
Eternal Vanguard

In a world where superhumans known as Fragments possess extraordinary abilities harnessed from the cosmic storms, a secret organization hunts them down, seeking to control their powers. After a devastating attack leaves the Fragments in hiding, a young woman discovers her cosmic heritage and becomes a beacon of hope. With newfound allies, she embarks on a journey to uncover her own powers and unite the scattered Fragments.

_Mass · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter two || five

The rain pours down heavily, shrouding the city in an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. The streets, once bustling with life, now lie deserted as people seek shelter from the relentless downpour. The sound of raindrops tapping against windows and the distant rumble of thunder create an eerie silence, a stark contrast to the chaos that unfolded the night before as the sound of the two radio presenters come in...

second radio presenter : "....yeah but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. We don't want to create unnecessary panic. The authorities are actively investigating the matter, and they've called in the Hunter Association for assistance. But one thing's for sure, this isn't something we've seen before."

first radio presenter : Interrupting with a tone of anger "You're too soft! I'll tell you who it is! I bet my life it was those Settler bastards! These Fragments are nothing but trouble. This is what happens when they're allowed to roam free; they go around killing us! Remember when they attacked the state six years ago? It's hard not to draw parallels."

second radio presenter : Trying to maintain composure "I understand your concern, but we can't blame an entire group for the actions of a few. Not all Fragments are dangerous. Many have lived peacefully and even helped us over the years. We must be cautious not to generalize based on isolated incidents."

first radio presenter : "Cautious? Ha! What good has caution done us? will it undo the damages? will it help those who lost there families? The Hunter Association should just take all these freaks away. The world would do better without them!"

Meanwhile, somewhere in the city...

The heavy rain continues to pour down, as a man dressed in a full radiation-proof suit stands resolutely at the edge of a large crater. His masculine figure fills the suit, the gray shield on his back reflecting his unwavering dedication to his duty. The name tag on the suit reads "Cage," and he appears unaffected by the tightness of the suit, focused solely on the task at hand. The area is cordoned off, and the other suited individuals nearby give him a wide berth, recognizing the gravity of the situation. A sense of seriousness emanates from Cage as he surveys the scene before him.

The devastation left by the explosion is evident, and Cage's experienced eye takes in every detail. He knows all too well the consequences of such disasters thanks to six tears ago... Suddenly, the sound of a beeping machine catches his attention, and he turns towards the source. Another suited individual approaches him, holding a device displaying disturbing information.

"sir." the second person exclaims, their voice filled with alarm.

"What is it?" Cage responds with a deep and serious tone, approaching the person to get an explanation. As the individual adjusts the screen to show the data, Cage frowns upon seeing the readings of High-Grade Cosmic radiation.

Meanwhile, a commotion arises as a man tries to force his way into the restricted zone, "you don't understand let me in!"

"Hey! This is a restricted area. Get lost before I order the local authorities to arrest you!" Cage says addressing the stranger firmly.

The man who seemed to have a lot on his man pauses , raindrops continuing to fall around them. "No, my wife was on the way home," he says, his voice choked with sorrow and anger. "She's probably dead in the incident. We'll bring whoever did this to justice. So go home," Cage orders, his words carrying a mix of authority and empathy.

But the man remains resolute, his eyes filled with pure vengeance. "I won't!" he declares. "The bastard that did this needs to pay!" Cage looks at the man, understanding his pain and determination. After a moment of silent consideration, "Give him a suit." Cage instructs the others

The two other suited individuals are shocked by the order, but they comply, providing the man with a suit. Cage then looks at him directly and asks, "What's your name?"

A moment of silence follows before the man answers firmly, "Will."

Meanwhile, outside the city...

Aurora found herself running in what felt like an endless, nightmarish corridor, desperate to escape from an unseen terror. Her heart pounded in her chest, the echo of her panicked breaths adding to the chilling atmosphere. As she glanced over her shoulder, fear gripped her even tighter, causing her to stumble and fall, sending pain shooting through her body.

Before she could gather herself, a haunting figure materialized beside her, sending shivers down her spine. Her trembling voice demanded answers, "Who are you? What do you want?" The figure's presence was eerie, and as it spoke, Aurora felt a sense of familiarity mixed with malevolence. But there was something peculiar, a hint of confusion in the figure's words.

"Do you not recognize yourself?" it taunted with a sinister smile. "This makes things a lot easier" The figure's chuckle escalated into a bone-chilling laughter, sending shivers down Aurora's spine. It seemed to revel in her disorientation, finding amusement in her confusion.

Suddenly, with a mere gesture, the figure pinned Aurora to the wall, her body held by an invisible force. "Don't resist," it whispered, teasing her with a sinister demeanor. "All you have to do is to just...Let..Me..In"

The chilling demand echoed in her mind, filling her with dread and defiance. Aurora's voice broke through the terror, vehemently shouting, "Get away from me!" Her eyes snapped open, and she jolted awake, drenched in cold sweat, her heart still racing.

Finding herself in the back of an empty van, Aurora stepped outside, as she looks around confused as to how she ended here, she ends up looking at the sun as it's warmth surrounded her. Her surroundings gradually came into focus, and her attention was drawn to the sound of breaking plates. A man with strands of gray hair, the lines of experience etched on his face, greeted her with a warm smile he was around his mid 40s. "You're awake," he said kindly, his loyal dog barking playfully nearby.

As Aurora tried to shake off the haunting nightmare, she couldn't help but wonder about the figure in her dream. The encounter left her with a lingering sense of unease, and she couldn't shake the feeling that unsettling within the depths of her subconscious.

"hungry?" the man asked Aurora before she could say something her stomach let out an embarrassing growl. Blushing slightly, the man chuckled, "I guess that's a yes! "