
Escape Plan: Heaven

Just like any other ending, a blinding white light consumes her, that is until she felt someone's hand holding hers. A rocky road lays out for Venice after death, accompanied by an odd familiar woman, Alyanna, who guides her to Heaven from the Purgatory. That is only possible, if they pass through the obstacles.

ryomyo · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Fire

A/N: From Chapter 4 and so on, I'll start writing from a third person's point of view.


"Venice!" Alyanna tried calling for her but she already left. "Damn. I guess I have to do this by my self then." The brunette cursed. She stood up and went over to Carmella's place to return the mug she forgot to return last week so she can do her work already. Before Alyanna can do three steps, a fire erupted at one of the cabins near the road to the fountain. Citizens were stopping whatever they're doing to check it out. "Hey!" Alyanna grabbed the arm of the blonde man. "What's going on?" She asks. "I don't know. I'm just confused as you are." The man eventually broke free from her grip, almost tumbling by doing so. She began to run too, not even noticing the broken mug that sat on her doorstep.

The fire was still there but it was a bit smaller, no matter how many water buckets were passed on, it still continued blazing. Finally, Alyanna spotted Carmella from the crowd. "Carm! What happened?" The girl noticed the tall woman coming towards her, all she did was shrug. "No one knows. Fudo said he was just sleeping until he smelled smoke." Said man was spotted with his friend, the blonde man from earlier. "No one died?" She asked and sighed in relief when the teen shook her head. Everyone knew it was impossible to create something out of nothing, so something must have caused the fire, but it would be a hard time finding out who the culprit is since these type of things rarely happen.

"Alyanna!" An annoying and recognizable voice, according to Alyanna, entered the scene. Venice panted, she must have ran here from wherever place she come from. "What happened?" Asked the raven. "A fire started in Fudo's place but we can't find the source of what caused it." Carmella explained. Alyanna expected a shocked face or a face that said "Woah, really?" but all she got was body language that screamed; "Whoops! I think I did something bad" and of course the nervous chuckle. "Venice... Did you do something?" All the two can wish was a simple "no" but they can't get anything what they want today. "Venice!" Alyanna suddenly yelled. "What did you do?" She emphasized on every word. The raven scratched the back of her neck and grinned cheekily. She suddenly yelped when she felt her friend's hand grip on her wrist. "Show us."


"I was just reading the diary you gave me and then I found myself here!" Venice flailed her arms in all directions as Carmella and Alyanna stood there not sure what to do next. "And then I saw a flower and decided to pick it up but then it somehow ignited a fire!" 'You have to be kidding me' The two shared the same thought. The three was in an underground room found just beside the tree with decorations that no one even saw until now. "Venice, just give us the diary." Carmella said with two of her fingers from each hand massaging her temple. "Here." She gave the red and thick book to them.


After weeks of deciding what I should do next, I wanted to try to explore the room, maybe learn a thing or two of what is there out the outside world.


The log for that day was short. Really short. "So, what are we waiting for?" Alyanna broke the silence. "Where's the door?" She turned to Venice, expecting an answer. The raven stood there confused. "What do you mean?" The girl in yellow asked. The two women looked at her like she grew a second head. The raven pointed to the tree with ribbons. "You can't see it?" The brunette asked. "See what?" The two looked at each other before returning their gaze to Carm. "The door."