

mark dies from an overdose and meets ROB he gets a wish and decides to go to the solo leveling universe as Escanor but there is jin woo is still there and he is as op as ever. ---- right sooo another day another novel we'll see, our Escanor is gonna be more or less as powerful as you expect plus I'm gonna make his power convenient instead of lets say time oriented, I mean night time wise of course. bunch of cute girls in solo but i plan to give him only one here so I'm a member of. THE ANTI HAREM SECT. yes, no harem, never, naaaaah. story wise it's abit complicated I Don't wanna hinder jin woo's growth and story so you can expect him to be in WHITE TIGER GUILD because they are there in interesting moments which will allow the mc to interact naturally with jin woo. *I don't own anything duh, unless some original characters* Credit for cover is not mine, but I don't know who da artist is. ON A FINAL NOTE DON'T LIKE IT? Why you reading it? Why you complaining? Why you suggesting nonsense? Just write your on thing and stop with the bs ain't no one got time for dat.

noname_noname · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs


As both me and yi jie separated escanor put on his glasses and went to the nearest bus station.

on the way he saw people hiding inside their homes as only those who want to cause trouble would be out and about in these times.

Everyone on the street looked sketchy, i took a left into an alley for a short cut while looking at my phone.

After taking the bus home, i got back to check the news i off course take off my glasses and enjoy being me, the real me.

It looked funny as hell a huge man sitting in a couch making it almost look like a chair.

as i scrolled through the news, a title caught my eyes.

"Chosen ones, powerfull individuals, vigilantes, supers names of what a certain group of people called these days."

"today we have a special interview with tomas rolland, he has power of frost and is here today to talk about recent events."

"good evening mr tomas would you please tell us about yourself."

"well hello there, i came here today to open the people's eyes, a certain number of us have received gifts, and these gifts are Beyond what anyone can imagine., together me and some chosen individuals were selected to venture beyond our world, there we found beasts and all manner of creature."

the hostess was getting nervous as the man spoke of the details he covered how its a limited space has many areas, different types of creatures based on infos from other gates.

"and lastly how do you close those portals mr tomas?"

"well thats easy our expedition team had 50 chosen ones and tou have to go to whats essentially the overlords chamber and slay him, once thats done it has been observed that the gate closed in hour."

"oh so we do have a chance for survival thats good to hear."

"Don't get me wrong martha, this is a new age and a new age needs a new system, this power can go to anyone, a loyal soldier, a mother, a homeless man, a killer, a drug dealer , i mean everyone can get it and we don't get to give it we just receive it and that can be very scary."

"you certainly gave alot to think about we thank for coming today and we will have an indepth interview with tomas roland tomorrow same time to cover topics selected from the viewers please tune and thank you."

hmmm their making them selfs known already i hope this fiasco ends soon, otherwise people will get restless.


huh a message from frank he wants to meet up at his place, guess i will go.

as i leave and lock my apartment, i head towards their apartment wearing normal clothes instead of my baggy ones.

and off course my glasses it about 4 now so 2 more hours and I'm going to have to check my saved up power, judging by what i have i can probably sustain 3 hours from my body at S rank, 5 min in The One, and all night at A, if necklace gets added i can probably keep S rank for almost all night give or take an hour or 2 which if really necessary rhitta can cover, rhitta save mode alone can sustain S rank all night but walking around with huge gold axe is too eye catching these days.

i come up to the apartment door and knock only for frank to open soon after, he invited me in to see jenny and triss chilling there with beers.

"yoo if it ain't blondy." triss said swaying her hands I see they were here for quite abit seeing the empty beers bottles.

"im sooo sorry escanor she is a light weight, Don't hold it against her. "jenny said slightly bowing her head.

"No worries." I sit one of chairs in the living while frank brings me an open beer.

frank, tall guy, skinny black hair, average face and he doesn't look like someone you would remember twice.

triss red head, cute face and short.

jenny is a native Korean, black hair, good body and short, also is forgettable.

man... does colored hair have something to do with awakened?

this girl triss has an aura on her but its weak too weak probably E rank.

"so why did you guys call me here, I'm assuming it's to discuss recent events." I said while taking a swig off my beer, I Don't think I can even get drunk.

"that's true, we've been here 2 weeks since we came to study nearby as you can tell, me and triss are foreigners, so looking at you we thought you might be the same so invited you, jenny here, is friends with triss and happened to live here."

"well I'm an orphan, I work at convince store but I live here non the less no family, nothing." Escanor said raising while nodding to himself to the made up story, he didn't know how but all his details are in this world, he is an orphan and his parents died in a car crash, he did work in a convivence store apparently but quickly quite after the gates opened, so he didn't exactly show up out of nowhere.

as all them started talking about recent events Triss was intensely staring at Escanor, that even the other 2 noticed.

"You guys wanna see something cool..." Triss said take a glass cup in her hand.

jenny however was sweating bullets by now, so she knew something was about to go down.

"Triss I don't think now is the time to..." before jenny could finish the glass cup lighted up, as light came out of her hands.

Frank was sitting there wide eyed while me and jenny expected such an outcome.

"you can say I'm superhuman with light related powers, kinda useless if you ask me but it gives me something i call the sight, i can see lots of spectrums with i use the power on my eyes and one of them shows me...an aura...around..." as she was about to finish Escanors eyes started to shine.

he leaned forward.

"So this is what you are playing at... with your little party trick."

3 chapters today, 1/3 im working on the second one as you read.

noname_nonamecreators' thoughts