
Evil Degenerate Reborn In Vikings

Please Keep Calm And Carry On Reborn in Vikings as a Degenerate FYI MC not a good person, I've had readers complain about his actions when it is clearly stated on the title. Crackfic Warning Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. slight time adjustment

73 Chs

Ch 30 Traitor.....Traitor.....Traitor.....

(Back In Kattegat)

Siggy stood alongside her husband and his men to the east of Kattegat in a hidden cove.

They all watched a dark brown ship slowly paddled in from the Sea.

Immediately after reaching the sand dozens of men jumped off and withdrew logs from the ship to roll it deeper inland.

Siggy was never a shield maiden but she could see the obvious strength of these men, they all wore heavy steel hauberks and battle scarred helmets on their heads.

They were a rough equivalent of Thenn's Elite warriors so they'd be a frightening force on a battlefield....but these men were not here to fight an army.

They were mercenaries which Haraldson hired not long ago, he expected Thenn to return within the week so he wanted his force ready to attack.

Slowly three Men walked away from the working men toward Earl Haraldson and his Entourage.

They all looked nearly identical, triplets....Siggy thought as they neared.

The one in the middle spoke first.

"So you're the one that hired us?....Nice to meet you Earl Haraldson I am Irul, these are my brothers Pvetu and Valrad"

The leader spoke as he shook hands with Earl Haraldson.

One of the triplets spoke next. 

"can't say we've ever been paid so much to kill a single man let alone fight in a battle." Pvetu spoke with a smile.

"Has Svein told you who you will be fighting?" Earl Haraldson asked but the other twin responded.

"No!!! why would we care if it's a single man, we are thirty three of the best warriors in Norway!!!" Valrad growled at the Earl before Irul shut him up.

 "My brother, although rude is correct, the man doesn't matter...He will die all the same." Irul the leader spoke.

Earl Haraldson smiled and was about to speak before he was interrupted by Siggy.

"You will be fighting Thenn Odinson, I dare say the best warrior in Norway....certainly more fearsome than any of you...do not get too confident, there is a reason my husband hired the best mercenaries his gold could buy."

Siggy spoke and the brothers looked at her with wide eyes then stepped back a few meters away and whispered amongst themselves for a few minutes while the Earl watched on nervously.

"It's Thenn himself, we need his Magic Axe brothers there's no way I'm leaving this place without it." Irul whispered.

"I heard Thenn is worth Twenty men in a battle....I heard he feasts in human flesh and is stronger than a Berserker..." Pvetu the most measured brother spoke cautiously.

"Shut up coward!!! We are the best warriors in Norway!!!...And imagine how much Gold King Horik would pay for a Magic Axe...." Valrad spoke with greed in his eyes.

They argued for a few more minutes before returning to the Earl and his wife.

"We will Kill this Thenn....but we want his Axe." Irul spoke and his brothers nodded I'm affirmation.

Earl Haraldsons eyebrows furrowed at the strange request. "W...Why do you want his Axe?" Haraldson asked in confusion.

"Don't try to play smart with us Old Man!!! We will get that Magic Axe or we won't do it!!!"

The angrier brother Valrad roared out before Pvetu smacked the back of his head to calm him down.

"My apologies he has anger issues after a certain incident." Pvetu spoke with a slight smirk as Valrad glared at him.

Irul interrupted them both. "Valrad is right however, we get the Magic Axe or the deal is off." He spoke firmly.

Earl Haraldson nodded dismissively. "Fine, the Axe is yours, you may have his Magic boots as well if you wish." The Earl joked and the brothers immediately looked at each other in excitement....magic boots...

Haraldson stared in disbelief... he'd heard these men were the best warriors in The City of Bergen....

They could have asked for five times the gold and he would have agreed out of desperation but these fucking idiots asked for that oversized gilded Axe....

even Haraldson knew it was only famous because of the giant brute that swung it, not because it was magic.

Earl Haraldson thought it was a beautiful weapon after it's engraving and inlaying to be sure but without Thenn's strength it would be unwieldy in a battle and useless for any normal man except a brute like that revolting Balgrud.....he got off easy with those dumb brothers.

Haraldson looked at the men pulling the boat further inland and believed they'd be enough.

Siggy on the other hand saw the entire crew of mercenaries as dead men walking...all that armor would be useless once her big bear returned to fill her holes and keep her like a dog on a leash just how she loved it.

Siggy felt her pussy dampen at the thought of Thenn treating her like a whore....she needed to head back home so her slave girl could eat her pussy out again.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . 

(Elsewhere In Northumbria)

I rode into camp after returning from the castle to the fanfare of my my men.

