
Evolution's Ascension

lakhwinderdhaliwal · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Chapter Name: 12 - The Price of Power

The victory over the Dark Lord's army had come at a heavy cost. The inhabitants of the Sanctuary were exhausted, wounded, and mourning the loss of their fallen comrades. But amidst the chaos and destruction, there was also a sense of hope and determination.

The Geno Points that had been used in the battle had given the inhabitants of the Sanctuary an incredible amount of power, but they had also come at a price. The more Geno Points a person used, the more they risked losing control of their own body and mind.

As the survivors of the battle began to recover, they started to notice that some of their comrades who had used a lot of Geno Points in the battle were exhibiting strange behavior. They were more aggressive, more impulsive, and more prone to fits of rage.

At first, the inhabitants of the Sanctuary tried to ignore these signs, chalking them up to the stress and trauma of the battle. But as time went on, the behavior of these individuals became more and more concerning.

They started to act on their own, without regard for the safety of others or the well-being of the Sanctuary. They would lash out at their friends and allies, and even at innocent bystanders. It was clear that something was very wrong.

The leaders of the Sanctuary knew that they had to act quickly to address this problem. They convened a council of the wisest and most experienced inhabitants, and together they devised a plan.

They decided to establish a system of checks and balances, whereby no individual would be allowed to use too many Geno Points without the approval of a council of their peers. They also decided to establish a training program to help individuals learn how to control and manage their Geno Points more effectively.

The plan was not without its challenges. There were some who resisted the idea of being controlled or regulated, and there were others who simply didn't believe that the use of Geno Points was dangerous. But in the end, the leaders of the Sanctuary prevailed, and the system was put into place.

It was a difficult lesson to learn, but the inhabitants of the Sanctuary knew that the price of power was not to be taken lightly. They had won a great victory against the forces of darkness, but they had also learned that with great power came great responsibility.