
I know

"hey you, da fuck you doing here this is private property."

a little man wearing a black hoodie and pants came to view and started ranting about crazy people and stuff.

"the fuck did you do here, its so fucking hot shit." he was standing around 40 meters away and he was feeling the heat.

so i decided to turn it down.

but when i took a look at the surroundings i was surprised a plastic chair in the distance was melting the paint on the steel beams was flairing up and some of the smaller ones were turning red.

but whats most surprising was that man stood in the heat and said it's only hot?

"you must be an awakened." escanor said with deep voice for the first time he heard it and it would need to get some getting used to.

the man was shaken that this guy read him so fast but he had no reason to lie so.

"yes and so are you, like you i came here to test my powers."

"well then excellent. how about you test your powers on me." escanor said some slight excitement in his eyes and with excitement came a golden shine.

"uuh listen man i really Don't wanna hurt you, you seem pretty strong but an injury is an injury none the less."

escanor thought about about and didn't want to force the man.

"whats your name? mine is escanor." escanor said as he picked up 4 beams like stacks of wood and brought them to the man.

he put them down slowly but still made some noise.

"my name is yi jie nice to meet you escanor, how did you know im awakened i mean i thought i hid it pretty well."

"eveyone has a shine in their eyes yi jie the stronger the shine the stronger they are."

"oh then you must be strong as hell i assume."

"well hell doesn't have the standing to be compared to me but im not one for boasting."

"hahaha you're a funny guy, where do you live and yall got any of dem portals there too?"

"i live downtown from here, and it got surrounded by cops as we speak."

"we got one here too, right behind this construction site truth be told i wanna go in thats what i meant about testing my powers."

"now why would you go and risk your life for..."

the man quickly interrupted escanor as if he heard it before.

"nah man i think this is the new age and that portal thing is a dungeon like in the games, the Americans already cleared one and said guns are kinda ineffective and if you ask me that dungeon looked like the weak, so if you clear it you get to leave with some sweet stuff. im just trying to get a headstart if you catch my drift."

"you think you can do it alone?" escanor looked at the little guy with pity in his eyes.

"thats where you come in my friend, i want u with me and we split 50/50 im strong and i have offensive water magic, kinda like high pressurised beams but im still learning how to fight with it,but you got strength and im assuming good endurance too so you can take a hit, you are basically a tank."

"huh right and how big is this gate?" while thinking escanor asked.

"the portal is about 7 meters in diameter." so and E or D rank gate.

"fine lets go."

as both of them walked together they started talk about recent events and yi jie thinks that soon eveyone will be transported to another world and that this is the tutorial.

by the time we got to the gate its 11 in the morning and my strength was almost S rank i guess from 12 to 4 my strength is S rank but i peak around 2 making me THE One if i choose to enter that state but if not the excess power will be stored for me to use at night which is just what i want.

matter of fact i think even B rank is overkill for this gate but i want get used to killing first because its a cruel world and strength without faltering is key.

"lets go." but when i turned back i saw yi jie hand trembling.

"don't worry as long as im here nothing can harm you that is a promise." i then step inside the gate.


and here i thought i was doing great acting all tough and shit, moment that guy stepped into the gate its energy flared and scared the shit otu of me.

'escanor is right i need this and its my chance to prove im no cowardly man, its my duty to save this world im the chosen one.'

and so yi jie went in as well.

the first thing we saw was caves.

the smell of shit and other shit hit them hard.

yi jie covered his nose.


"we will see, tread lightly." although escanor was not worried about himself he wanted this little man safe since he gave his word.

"i bet my water magic is ineffective against undead, shit just my luck."

"be glade im here then." as escanor was talking he caught skittering in the caves of nails hitting ground.

"goblins hell ya." yi jie commented.

at the sight of the creature, green sleezy skin, crude weapons mutations all over the body,loincloth the whole bundle they we classic goblins but they were nasty as hell.

one ran towards escanor.

escanors eyes saw this one had maggots coming out of him a and black blood all over it like rabies struck mutt.

his eyes contracted as his muscles bulged he was worried.

"how dare you try to throw your filth at me, this jacket is worth a million of you!"


he kicked the goblin so hard in the torso like a soccer ball, that the top half of its body disintegrated and the bottem half flew deep into the cave until a crash sound was heard.

yi jie was shocked at the display of power, but managed to man up and decided to muster a strong attack only to find the goblins ran away.

"damn... i think you scared them." yi jie said helplessly.

"filthy vermin... we will continue forth."

as they walked escanor thought how tanks have skills and if he had some comon skills like taunts of something but his thoughts were interrupted when they came across a mushed half body stuck to a wall with little crystal under the body.

"that looks important, your kill you should take it."

"i will not sully my hands for that." and escanor continued walking forward.

"huh what a weird guy, guess i will take it."

escanor didn't take the crystal because as of now they are worthless, he wanted to only test his strength and start collecting crystals when he can sell them.

after walking through the empty caves, he finds a big door otherwise known as the boss room.

"damn it escanor they realky ran to the boss room, they plan to overwhelm us with numbers."

"a futile effort" escanor said and started pushing the door.

"listen man i get you're strong but im not, i don't wanna go in without a plan."

"fine stay behind me i have a move that will clear most of them then we can rush the boss."

"how reliable is it?"

"lets just hope the boss is tougher than these fodder, alot tougher."

"fine i will trust you." the guy was sweating nervously so i have to end this and be on my way.

escanor opened the door and saw lots of green big and small goblins.

"behind me."

yi jie stood behind escanor.

escanor then stretched ou his hand.

"cruel sun."

a mini sun came into existence and he quickly launched it towards the goblins so it doesn't affect the little man.

just as its about crash into the crowd he pinched his fingers and called.

"pride flare."


a huge explosion happened and screaming and and the smell of burned flesh filled the air.

yi jie was starting to get scared from this powerful fellow and he never even tested his strength.

"you can take care of the stragglers im done here i will watch over you so we can leave together.

after that i will be on my way."

"a tank with offensive magic this must a unique class. you're lucky i hope mine is rare or uncommon in the least."

escanor thought whats up with this guy? he thinks this is a game?.

"sure, you should finish it up quick." escanor leaned on the wall and started to watch.

the guys killed a few goblin with water bullet, he mad a huge water wave that smashed the goblins with a ton of force on the walls.

if i had to guess id say B rank with no imagination in his skills, not like im one to talk.

after they were done they decided to leave and he noticed this guy smiling.

"satisfied?" escanor asked with a grin.

"yes i feel my potential has not been reached and killing them is not as bad as i thought, just gotta learn control, and i also want to thank you for helping me out this would have been rough with no safety net."

escanor nodded.

"don't mention it."

damn long chapter, now i don't proof read because it lowers my efficiency in right and takes twice as long so point out the mistakes and will fix them every 5 or 10 chapters.

the story is going smoothly.

time skip soon to but not the whole 10 years as escanor has to establish himself and alot of stuff will go down

my thoughts on the timeline and story is here.


hunter association establishment

island raid 1-3 he might go but the overall result is a lose.

joining white tiger.

noname_nonamecreators' thoughts
Next chapter