
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · ファンタジー
47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter 34 - Settling -

It's already been a week since my return. I found the sword of destiny on Beno. He obviously did not know what it was and used it as a toothpick. I wanted to give it to Arianna right away, but it almost melted in my hand, and shot between my brows. I'm worried about it, but I will focus on getting her sister back. It might lessen the blow.

The refugees now all have their respective homes built, and I "tamed" Katriel. Well, this is the term closest to what I do, it works on animals, so I think it's the right word.

She is 42 years old. I did not think... she looks younger than that, and now with the power inside her she looks to be 20 again. Her lashes marks did not disappear completely. They did become fainter though.

She does resemble Tenka a Bit 5'6", but they are not related. She is a noble lady after all. They did not let her and her 3 baby boys in the wild. She has golden hair, blue eyes and black eyelashes. Her skin is a healthy white. Her hands and feet look delicate, like they never lifted anything heavy. She was already like an hourglass thank to her captor, but now, she is firm and gorgeous. Her high c breast seems to defy the law of gravity to hold in the air like they do.

I could not resist making her a very skimpy armor. With her past too, it fit. Tenka is more the assassin style, Salaba like a cute barbarian with furs. So I made her the gladiator style hehe. She ware small leather underwears under a mail skirt. The top Is a small mail tank top with just enough leather underneath to prevent chaffing. The front is dangling a bit with the magic holding breast. It leaves just enough for the imagination. She also ware a battle helm, which she is the first to use one in the village.

Everything is in the signature dark red from Echatium. The helm is simple and sleek except for a hole to pass her hairs in the back with a clip. The helm cannot fall, and it look good. The blond pony tail waving in the wind and her blue eyes in the curved inverted L openings.

I teach her how to fight and advance knowledge myself. Of course I don't let out Tenka and Salaba out for this, but I separate the training styles of the three.

For Tenka and Sal, It's the opposite of what they are good at hehe.

Tenka is lifting weighs without any power to help. Only when she is done, I use my overflowing vitality on her. And I make sure she Is very much unable to hold on at all, with cruel means, like putting fire under her so she can't let go. Beating her with a light staff. Force feeding her all the food she require for her last growth spurt. She could reach 5'4" at best, but! At the end of the day, she gets a deep massage with VIT and PU. Her body changes fast to adapt to her soul. These changes are not visible from the outside.

Sal is training her mental. She needs Imagination, Knowledge and mental energy to make a Mindscape. Also a powerful soul... like imagining a complete room with all the laws like the air and gravity. A smell require to put your mind to it, so to make a whole world, you need a lot of imagination and knowledge. So.. Math, physics, chemistry....

Katriel is perfect for her beginning. Her age is set, but her soul got bumped in power. She knew that I would give her powers, so she eagerly took them. From an un-awakened normal human, she managed to come straight into my Mindscape by sheer will and trust. She immediately kneeled and summited heart and soul.

I don't know how she can trust me that much, but that make me take it all! I respect her decision and bound our souls as tight as she can endure, without exploding. With that, I can hear her thoughts. She can also feel my presence and felling's, but Amy is the one reading her, so she can't read me like I do her. My power creeps in her body and makes it its extension, like she is one of my limbs. Once she wakes up, this is a new world to her.

With that Amy got some readings on my soul. Every time I use my power like this, I lose some of my SPI as loss. So this is not possible until someone is a lot more powerful normally. Only, Sam as a powerful soul to begin with and could afford to use it. Red is a byproduct of this anomaly.

Her body and mind both need work, so she joins both training and excel. It shows she received an education before. I make her wield a spear and buckler. In time, she will be able to take both Tenka and Salaba at the same time. I already throw her at them for beat up and resolve the resentment from stealing my attention.

Temate and Babaku are the two leaders. Tema is leading the politics and logistics, Babaku is leading the warriors. Since I bound her soul, I know she is smart, not just a giant. Not on Izuka and Tenka's level, but half this is already good! Smart enough to command my army hehehe.

There are currently 415 people in the village. Including the three prisoners. 300 of them can fight, the rest of them are either too old, young or crippled. It's a good number!

Same old as before, adding of 150 people did not change much. Awakened people live more carefree and easy. The refugees quickly become part of the already existing tribes, mostly the grass, since they are more "normal". There was no child in the lot. Few older women, but mostly between 15 and 50 years old people. I consider all of them adults. The ones with the emotional scars are healed slowly, but we had to make an institute for them. There is no lack of hands to take care of them. Some might not recover, but lets hope they can.

