
Even God Failed Will I?

Drifting for millions of years as a disembodied soul.... This Is a gigantic new world our M.C. gets thrown into. No cheat's... Well, He will make his own cheats. A world where a flesh and blood God Walked and lost his life, betrayed while protecting it from doom. So big, that a normal human can't ever hope to travel a quarter in their life, let alone around it. The possibilities seem endless! Read ahead my rough works on pat/eon SamYsekai ***I'm not into martyr stories and dislike bad emotions like; fear, Anxiety, Rage... you will feel; thrill, love, laugh... of course a story need a plot, but even in these moments, just know that I will turn it in positive emotions.**** ****Any sex scenes are *over "18" in earth time span*. So do expect Loli and crazy stuff in my special chapters, as I like to keep the story going straight.**** ****I do not own any of the outside Characters that could appear not often... He's reincarnated after all. His knowledge contain a load of earth mangas and animes***

Samuel_Demers · Fantasy
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47 Chs

E.G.F.W.I? Chapter 35 - Mirai 未来 -

We are greeted by an' army of golems forming rows upon rows, fading in the background. If I did not feel vital energy, I would have thought that they are humans. I guess she pulled all the stops since she has real guesses, not one that owes her his life in a way and has to pass an' annoying trial.

I hold back my annoyment and make my way forward. I'm here to check some stuff and show this place to the girls, so the sight don't interest me much. I still let the girls wonder. Ammit came out to play too. She would not miss the fairies. That put a smile on my face.

We enter Large doors, leading to the main hall. Followed by the party, I make my way to the throne and bow curtly.

Arianna-"Welcome! and Welcome back you two! I take that you were successful in your mission? That was a lot faster than I anticipated!?"-

"Well, success and failure are not the case here. Ari! That sword entered my body and I can find it anymore!"

Ari-"Pfff.... Giggles..... Hahahahaha!"-

"What the hell!"

Ari-"~That sword entered my body~!.. Pfff WAHAHAHAHA! I-I can't find it anymore HAHA...."-

She is literally rolling on her, too big for her, throne.

(If I was alone... It would be fine, but she is insulting me in front of my conquests! ARG! DAMNED IT! She is actually so much more powerful than me... sniff. What a greeting.)

Once she is done wiping her tears of laughter away, we get down to business.

Ari-"You don't have to worry about the sword, I'm a lot more worried about you dear. After all, this is a primordial sentient treasure predating god itself. If she is inside you, that means she as a business there. She is waiting for me to pull her out actually."-

Arianna extends her tiny hand toward my forehead form meters away. When she does call to the sword, a strange thing occurs.

"HAAAAARRRGGG!" X100 mirror images and sound.

My body Stay in place, but I feel myself passing through different spaces. After images can be seen from my body to Ari's hand, where the handle of the sword stick out off of my forehead.

She put her hand on it, and;

-Crick! Crash!-

The sound of shattered glass sounds in the hall, my body falls to the floor eyes wide open.

-"SAM!"- X 5

The girls grasp my warm body.

Tenka-"Not again!"-

Katriel-"This happened often?"-

Salaba-"Not often like this, but he almost died a few times."-

-Somewhere hot and stinky-

I open my eye and find myself in front of the grim reaper.

"Seriously! What is this?"

Looking around, I'm in the mythological underworld. In the distance, I can see the golden samsara river, I see the souls of the dead, skeletons walking about, ghosts, you name them.


"Sorry to break it to you, but I never ran from you! And now, you think you can judge me! FUCK YOU!"

The large skeleton seems to become even larger. He slowly raises his hand and point at my forehead. I can feel the space stretching again. Once his finger touches my third eye, a shockwave blast him apart. The sound of a giant gong resounds loudly trough space.

-Back in the throne room-

A dark purple light shoots out from Sam's forehead and the sword of destiny fly from Ari's hand and collide with the purple light.


The sound reverberates through space and time. The whole reality shakes from the collision. Ordinary people struggle to stay on their feet everywhere in the world.

Two swords fall to the floor. Excepted for the color they are identical. One is silver, with black runes etched in the center of the blade with a golden dragon handle, The other is dark purple with white/gold runes and a black dragon handle. Right now they are sized for human use, around 1.5 meter blade and 35 cm handle, 15 cm guard.

(So, his is the primordial stage of power, amazing! I can't begin to imagine a god wielding it. They can't fight in this time space, heck even in this reality at this point!)

I wobbly get up from the ground. I just think about it, and the sword flashes in my third eye and disappear.

Ari and I look at each other dumbfounded.

"I think your sword just protected me from death itself! At least, death from my past life...?"

Ari-"Of course she did, after all Lydi is the ones who ask her to help you."-

I think of the tapestry of time, Strangely enough;

- Swish! -

The wall by our side get's filled with the tapestry, this time it takes the whole wall, and I have perfect control over it.

