
Evil Evolution

This book is an adaptation of my dreams put into whatever you would like to call this amazing app.... This book tells the story of a world with crazy creatures and the evolution of the human like race trying to survive and re-build what was once a place much like earth. Creatures wonder wild aimlessly through massive forest of trees gigantic water falls and vast open plains of grass. Massive beast feed on each other to survive while under the surface in the dark humanity last hope fights trying to survive in a place unfamiliar to them. :D ps........Sorry I had another book that was called lost in space but I started writing it on paper and while walking home my paper got wet and now it’s all messed up so I thought I would just let the words flow like rain drop into this app like I did before an see how it goes....

SpaceXMoon · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Broken World

I use to live on this big blue planet with large bodies of water and massive plains full of grass that look like they were endless. As if they could go on an on forever that was the good old day when you could eat as much food as you wanted. I knew it was to good to be true everything has to come to an end eventually right. That's when they came the massive beasts like wild animals. The thing that put the human race right back at the bottom of the food chain right where we belong. Human kind "laughter" what a joke we are to think that nothing could kill us. The massive beast almost as if they came from under the sea floor the massive kaibutsu (monster) reaping through everyone an everything in its path. I mean not only can it swim but it also has wing I mean come on how are you supposed to fight that. Even so we all thought yeah ok it's just one of them right, but of course it wasn't with one came more an more an more. Some were weak to gunfire others not so much. Almost 70% of humanity wiped out just like that death destruction and fire what an amazing combination I guess thing could be worse.