
Evil CEO, Expensive wife

He said, "Be my wife and the mother to my daughter and I'll make all your dreams come through." But Mia just stared him in the eye. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Eden Parker, also known as the Evil CEO of Graceland wants to marry her. She was just a normal actress whose world had just crumbled down to the ground some few days ago. Her father had betrayed her mom and brought another women and a girl who he claimed was his daughter. If that wasn't enough, they had even sold her to the black market but lucky for her that the 'Evil CEO'of Graceland had laid his eyes on her and taken a liking to her. What's gonna happen now, will she become the wife of one of the most feared man in Graceland and save her family from misery.

Sharon_Rose18 · 都市
215 Chs


Mia leaned into Eden's arms and placed her head on his chest.

Eden then hugged her tight, now that he had told her everything, he felt relieved and free.

He used his fingers to raise her head high and placed his lips on hers.

Mia was a little surprised by his action but she then gave in to the kiss.

seeing how the kiss was getting too rough, Mia pushed back to catch her breath and then said, "w-wait.....if we continue at this rate we might just end up doing it."

Hearing that, Eden smiled and said, "yes.....I do want us to do it."

A little taken aback, Mia said, "b-but didn't you say that you weren't ready yet... I-i-i think we should do it another time (laughs awkwardly)."

Eden, "yes I did say u weren't ready....well now I'm ready and I want us to do it._ without wasting any more time, Eden lifted Mia in a bridal style and placed her on the bed.