
Escape Plan: Heaven

Just like any other ending, a blinding white light consumes her, that is until she felt someone's hand holding hers. A rocky road lays out for Venice after death, accompanied by an odd familiar woman, Alyanna, who guides her to Heaven from the Purgatory. That is only possible, if they pass through the obstacles.

ryomyo · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Uriel

"Do you really want to stay?" A voice calls out, it didn't sound like Alyanna. "No." I say but my mouth doesn't move. "You have many questions." It says. Where was I? Why can't I move? "I'm sorry." They apologize, but what are they sorry for? "I can't stay for long, so I'll try to entertain your questions." They say, their voice was like a man and a woman's, I can't recognize it. Why am I stuck? "You're asleep." I'm asleep? "Yes." You can talk in my mind?! "Well, your thoughts are pretty vulnerable here." Oh. I don't even remember sleeping. Who are you anyways? "Uriel." If my eyes can open right now, it would have lit up in recognition. You're the one that wrote the diary? They paused. "Yes." Silence, again. Uriel, that name sounded like it wasn't just from the diary. One word popped in my head, Archangels. Uriel must be one of them, right?

"Yes, I am one of them." They say. Wait, what do you mean by the door at the diary? "You'll find out soon." Uriel says. "Sorry, I don't have much time right now." Before I can say anything, I felt wind brush on me. It looks I won't be waking up for a while. Now that I was alone in my thoughts, I felt something clawing in my stomach. It was fear. Of course, it was a human emotion. So why did it feel so foreign? I am a human, aren't I? No wonder I feel so tired. This time, there was no light that consumed me, just sleepiness.


I yawn, stretching my arms and legs. I heard some joints pop but it felt kind of satisfying. "So, how was your sleep?" I jumped, not noticing Alyanna sitting at the other end of the mattress, holding the red book. "Well, it was fine. I did have a dream though." Her smiled faltered, but then it was back to where it was, as if nothing happened. "I don't remember, it was like a memory though." I took the blanket off me, standing up and snatched the book from her hands. "Well, I'm off to explore." I say before reaching for the doorknob. "Bye!" I hear my name being called behind the door, but I paid no attention anyways.