I look at Arianna who as her mouth is agape.

Ari-"Ho... How is that possible!"

"Hey! Who is a few thousand years old here? How could I know how I got my hands on a primordial treasure? And how can it control your tapestry?"

Khonsu appears from my forehead.

Khonsu-"What the hell is this, I was sleeping soundly, when a sword just fell from the sky straight in the purple brassier and started changing my temple Damn it!"-

"Hoooo~ Yes! she is mending the damage from the battle with Ammit's mother and fixing our mistakes in the power aspects."

I can feel the structure of my mind becomes firm and organized, my power channels reshaping themselves and my soul gets toned down by a lot. Only a small bit of my soul power can flow in my vessel now. I gain complete control over my powers!

It feels amazing. I don't feel like I'm restraining myself anymore. My current stats doubled already. Everything seems clearer now. I breathe in the pure air of this place.

"Seems like I made a new friend. I will name you Mirai no Shinjitsu, as in Future truth. I might not be true today but strive to make it tomorrow."

I can feel the hum she let go in approval from my soul palace, to every cell in my body. It's like she sees my potential, and correct the missing bits to make sure I steer in the right direction, this according to my will, apparently!

(What a nice sword! That's death ability for you. Did I actually stole his weapon!? No, impossible. She came of her own free will!?)

The sword hums again, then the tapestry rollback to millions of years ago, when god activated the planetary array. My eyes lose their focus, and I watch the information a comes to play in front of me.

-In space, above the planet Yollan-

When you are working with a universal scale array, that on above the light speeds, you are bound to get unexpected results. God actually transported a whole solar system across the universe at an' instant speed. This is one of the things he did not account for 100% because it's out of our perspective, and he had a time limit. Dying here or there did not make a difference in the end. They just hoped for success.

Disasters where already striking Yollan when they activated the array. They could not wait any longer.

From the outside you can see the planet exuding beams of lights that converge and collide in the darkness of space. All around the system, stars begin to appear. The system gets cut off from the space outside.

Just like what happened to me when Ari pulled the sword or destiny from me, from this position to the position Yollan occupy now, after images appear and disappear in a second. Just like two mirrors reflecting each other. Once passed, space seems to wiggle back to its rightful space, minus the system that was there before.

On the way Yollan crossed path with many worlds and realities. Sam which was embracing his death at that moment got snatched from between realities. This happened to six different entities.

Following the tapestry showing me the life of each transmigrators. I come to know that they all came from higher realities than mine and Yollan's. They either died and went back to their own cycles, or went back there themselves. In the process, they shared some knowledge about higher states of being. In turn, this created a batch of the godling from a new faction. In the end they became all the same.

Except one line that was always left by itself not belonging to any worlds. A soul that escaped the reaper, but as been stuck for millions of years, his astral body wondering about in the forest. Listening to the symphony of nature. A soul that was awaiting judgment, thanks to his parents' religious teachings hehehe.

Until the day when Elnora, one of the self-made godlings, found him and decided to help him a bit. In the end, she she uses a lot of energy for this and even lost a friend on the way.

My story continues until today. My solo line that was not touching the tapestry is now fused with it, and a new tapestry comes out of the void mixing in the one from Yollan.

(Did I just change the whole world!?)

The sword hum and the tapestry in the void present its extinct story.

Before Sam died, the earth did not have that many years left for humans. When Sam was snatched from death's jaws, this created chaos In the underworld. Just like the flapping of a butterfly... Earth felt the waves and started its apocalypse. Slowly, all life was extinct from the globe. Only one soul was missing since the beginning of times. Death unwilling to gift it its freedom casts his spell to bring the soul back to the underworld. His spell crossed space and time to reach us today from a few million years and trillions of trillions miles away.

Lucky for me. The sword of destiny protected my soul, and death suffered a huge backlash from the spell and the attack by the primordial weapon. He lost his own weapon in the other reality. By now it's too late to do anything, as his own sword of destiny was his tool to do what he just did. The only way Sam would come is if he decided to come himself. We all know he has no reasons too. Especially since he knows that life on earth is extinct. Or if Death can find another primordial weapon, which is also impossible since they chose their users.

God or I, are the ones who caused the apocalypse in my world... LOL, The worst is, how many world did we destroy on the way? Yes, We, I can now see myself as part of this world integrally thanks to Mirai.

Its limit is the power that I can use in exchange for its action. Equivalent exchange.

-Back in the castle-

I come back to myself and not even a minute passed. All the girls could see is the tapestry and my eyes moving at the speed of light left and right from all the Intel that was crammed in my brain.

I realize the sword has been protecting me since the day I appeared in this world not just 5 years ago, but millions of years ago. She delayed death's spell until today. The best proof is, why would a sentient primordial weapon would accept to play with a less than ant boy in its eyes?

