
The Two-for-One

Back at home, Cici and Gwenn are sprawled across the couch. The morning light stream drifts through the window and flutters across Gwenn's eyelids. She wakes up to see the house empty and piles of cups and wrappers where people once were.

                                    "Oh my God!" She screams. 

Cici sits up. Looking around the living room, her jaw drops. 

                                    "You are in so much trouble," Cici jokes. 

Gwenn turns around to face Cici.

                                    "Me? It was your idea to invite more people than we wanted in the first place. The house being a mess is your fault!" Gwenn says defensively. 

                                    "Gwenn, calm down. We can get the place cleaned up before your brother and parents return tomorrow morning." Cici says.

                                    "Do you not see the house?! There's no way we'll get it cleaned by the end of the day!" Gwenn replies, freaking out.

                                    "We can if we work together. Look, I'll stay here and help you tidy up. I can stay downstairs and make sure everything goes back to the way it was, and you can go upstairs and do the same. Go!" Cici explains. 

The girls rush in opposite directions to clean the house in time. They quickly fill trash bags and sweep and mop the floors. Once Gwenn looks at the clock on the living room wall and realizes how fast time is flying, she feels more nervous than she already was.

                                    "We're not going to finish!" Gwenn says.

                                    "We'll finish!" Cici says, feeling hopeful. 

The girls continue to finish cleaning before the day ends. 

Hours later, the day has turned into night. Finally, the girls finish cleaning. The house looks spotless. The girls meet downstairs and plop down on the couch, tired and relieved.

                                    "We did it," Gwenn says, out of breath.

                                    "Told you," Cici says, out of breath. 

Moments later, a cell phone rings. The girls both groan. The cell phone still rings, so they try to find it. It's coming from Gwenn's back pocket. Seconds later, she turns to her phone and notices the caller ID. Her eyes widen with excitement. She quickly rises from the couch, filled with adrenaline.

                                    "Oh my God, it's Derek!" She exclaims. 

The cell phone rings still.

                                    "Derek? As in Derek Thompson? The Derek that came to the party last night?" Cici asks.

                                    "Yeah!" She says with joy.

The cell phone rings still.

                                    "So what do I do?!" Gwenn says excitedly nervous.

                                    "Answer it!" Cici says as she rushes Gwenn. 

Gwenn finally answers her phone.



                                   "Really?" She says, squealing her voice. 

She then clears her throat while feeling embarrassed for herself.

                                  "I mean, really?" she says, calming down.

                                  "What's he saying?!" Cici interrupts.

                                  "Shh!" She then shouts. 

Derek hears them conversing over the phone.

                                  "You still there?" he asked over the phone.

                                  "Yeah, I'm still here." She responds.


                                  "Yeah, see you later," She says. 

She hangs up the phone and looks at Cici. 

                                "What did he say?!" Cici asks curiously.

                                "Well, he told me he had a blast last night and thought I was full of energy." She explains.

                                "Which you are! What else did he say?" Cici replies intrigued.

                                "He also wants to get to know me more!" Gwenn says as she pauses. 

Cici gasps excitedly.

                                "Go on, which means?" Cici asks.

                                "Which means he wants to come over! He says he'll be here in a couple minutes!" She says excitedly.

Both girls get extremely excited, jumping for joy and screaming. 

                                "See, you're finally getting something out of this. I'm calling it the two-for-one. You had an awesome time last night, and you cleaned up for a romantic time with Derek tonight." Cici explains.

Gwenn blushes.

                                "You're right. Now c'mon and help me pick out another outfit so I can change. I decided I'd rather not wear the same clothes that smell like salsa and pop from last night." Gwenn says chuckling.

                                "Right." Cici agrees, chuckling with her. 

The two turn around and head upstairs to Gwenn's room to prepare for Derek's arrival.