
Eternal Vanguard

In a world where superhumans known as Fragments possess extraordinary abilities harnessed from the cosmic storms, a secret organization hunts them down, seeking to control their powers. After a devastating attack leaves the Fragments in hiding, a young woman discovers her cosmic heritage and becomes a beacon of hope. With newfound allies, she embarks on a journey to uncover her own powers and unite the scattered Fragments.

_Mass · 都市
3 Chs

Chapter one|| five

Six Years Ago:

The scene opens with chaos engulfing the city, as buildings crumble and explosions reverberate through the air. Smoke billows, and flames dance among the wreckage. Amidst the devastation, a young girl named Aurora finds herself standing in the midst of the chaos, tears streaming down her face. The once bustling streets are now a battleground of destruction, and Aurora is overwhelmed by the magnitude of the devastation unfolding around her.

"Aurora!" a voice calls out, cutting through the chaos. Aurora turns her head to see her elder sister named Jessy, reaching out to her with a trembling hand. Her eyes reflect concern and fear, mirroring the turmoil in the world around them. Without hesitation, Aurora reaches back, their hands nearly touching.

Just as their fingers are about to intertwine, a deafening crash fills the air. The ground shakes beneath them, and Aurora's eyes widen in terror. She looks up to see a colossal building collapsing, its towering structure tilting ominously towards her. Time seems to slow as fear grips her heart, paralyzing her in place.

"Run!" Jessy scrams

In that heart-stopping moment, Aurora is jolted awake from her nightmare.

"You've been staring for too long," Jessy observes gently, studying Aurora's expression. Sensing her sister's distress, she tries to lighten the mood. "So, do you like it?" Jessy spins around, showcasing an elegant dress that complements her figure.

Aurora's eyes widen with admiration and joy. "It looks so good on you!" she exclaims, a genuine smile spreading across her face as she embraces Jessy. The momentary reprieve from the chaos outside allows them to revel in the simple pleasure of sisterly connection.

But curiosity gets the better of Aurora, and she can't contain her burning question any longer. "Jessy, why did you call me here? What's going on?" Her voice is laced with eagerness and anticipation.

Jessy pauses, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes as she struggles to contain her excitement. She takes a deep breath, unable to hold back the secret any longer. "Okay, I promised myself I wouldn't tell you, but... I'm going to be a mom!" Her words spill out, filled with a mixture of joy and nervousness.

Aurora's shock is evident on her face as she processes the news. Her eyes widen, her mouth opening in disbelief. "What?!" she exclaims, her voice a mix of surprise and excitement. The revelation takes her by surprise, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within her. She wraps her arms around Jessy, pulling her into a tight embrace.

The two stroll through a bustling Mall, enjoying the time spent together as time passes. As the day was about to end the two sisters are on there way back home. Aurora takes the wheel, driving while Jessy settles into the passenger seat . Aurora driving as Jessy listened to the radio...

The radio presenter's voice fills the car, providing a soundtrack to their drive before Aurora switch's to a famous local radio station...

first radio presenter : "... what about the recent attack were a group of terrorist Fragments unleashed chaos and destruction in our neighboring state huh?!they intentionally spread panic and devastation in the name of freedom, and you expect us to understand! bullshit!." response his voice filled with fury

second radio presenter: "Indeed, the impact of these Fragment attacks is deeply concerning. The damage caused by their powers is staggering, and the public's fear and distrust of Fragments are only escalating, But let's not forget, there are voices advocating for a bridge of understanding and acceptance of Fragments amidst the chaos after all not everyone is like that. I argue that not all Fragments should be seen as threats. I believe that we need to find a way to coexist with them peacefully."

first radio presenter: "Coexist? what bullshit were you drinking before you got here? Are we expected to welcome these superhumans who can level entire cities with open arms? The dangers they pose cannot be ignored. We must prioritize the safety and well-being of our citizens not these freaks of nature. It's a matter of public security."