It was waiting for me.

I bow to the sword.

"Thank you! I don't know why me? But thanks again!"

Before we can continue on the subject, The original sword of destiny flies to the tapestry on today's event and slash through it. A blinding flash of light passes through the hall and the girls forget all about Mirai no shinjitsu. Only Ari remembers, but she is not stupid enough to go against hey toy's wishes.

All they remember is we successfully brought back the sword Ari was waiting for.

"On to the next subject! I need more Aresnium Do you have any or can you point me where I could find some?"

Arianna-"No! you took it all last time! Can you imagine how long it took us to gather tough metal like this. few millennia! they gather the dust naturally falling from the mine."-

"OK, OK, I will bring you back some if you tell me where to go!"

Ari-"Hpm! Fine you just have to follow Aldrich when you are ready."

I small green ball hovers as bow in front of me a disappears after.

"Thanks. Well, would you mind showing the ladies a good time while I'm away? they came for experiences after all."

Ari-"Girl time! giggles"

"I forgot to mention, she might be one of the most powerful of this world, but she is very funny and a good friend! Have fun! Aldrich!"

With that out the way, I run along AL, between the crystals and plants all around. We go around a 100 km/h dashing in this strange wilderness. I can see a variety of lizards and insects. They seem to enjoy this environment a lot. Warm, humid and darkish. At least natural artificial light....

I can tell there should be a few bosses around, but I'm not here for this. As we advance, the crystals suddenly becomes tainted with another color. Instead of green, they are half burgundy at first then obsidian further in. This should be close!

We keep going and come across giant obsidian crystals starting from the ground to the ceiling.

"Is that it!?"

Al shakes from left to right. Then up and down.

"So it's Arsenium but I can't pick this one?"

Same answer. I just try my luck. Once I touch it I realize, how the hell am I supposed to mine it....

"Sorry Al, I could not hold back my curiosity. It would have made things a lot simpler. Is there a big crystal not so stuck in the bedrock or Even better, broken off. As long as the pillar or rock is not connected to something else!"

The little ball jumps happily and zip toward our goal. I bounce after it leaving after images. We quickly make it to a fallen crystal, or I should say pillar, as it probably weights hundreds of tons. Using my claws, I can't scratch it. My claws should be able to leave a scratch since the crystallography is near perfect. That mean's those natural crystals are even more perfect than my own work! Now I understand how this place can be so different than outside! The whole place is protected by Noble and God levels materials. I will make sure this place remains a secret...

Back to my normally impossible task, in my case I just imagine a few small pockets of compressed air under it, the block can easily slide. In the industrial sectors of earth, they use this method to move very heavy stuff with air instead of wheels. My goal is to make it slide, then make seamlessly appear in my stomach as if it was still sliding on the floor.

I now have a 100 tons of Arsenium Hahaha! Ammit just suck on it like a popsicle. After all, in my stomach, she can use any shape and size she wants. Is it the thing getting smaller or the girls getting bigger? Anyway, she will make teals out of it like usual, and my skeleton! It's good because now even though I'm weak, I can survive a clash of entities at noble level. Though survive is a big word.

"Well! I'm done buddy! Do you mind if we explore a bit more? I will follow you."

Aldrich nod in response. He gives me a tour or this magnificent place.

There is first, crystals of all shapes and colors, creatures residing in those peculiar environments, vegetation, the different "Weathers" which don't change over time here etc.

He showed me a place where a type of dragon lives. The silver/black crystals are neatly arranged from floor to ceiling in a beautiful pattern. its nest is a very nice place. I know its just a lizard and it does not have wings, but it has more of the eastern dragon with bigger legs and no carp features. It's more like a Komodo with horns. Of course, I would not try its breath shivers.

There are also endless flower fields. It almost looks like I'm standing outside, if I overlook the ceiling. Butterflies and crickets hoping around. It feels like prehistory when I think about it. Like this place was stuck at this evolutionary stage. No birds, which are descendants of dinosaurs.

Bats exist in this cave though. They are rodents, though they might have come from outside. Thinking about this makes want to know about myself. How did I come to be the way I am? moving on..

(The evolving story of this planet must be insane! Of course I could check it, but It will wait. I can't fill up my brain with this much useless knowledge.)

The last place we visit is a magma pool and waterfall, or lavafall. This is my first time seeing real lava.

"Alright I've seen enough for today let's go back, shall we?"

Al seemed to enjoy the tour too. I can swear I heard him whisper something with a despondent voice.

"Don't worry Aldrich Next time I need a guide, I will call you without fail!"

Now I did clearly hear him cheer up. He has an adult male voice, Its just that I can only hear like is someone talked three different words every syllabus.

"WOW! Your language is, complicated! and amazing!"

Al-"Giggles"- x3