For the prisoners at first, Stephany was treated well. I didn't want to feel bad. But, after I got nowhere trying to find what I want from Beno, I Did not care about Karma And all that, so I fucking ate him, ripped his soul and ingested it by force to gain his filthy memories. After all, I'm still a chaotic person...

Amy filtered the boring uneventful stuff cause he was 57... In the end, 10 year's worth of bad shit was stored in my brain and my soul got a tiny boost. My Karma fell back to zero. His whole life amounts to two of my actions... you could argue that he was worth as much as the whole of his subordinates.

I learn where I need to go to find The fairy. I should be able to track it down. She was sold to a slave market 14 years ago. It's going to be tough...

Excepted that, I also found all about Stephany and her man hating gimmick. She went to hell before and is now bound to me because of the strange fluid that Beno ingested. Ammit Went crazy to eat the thing, she played around it as if it was a candy. The poly-bloodline tether. Beno was too stupid to understand what the cowled man did. This is chemistry art. Real magic alchemy. Sigh, I would have kept him alive if I had known.

I might be able to ingest other bloodlines, for example if I eat Stephany, but I'm keeping her as my slave. Besides, Beno did taint me a bit, and I feel my dark toughs surface more than usual.

I also gained more understanding of the - Air Slash - skill and a new skill called - Slaver's Luck - This is the last time I do this! At least until I find a better way. This Asshole was clearly unlucky!

Now I need to build good karma. Deciding to keep Stephany resolutely made me gain one point. W.t.f... Maybe killing her would not make the world a better place? After all, she would go to hell, then come back with more resentment. Now, I will train her as my perfect pet. hrm moving on.

I also need her to perform all kinds of readings on the human brain waves. Having her soul bound like this Is a blessing for researches. With Amy at the helm, it's like having an X Ray scanner, An' Electroencephalogram, Hematology analyzer and more machines that don't exist due to the existence of powers!

In short, I can put up a perfect map of her mental, physique and soul. I can tease her and see her hormones, nerves, synapses, powers, etc.. Reactions to emotions. Then, I can remotely simulate the emotion. With practice, maybe in the future I can cast illusions like the fairies, either trap them in hell or fall in bliss. Well, it will take a while...

Now I Know a lot about this world. Should I say Beno knew more about the underworld than the regular one. Still, I at least know the geography, value of money, reading and writing in two languages, the social classes and jobs in this world, etc...

The peoples are divided in layers starting with war prisoners, slaves, commoners, lords, low nobles, nobles, high nobles, Rulers, Gods.

War prisoners are tormented, slaves have physical integrity, but no freedom. Commoners are 70% of the population. Lords are in charge others, either by power or craft, sometimes carrying a bit of noble blood, which would give them the low noble status. Low nobles are within the branch families. Nobles are godling descendants. High nobles are the 20% more powerful ones. Rulers the 5% top. Gods, have to fulfill many criteria, like immortality, fame, strength, beauty, etc...

They can be recognized for only one or more of these things. Like the War-song God. The god of prophecy and luck, there is also another god of luck and drinking, god of wine, god of pleasures... You could meet them if you are lucky!

Ho! And most of them are androgens, as in, they appear in both genders. Though, they usually have a preferred form.

There Is a lot of unexplored territory for humans, even close here, not mentioning the whole world. But, humans have a tendency to play the war games. Things are still in a feudal state after millions of years of civility. Maybe it's the magic or the other races, or the gods, but I can't help but be a bit disappointed. Still, this is a good opportunity for me!

Right now, our village is only a small dot in the thick forest. Far in the east, there are cities that cover thousands kilometers. Beno heard that somewhere in the world stand many great places like, The bastion of humanity (which Beno would never go, since he is the opposite to that.), The Great Academies, The Temples (hospitals).

I expected to find something like an Adventurer's guild, but no! The lords are in charge of the markets and information, the money flow up the ladder. The nobility controls everything and compete with each other. You don't see many international organizations. Except the ones related to the gods. There are many currencies, the most common are gold coins of course, but the value is not as high as on earth. I would say a gold coin would be worth 10$.

Under gold are silver and bronze. Over is Platinum teal, Adamantium teal, Crownium teal (Stephany collar was made from it to tank her powers), Ezetium teal (Flying tools level), Sazium teal (noble magic jewelry level), Arsenium teal (noble weapon level Sam's claws), Betanium teal (gods jewels) and Alfanium teal (gods weapons). There is mor to it, but this is as far as Beno's knowledge go except for the dark knowledge.