second radio presenter: "I understand your concerns, but it's crucial to recognize that not all Fragments are alike. Generalizing them as threats undermines the potential for peaceful coexistence. We must approach this with an open mind and strive for understanding."

first radio presenter: "Listen to yourself 'strive for understanding.' after they killed some of the local resident and you still want to 'strive for understanding' , let's not forget the countless lives lost and the devastation caused by freaks is all I hear from you. We need stronger measures to protect our society from these powerful beings. It's a matter of survival."

just as the second Presenter was about to talk Jessy turn off the radio as Aurora looks at her "I was listening." Aurora says a bit frustrated and distrust towards these superhuman beings

Jessy: "I know, every time the topic of Fragments is raised, you go crazy. "

Aurora: "Can't I? I mean, they go around killing people! It's terrifying!"

Jessy: "But not all of them are like that. What about Noah from the primary?"

Aurora: " He's an exception."

Jessy: "See what I mean? Just because there are a few good ones doesn't mean we should ignore the danger. It's not worth the risk."

Aurora sighs, her frustration evident as she contemplates . As their car continues on the road, Jessy turns to Aurora , hoping to find common ground.

Jessy: " Aurora, I understand your concerns, I really do. But we can't let fear blind us completely. There are Fragments out there who want to make a positive impact, who want to help. We can't judge them all based on the actions of a few."

Before Aurora can respond, a sudden cry interrupts their conversation.

Jessy voice: "Aurora!!!"

Startled, Aurora turn around, only to be blinded by a flash of bright lights. Their car is abruptly jolted as a speeding van collides with them, sending their vehicle spinning out of control.


"Ohh..." Aurora groans, blood dripping from her forehead as her hearing slowly returns. The scene is chaotic, and Aurora tries to gather her bearings.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" one of the masked men from the other van yells, urging his companions. Three more individuals armed with weapons emerge from the van and approach Aurora and Jessy. Realizing the danger, Aurora quickly turns to her sister.

"Jessy," Aurora says weakly, her voice filled with concern, as she unlocks her seatbelt. "Jessy!" she repeats, this time louder, trying to rouse her sister. "Get out of the car!"

"One of the guys" says, pointing his gun at Aurora through the broken window. Aurora raises her hands cautiously, the tension in the air palpable. "What do you want?!"

"Shut up!" another man snaps, striking Aurora with the butt of his gun, causing her to wince in pain. "I dare you to say something again, and I'll..." Before he can finish his threat, Jessy pushes him away with surprising force sending him flying a few steps back.

Stunned by Jessy's unexpected attack, the other two assailants begin firing their guns, but Jessy shields Aurora from the bullets with her own body, her display of protection leaving Aurora in even more shocked... "you are a..."

"Fragment" Jessy says finishing her sentence as the guns run out of ammunition . "Just a sec..." Jessy says turning her attention the two attackers. "damn it " they say panicking as Jessy swiftly rushes between the two "Surprised.." she says coldly with a single punch, the sound of a cracking rib bone echoes through the air as one attacker screams out in pain. "AHHH"

"Bastard!" the last attacker says, aiming her gun at Jessy. To their surprise, the bullets seem to hit an invisible force field surrounding Jessy, unable to harm her. "Who sent you here?" Jessy demands, her voice icy and cold.

"Like hell I'd tell you," the attacker retorts, defiance lacing their words. Jessy sighs in disappointment, her disappointment turning into determination. "Suit yourself," she says calmly, as an invisible force crushes the last attacker, causing them to scream in agony before a loud pop follows, leaving a trail of blood behind.

Aurora stands there in stunned silence, trying to process the whirlwind of events unfolding before her eyes. "This isn't how I pictured you finding out... Are you okay?" Jessy asks, her voice weak, as she reaches out for Aurora's hand. "Why didn't you ever tell me you're a..."

