
The Accident

Somewhere in Manhattan,

"Sir, we have informed their families. They'll be here soon."

"Did you find any evidence?"

"We are looking for it"

"Bring all of their stuff to my office. Nothing should be misplaced."

"Got it sir"


A black sedan stopped in front of the officers.

A guy with blood-shot eyes got out and ran towards the site. He saw two lifeless bodies on the ground. He rushed towards one of the body.

"Erica, wake up. Oh my god what happened to you. Baby please wake up. Somebody please call a doctor. Baby open your eyes please,for me" He cried.

Suddenly a girl arrived towards the second body. She screamed at the sight. She shook the lifeless body and cried her heart out. Her siblings tried to comfort her. Joey called his father and told him everything.

The crime investigator arrived "Mr. Noah Williams?"

"Yes officer"

"And you must be Mrs. Bella Miller?"


"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure" replied Noah.

"So, did you know where and with whom your wife was?"

"She had an exhibition in Chicago."

"Interesting, but Mr. Williams do you realise that we all are in Manhattan not Chicago. Not to ignore the fact that she was in that car with another man. Do you know him? Is he a friend of yours? Was he a business partner?" Said the investigator Mr. Lowan.

Suddenly, reality dawned upon him. She had lied to him. But why? What did just happen? He couldn't understand anything.

"I..um I don't know" he replied.

"And you Ms. Bella?" "Ms.Bella?"

But she just stood there unaware of her surroundings. Everything happened just too fast. Suddenly the whole world around her appeared to be spinning. She fainted. Fortunately Noah caught her. "Hey, hey wake up. Someone bring water please." He spoke while rubbing her hands. She felt cold like ice.

The investigator looked at them with mysterious eyes and said to himself "Interesting!"

Meanwhile, their families arrived. They were just too shocked to say anything. They rushed towards their children.

"Bella, what happened my child?" Cried her father.

"Officer don't you think that you should not bother our children at such a crucial time" spoke Mr. Williams.

"I was just doing my job sir." Replied Officer Lowan with a sly smile.

"I respect that officer! But you should just give them a few days. It's hard for them."

"Sure Mr. Williams." He shook hands with him and left.

The doctor on site checked up on Bella. "Nothing major to worry about. The patient in undergoing a lot of stress. Please make sure to keep her away from such environment." She said and went away.

"Bella, let's go. I'll take you home. You can stay with us." Said her father.

"No dad, I want to go to my house." She insisted.

"Dad, we can take sis there. We will stay with her and make sure that she's alright." suggested Joey.

"Yes dad, you should go home and rest. We are with big sisi always." said Chloe with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, call me when you reach there. Take care of her." He kissed Bella on the forehead and left.


2 hours later, in Brooklyn

Noah sat on the couch near the window in his room. He was in a deep thought while occasionally sipping his whiskey. He had locked himself in his room and destroyed everything in the room. Glass pieces lay shattered on the floor. He was in so much pain. He just couldn't understand why would Erica lie to him. Who was that man? What was she doing in Manhattan? How did it all happen? Various questions were going on through his mind. He was furious. He was broken. He felt betrayed.

The clock struck 12.

"Happy birthday Erica" he spoke and smashed another glass.


Meanwhile, in Manhattan

Bella laid quietly on her bed facing the ceiling and hugging George's shirt. She felt as if her whole world had crashed. She felt lifeless.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Sisi, please open the door."

"Please come out and eat something." said Joey.

"Joey, leave her alone for sometime. You know how difficult it is for her. Losing someone you love isn't easy." said Chloe.

"I won't forgive him ever, Chloe. I hate him. How can he betray sisi like that."

"Joey, you are just overreacting. We don't know the whole truth yet. No one knows. You can't judge him by what you saw. That officer was just exaggerating things. Brother-in-law loved sisi more than anything else in his life. He wouldn't betray her, ever. Just wait until the investigations are over and not jump to conclusions." she patted his shoulders.

"I don't believe him anymore." he sneered and left the room.

And the clock struck 12.

"Happy anniversary George. I love you." whispered Bella and a tear escaped her left eye.

How’s the chapter? Please show some love guys!!!!!!!!!!

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