So, now I can do the same he did with Steph on an even better level. But there is a cost. As long as she remains alive, I will slowly integrate the good pieces of her bloodline and powers, which are unknown to herself. With me as master, she can grow stronger too. I forced her in my Mindscape and made her surrender to me. It was easy to tell when she was not sincere. Now she is bound to me body and soul. Even closer than anybody else.

She is crazy. Even when I punish her and she derives pleasure out of it, she would conspire internally. I broke her even more, as She is in love with me but also hates me. That was the best I could do, at least now she looks alive. She knows she belongs to me, so might as well roll with it.

Still, This potion is miraculous. I can sense any betrayal thoughts from anywhere she would be. She just can't betray me at all. If she did, her brain will simulate the "torture" I put her through. She would faint before completing the deed. That's thanks to Amy.

She is like a vicious spider. If you startle her, she will bite no matter who you are. So, to make sure shew stay out of trouble, she is serving me, and have to stay around me at all times, wearing a skimpy outfit.

The village as now one more subject that I was eager to learn myself. Socials. It's funny, I sit in the class with a bunch of young people and learn the same thing they do...

The New additions have extensive knowledge on social matters, from many places in this world. One by one, they come and share what they can. We note it down, and store it in the library. I realize, we are already more advanced than the royalty. We have markets and work guilds. They don't have that as they provide and rely on the lord's estate. The lord is responsible to care for citizens growth. The estate belongs to the nobles and so on.

Even in the city, the establishments you would see, are a family owned business, taverns and restaurants, temples, storehouses and banks. Yes Banks! The greatest establishments that even the nobles trust. The banks only purpose is to keep treasures safe. There is all kinds of banks. Mostly owned by families to be competitive. One particular bank spread across the world, The God Treasury. Yes! As in, The God. Rumors say that is owned by his son and he is still active today.

(This god! I wish I could meet hum... meet him, but I'm an ant to him right now...)

Moving on from my thoughts, I realize I need to go see Arianna. In the end I never found out why the sword went in my body... I thought it would be in my mindscape, but even Amy can't feel it anywhere.

This time, I bring Tenka, Sal, Kat, Red, Mily, Izuka and Steph along. I want them to witness this world breath taking sights and not be stuck in their small views.

There is not many dangers, but this party makes me exited for some reasons. I cant help but set up a party menu in my game Hud... There is always a bunch of visual information in my periphery. I can just think and the window moves to the center of my sight. I can make them translucent and what have you. I can make a target help. All the holographic stuff I can think of. I'm the party's Jack of all trade and leader.

Tenka is an' assassin.

Salaba and Mily are damage dealers.

Kat is a tank.

Izuka is a mounted ranger

Red is my proud mount. He said he will never let me find another mount, no matter how powerful or humanlike he becomes! Lol, it's fine bye me he is very intimidating.

Stephany, Well... Except for feathers and whip, I don't know what to make of her. I won't force her to fight, so she just spectate.

I'm actually eager to go kick some powerful creature's butt!

(When we come out of there, we will go on an' adventure. I have all we need in my stomach!)

I remember the way easy with my now near perfect memory. The ride is very thrilling, We all have our mounts and company animals with us. Excepted for Mily and Steph That rides in front and back of me, getting jealous glares hehehe.

Izuka on the Whitemare, Sal on a Strong mountain goat, Tenka is light enough to ride Taki, which became a huge grey wolf with all the power they share. Kat also tamed a mountain goat for her mount.

It only takes us a few hours, the ground trembling under the paws and hooves of the party. I don't stop at the tree entrance, but dive in the cave along with our rides.

We get a strange feeling, running full speed in a tube. The gravity change is also more flagrant at our speed. The mounts have to adjust to the new feeling, but they happily make their way with renewed vigor.

Once I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I pull out my flute, order the riders to slow down and start to play. I had time to practice, so I pull the best song's from my memories.

It does not take long for our friends to come greet us, and dance around like a constellation. I won't lie, I heard too many songs in my last life, from all epochs and styles. I make use of it for their enjoyment. We reach the castle gates too fast, as I can hear the fairies disappointed whispers. I promise to play again for them, I don't mind. Especially since The girls look at me like I'm a god or a freak...

Before going in the castle, I make a cage for Stephany.

"Sorry Steph, but I prefer not bringing people from hell here. Maybe if i can trust you one day. Let's say in a hundred years... Red, please stay with the mounts and make sure they stay safe."

I throw a look at Steph from the corner of my eye.

Red-"Sure Sam, You just have to share whatever word you need later."-

He just shrugs like its not his business and go banter with Taki. of corse the have long began a "mateship".

"Well, Let's go girls!"