"BACK FROM THE WOLFS DEN!!! ONLY THENN CAN DO SUCH THINGS!!!!" Balgrud roared as my men cheered me on.

"He's returned!!! Thenn come look at my new Dog!!!" Floki shouted as he pulled Aethelwulf on a leash, the man was standing but with his arms bound he couldn't fight back.

"Thenn!!! How much Gold will we get for this Ugly Bastard!!!" Tostig shouted happily, he seemed to be a bit drunk and had one slave woman sucking on his cock as he downed a bottle.

I Dismounted and my men swarmed around me to hear the good news. 

They kept badgering me with questions but I raised one hand and immediately they all became deathly quiet, none dared to interrupt.

"King Aelle has offered Seventy pounds of gold and one hundred and fifty pounds of Silver." I spoke and immediately my men began slapping Aethelwulf on the back of the head and cheering in celebration....

I'd get far more out of that Fat Bastard King after he pulled his stunt though, I just needed to wait for the right time.

I raised one hand and spoke again after they all quieted down. 

"King Aelle has also offered me an alliance so we may raid the other Kingdoms from the safety of his castles and towns....he wishes for one of us to convert to Christianity, there is a ceremony planned by tomorrow as we wait for the Gold to arrive for a few days.....we will keep him appeased by performing this Christian ritual as we wait for our chests of gold to arrive...is any of you willing?"

I asked aloud and they all thought about it.

Balgrud raised a hand and asked. "WHAT DOES THAT CRUCIFIED GOD SAY ON....UMM...YOU KNOW....." He asked while scratching his head in slight embarrassment.

none of us ever gave him shit for his inclinations since he was such a crucial member of our crew but he was still a bit ashamed of his preferences sometimes.

"I'm sorry Balgrud but your fondness for....you know....is not allowed in Christianity." I spoke and he nodded and lowered his hand.

""FINE FINE, NOT LIKE I WANTED TO WORSHIP A GOD WITH HOLES IN HIS HANDS ANYWAY." He spoke but I could hear the dissapointment in his voice, he didn't care about being Christian, Balgrud just wanted to experience a strange ritual since he might never get the chance again.

I saw a few of my men pat his shoulder and tell him it was alright.

After a few minutes of my men debating Rollo raised a hand and spoke.

"I will convert....I shall do it." He spoke with certainty in his voice.

I noticed Floki eyeing him angrily while gritting his teeth...to the religious Floki to even think such a thing was unacceptable.

. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(One Day Later)

I marched with ten of my men away from camp toward a shallow river where King Aelle would hold the baptism.

I was joined with Floki, Ragnar, Rollo, Balgrud, Anguy, and three other nameless warriors.

Tostig was left with command of the camp while we were away.

All of my men except for Rollo wore their heavy glistening armor and Shields as we headed to the meeting place.

The armor was necessary since I had told my men that until we had the Gold to never let their guards down or I'd hang them on spikes.

I had confirmation that King Aelle would betray me soon enough.

I had scouted in wraith form last night and spotted a caravan of forty footmen and fifteen cavalry ride into Newcastle to reinforce the King....

Too bad for that Fat Bastard I'd hack them to peices soon enough.

After half an hour of marching we reached the appropriate place, there were fifteen Northumbrian cavalry, ten archers, and fifty footmen stationed on the other side of the slow river and a few heavily armored guards around the King and his family.

They all saw my glistening gilded Axe and prayed that they wouldn't have to fight us.

I ordered my men to stay as I walked forward with Rollo and Ragnar toward the King and his family, I noticed the gaze Ealhswith was giving me as she held one hand over her belly subconsciously.

Princess Judith trembled at the sight of me approaching but managed to look into my Milky Eye only once before looking away in fear.

She didn't even register my two brothers beside me.

We reached the King and I extended my hand to shake it.

He looked through my veiled helmet and asked. {"What need was there to come fully armored Thenn?"} He asked coyly.

{"What need was there to bring Eighty soldiers Aelle?"} I responded and his eyes narrowed angrily.

Then I turned to Queen Ealhswith and took her hand in for a kiss, she gave it readily and I enjoyed her warm hands on mine.

{"Queen Ealhswith, as ravishing as ever."} I spoke while my eyes wandered over her body..... even though she had almost no skin visible except for her hands and face, this was an Anglo Saxon noblewoman after all....I liked that about her though.

{"Greetings Thenn, I see you are in good health."} She spoke coldly but the loving look in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

Then I greeted Princess Judith with a small peck on the hand. 

{"Greetings Princess, have you tried to convince your father to marry us yet?"} I asked and her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes became slightly tearful.