Jessy lets out a laugh, a mix of exhaustion and hidden emotions. "Out of everything, that's what you want to ask right now," she says, extending a helping hand to Aurora. "I honestly didn't want you to find out like this. I never wanted you to know about this side of me."

Suddenly, a sharp pain pierces the air as the first attacker stabs Jessy from behind, impaling her through the heart. Aurora's eyes widen in horror as she watches her sister being struck. With a forceful push, Jessy is thrown away from the attacker, collapsing to the ground. Aurora catches her, desperately trying to hold back the tears.

"No... No, this can't be happening," Aurora pleads, her voice trembling with grief. "Jessy, please... wake up, please!"

But Jessy's eyes grow heavy, and her voice weakens. "Aurora..." she says softly, her words barely audible. The color in her eyes fades, and her body goes limp.

Aurora's cries become anguished as she cradles her sister's lifeless form. "No... No, this can't be happening. Jessy, please... Wake up, please!"

Just as Aurora's despair consumes her, one of the attackers speaks, breaking the silence. "How do you like our little surprise? My employer said this would be more than enough to stop you."

the second attacker barely manages to stand up. "Just finish her sister you dumbass"

A whirlwind of energy slowly enveloping her. "Jessy" she says her voice grief stricken as the air crackles with electricity, causing lights to flicker and objects to vibrate. The surge of her powers creates a powerful disturbance, affecting the surrounding environment and startling the unsuspecting bystanders.

Aurora's grief-stricken voice trembles as she speaks to her departed sister.

n that moment of profound loss, an overwhelming surge of emotions floods through Aurora causing her eyes to glow and cracks start to form from her skin. As grief, anger, and a deep sense of injustice intertwine within her, fueling an untapped power that has laid dormant within her being. The surrounding environment begins to tremble, as if echoing the turmoil within her soul.

With a primal scream of anguish, Aurora's powers unleash in an explosive display. Energy surges around her, shattering windows, splintering furniture, and causing the very foundation of the restaurant to shake, as everyone nearby was instantly vaporized.

Outside, the streets transform into a theater of pandemonium. Pedestrians, gripped by a mix of fear and dread, watch in disbelief as the once serene restaurant becomes a battlefield of clashing cosmic energies. The pulsating aura surrounding Aurora intensifies, emitting waves of vibrant energy that ripple through the air.

Suddenly, a low, bass-filled boom reverberates through the area, shaking the very foundations of nearby neighborhoods . The ground trembles beneath the sheer force of Aurora's power, causing cracks to spiderweb across the pavement. The shockwave sweeps through the surroundings, toppling street signs and shattering windows, releasing a cacophony of crashing glass.

As the energy surges, a powerful gust of wind gusts through the streets, bending trees and sending debris swirling through the air. The wind carries with it a chilling sense of the otherworldly, as if the very fabric of reality is being stretched and distorted.

With each passing moment, the chaotic display escalates. Car alarms blare in dissonant symphony as the sheer force of the cosmic energies shatters the windows of vehicles parked nearby. The howls of sirens, drowned out by the chaos, blend with the chorus of alarms, adding to the overwhelming disarray.

In a radius of 500 kilometers, the impact of Aurora's unleashed power is felt. Glass windows shatter, both near and far, in a domino effect that spans the city. Buildings tremble as if in the presence of an invisible earthquake, their structures strained by the cosmic forces at play.

Fear and confusion grip those caught in the midst of this extraordinary event. Pedestrians seek shelter, ducking into doorways or diving behind whatever makeshift cover they can find. Some retreat into buildings, hoping to find safety within their walls.

As the chaos reigns, the surrounding area becomes an eerie tableau of destruction, nearby bystanders watch with wide eyes, their faces etched with pure terror . as a gaping crater had replaces the enter East Walloon Road. The scene unfolds like a surreal nightmare, defying the laws of nature and leaving an indelible mark on the collective memory of all who witness it.

Sirens wail in the distance....