.

"Now let's begin, silver spear attack"


As the battle unfolded, the Goblin displayed its agility, deftly evading some of Akun's silver spear attacks. However, one of the spears found its mark, piercing the Goblin's shoulder. Sensing the impending danger, the Goblin made a quick decision to flee, hoping to escape the relentless pursuit.

"Oh no you don't."

Akun's keen eyes followed the Goblin's retreat, his mind racing with strategical thoughts. He knew that if the Goblin got too far, the trio's joint attack, the poison blast, would be ineffective. With swift precision, Akun conjured another silver spear, taking careful aim at the fleeing creature's left leg. His spear flew through the air, striking its target with incredible accuracy.

"Bullseye," Akun exclaimed, amazed by his marksmanship. The Goblin's escape was thwarted as it stumbled, immobilized by the silver spear lodged in its leg.

"Now guys, all together now."

Akun's trio, filled with anticipation and trust in their leader, responded eagerly. "Yes, boss! Poison blast!" they exclaimed in unison. They unleashed their joint attack, releasing a concentrated wave of venomous energy upon the injured Goblin. The poison surged through the creature's body, inflicting severe harm.

The Goblin's demise was inevitable as the poison gradually consumed its vitality. It succumbed to the effects, collapsing onto the forest floor, defeated.

"Good job again, guys," Akun commended, his voice filled with pride. "Your coordination and determination are exemplary."

The trio expressed their gratitude, their voices buzzing with appreciation. "We couldn't have done it without you, boss. Your leadership guides us to victory."

Their triumphant hunt continued throughout the godforsaken forest, targeting weaker monsters and honing their skills. With each successful battle, Akun's own evolution progressed, leading him to reach the esteemed Insect Grade 6. His companions, too, grew stronger, attaining Insect Grade 3. Together, they forged a formidable team, each contributing their unique abilities and unwavering determination.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows upon the forest, the female ant of Akun's trio voiced her concern. "Boss, it's getting dark. We should start heading back," she suggested, her voice tinged with caution.

Caught up in his thoughts and the excitement of evolving, Akun took a moment to register her words. "You're right," he acknowledged, a hint of surprise in his tone. "It really is getting dark out. Let's head back."

Just as Akun agreed to their return, one of the male ants spoke up, "OK, boss," but before he could finish his sentence, a long, sinister tongue emerged from the darkness, whisking him away with startling speed. Akun's eyes widened in disbelief as he cried out, "Flint, nooo!"

Desperation filled the air as Flint called out, his voice tinged with fear. "Boss, save me!" But it was too late. The male ant was taken inside the mouth of a dark blue frog with ominous yellow eyes. The amphibian closed its mouth with a sickening crunch, devouring Flint without mercy.

Akun stood frozen, shock and grief coursing through his tiny form. Memories of their shared adventures flashed before his eyes, leaving him overwhelmed with a profound sense of loss. "Flint... Flint..." he repeated, his voice filled with anguish.

The remaining ants rushed to Akun's side, their voices filled with urgency. "Boss, we need to run! There's nothing we can do," they urged, their determination to survive evident in their tone.

Akun snapped back to reality, his grief morphing into a burning resolve. He refused to turn his back on Flint without a fight, without trying to avenge his fallen comrade. His gaze hardened as he mustered his strength.

"No," Akun declared, his voice filled with determination. "I won't run away. We will confront this threat and honor Flint's memory."

Akun's mind raced, searching for a way to assess the creature that had taken Flint. Gathering his resolve, he cried out, "Appraisal!"

When Akun saw the Lunar Toad's status window pop up, he just felt immens despair. The huge difference in power between them crushed his hopes.

[Status Window - Lunar Toad]

Name: Borax

Species: Lunar Toad

Grade: Human (Stage 2)

Experience: 2,400/8,000


Strength: 90

Agility: 70

Endurance: 80

Intelligence: 60

Luck: 50

Mana: 75


1. Moonlight Beam: Unleashes a concentrated beam of lunar energy, inflicting magical damage to targets

2. Tongue Whip: Strikes opponents with a long, powerful tongue, stunning them temporarily

3. Frogsong Charm: Emits a mesmerizing melody that lulls opponents into a dazed state, lowering their defense

4. Lunar Absorption: Draws power from the moon, temporarily enhancing stats and abilities (Passive)

Additional Skill:

5. Moonlit Vigor: The Lunar Toad can draw upon the moon's energy to replenish health and mana over time, enhancing its endurance and prolonging battles (Passive)

Note: The Lunar Toad's abilities are further enhanced during nights of a full moon, granting it increased strength and agility.

Akun shocked said in disbelief. "W...we're no match for it."

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