{"I would never....I will marry a King not a Savage raider."} She spoke while clutching her cross.

{"It was merely a joke Princess, my apologies."} I spoke and she nodded and wiped her eyes.

{"Who are these two?"} King Aelle asked pointing at Ragnar and Rollo.

{"Both of them are my brothers, Rollo will be the one to be baptized....Ragnar here is my twin by birth."} I spoke and patted Ragnars shoulder.

Immediate King Aelle broke out into a loud laugh that cut through the tension that permeated the entire area from the tense soldiers.

{"HAHAHAHAHA....YOUR TWIN YOU SAY...AHAHAHHAAHAH!!!!....DID YOU EAT ALL HIS FOOD IN THE WOMB!!!HAHAH!!!"} King Aelle roared out and Ragnar nearly snarled at him.

After that unpleasant experience Ragnar and Rollo then tried to greet the Queen and Princess as I did with kisses to the hand but both of them took a step backward with revulsion on their faces....

They looked at me for answers but I just shrugged my shoulders.

{"So Aelle, how will this happen? My brother Rollo is eager to do this."} I spoke and King Aelle nodded and pointed to the Cardinal who stood nearby with two priests to assist him during the ceremony.

{"Tell your brother to remove his tunic and boots, he will be baptized by the Fat Cardinal over there."} King Aelle spoke.

I turned to Rollo and told him where to go but not what to expect.

Soon after Rollo and the three men of God waded out into the water and we all watched on.

The Cardinal began his ceremony as all stopped talking and watched intently.

{"O Lord, Holy Father,

almighty and eternal God,

expel the devil and

his kin from this person,

from the head, from the hair,

from the brain, from the brow,

from the ears, from the nostrils,

from the mouth, from beneath the tongue,

from the throat, from the neck,

from the chest, from the heart,

from the entire interior of the body,

from the thoughts, from the words,

and from the deeds,

in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Amen."} The Cardinal spoke and grabbed Rollo's head and pushed him down into the water after a bit of resistance from the Viking Savage.

Once he was under every Northumbrian present said ""AMEN."" Out loud which Ragnar copied.

Soon Rollo emerged from under the water and coughed out mouthfuls of water onto the Cardinal and drenched his fancy robes.

My men all laughed at the ridiculous sight as King Aelle glared at all of us....he didn't give a shit that Rollo had converted, King Aelle only wanted more time so he could have us hacked apart by his men in a few days...

the insults to him and his kingship made him not give a shit about breaking his damn oath....just Thenn's comments to his wife would see any other man hanged, but he had to endure it with gritted teeth.

Soon King Aelle knew he'd have his revenge....

Then the Cardinal was handed Holy Oil by a Priests and dipped his thumb before bringing it to Rollo's forehead.

{"I now pronounce you baptized and born again with the new Christian name of Rolf.

May the Lord bless you and keep you

from this day hence and forever, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."}

The Cardinal finished by anointing Rollo in the sacred oil then everyone present repeated the words.

""AMEN."" In unison.

As they were leaving the river King Aelle turned to me and spoke.

{"We have witnessed a miracle today.....

Now I ask you to fulfill your promises.

Return to your camp and await your payment in peace.....Agreed, Thenn Odinson?"}

The King asked with barely concealed hatred In his eyes.

"Agreed, I expect prompt payment.....for your brother's sake." I spoke and his face turned into a snarl before he turned around and walked away with his family.

Queen Ealhswith turned to give me one last loving glance before entering her Carriage with Princess Judith and riding off.

Ragnar turned to me and whispered. "Am I just seeing things..or did she just look at you like that..." He spoke quietly so none could hear.

I wrapped my arm around him and spoke. "I was going to keep it a secret until later, She already has my baby in her belly...." I spoke with a smile and his eyes widened in shock.

"The Queen...You Impregnated A Queen.....you're a madman Thenn...." He spoke with admiration in his voice.

"Keep it quiet for now though." I spoke and he nodded.

Soon we made our way to Rollo who was gifted a gold cross by the Cardinal, he wore it around his neck as he dried off and put his clothes back on.

Floki glared at the shiny cross with a barely concealable disgust.

As we marched back to our camp my men looked at Rollo a bit differently....He Willingly Turned His Back On Odin, Freyja, Thor and all the rest of our ancestors Gods.

We reached camp and my men were badgered with questions about the ceremony as they mocked Rollo for letting the 'Hog' 'drown him in a puddle'....He acted as if he didn't care but I could see the anger hidden underneath.

My men continued as usual, some standing guard, some gambling, and others fucking the numerous slave Women we had captured.

It was a good day and soon enough night came, I stood watch outside as Floki walked over.

"Thenn....The Gods Are Not Happy....They Will Be Angry With Us!!!"

He spoke with fear in his voice.....he might be mad but Floki was truly a godly man, it is why I could trust him even though we weren't very close.

I wrapped an arm around the half mad man's shoulder which calmed him down a lot.

"Floki the Gods do not punish the faithful, do not worry for yourself or your family....The Aesir have not yet abandoned us."

I spoke and the Cawing of Crows Resounded from the nearby woods.

I instantly saw the light return to his eyes as a mad smile spread over his face after hearing the Crows.

"Hahahah...good...good....Only Rollo Shall see their wrath enacted upon him....hahahah...." He giggled madly and I let go of him as I watched the lunatic giggle to himself.

Then his face hardened into a snarl once more.

"P...Per...Perhaps we should sacrifice him, or leave him in these evil lands....It would be unwise to sail with him aboard back to Norway...." He muttered out while his hands moved strangely.

"Why would it be unwise Floki?" I asked and his eyes locked onto mine.

"A stray bolt of lighting sent by Thor to smite him down as a traitor....it could break our ship apart....I don't want my ship to be torn apart...No...no..." He babbled madly.

"But I thought you said the Gods love your ship Floki?" I asked and he nodded and began babbling some more about all kinds of madness for a few hours as I listened to him go.

 . . . . . 

"So that's how I'm going to join the mast to your ship after we return...."

"No I swear it will be unmatched in the sea, I have been given the task by the Allfather himself...hahaha..."

"I sensed some strange energy last night Thenn....I think there is a wizard nearby watching us..." 

"What do you mean I can't name my new Son Thenn....Fine...Fine.... I'll find another name..."

 . . . . .

We continued chatting for hours as we stood watch, I honestly enjoyed his company more than many others.

Floki was mad but possessed an unmatched wisdom and genius that is rarely seen.

 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 

(Elsewhere Near Kattegat)

The Seer was visited by Earl Haraldson, he sat down like a child and awaited for the old eyeless monster to answer his questions as it moved from table to table grinding herbs and throwing strange powders into the fire at the center of the smoky room.

Before long the Seer turned to Haraldson and spoke while holding a nasty squeaking rat in his bony hands.

"Why do you come to me Earl of Kattegat...Speak truths or speak nothing."

The Seer spoke as he bit the head off the squirming rat with his sharp yellowed teeth and squeezed it's blood onto the flames..

Blood dripped down the Seers face as he crunched the rats skull and brains with his wicked teeth.

"Wise one I come for your wisdom on an action I will soon take..." The Earl spoke humbly.

The Seer gazed into the flames and spoke.

"You will take an action the weavers of fate decreed...I see fire...a beautiful fire over the clear water...your wife and daughter....seem to rejoice at the flames... beautiful flames..." The Seer spoke then tossed the Rat away and moved to a certain table and ate several peices of dessicated mushrooms.

"The Fire....What does it signify..." The Earl asked hopefully, if his wife and daughter rejoice then surely the flames mean something good as well.

"The flames always signify one thing Earl of Kattegat...But you don't need to know what they mean for now....what else do you wish to know.." the seer asked as he sat across from a Earl Haraldson.

"I...I will call for the death of Thenn the One eyed...I wish to know how the three Nornes will weave my fate, will I be successful...." He asked and the Seer sneered at him for a split second.

"For such a question you must offer something in return....give me your hand." The Seer spoke with a sickening smile and the Earl moved his hand forward.

The Seer drew a curved dagger from his robes and made a shallow cut on the Earl's palm and licked the blood off greedily while groaning in pleasure.

He pushed the Earls hand away and closed his eyes as his body seemed to expand and contract from across the smoke and flames.

The Seer opened his eyes and spoke.

".....The Gods have spoken....The Bull is crowned, The sacrificer is Ready....Now away with you Earl of Kattegat and leave me be..." The Seer growled and the Earl thanked him before leaving a bag of coins for him and exiting the cave hovel.

In the Earls mind he was very satisfied with the answer the seer gave him...

'The Bull is Crowned' meant that Thenn who is big like a Bull is crowned with glory and gold from his raid....'The Sacrificer' would naturally be Haraldson himself who would offer 'The Bull' to the Gods so he may enter Valhalla after a bloody battle with those Mercenaries.

As the Earl rode back he opened his mead skin and drank deeply, he couldn't wait til that bastard Thenn came back with a boat full of gold for him, and Knut finally revealed the secret to travel Westward over the open sea...