
Error Within the System

[LOADING..] [LOADING.] [LOADING...] ... [ERROR] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [REFRESHING.] ... [ERROR] [REFRESHING...] ... [ERROR] ... [ERROR] ... [PLAYER “ERROR” SUCCESSFULLY CONNECTED] [GENERATING NEW BODY.] ... [ERROR] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [ERROR] [BODY GENERATED] [GENERATING ABILITIES...] [ERROR] ... [ABILITIES GENERATED] [ERROR] [SEARCHING FOR NEW WORLD..] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [ERROR] [BODY GENERATED] [REFRESHING..] [REFRESHING..] ... [ERROR] [ERROR] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [WORLD NOT FOUND] [ERROR] [BODY GENERATED] [ERROR] [ABILITIES GENERATED] [REFRESHING.] [REFRESHING.] [ERROR] [REFRESHING.] [REFRESHING...] ... ... An endless noise is piercing his ears. Over and over... Never ending errors. All he could do was stare blank at it with his lifeless eyes waiting and watching for a sign of hope he could cling onto. There was none. Not a thing. Only himself and the ‘system’ in an endless black plane which he grew so familiar with. Years.. Decades.. Centuries.. He lost count long ago, it didn’t matter to him anymore. He never felt like he needed to sleep, eat, or do anything. The only thing that plagued his mind was the never ending boredom this place brought him. Its been so long for him that he forgot how he died. All he knew was that he did die and he was in the process of reincarnation but the system decided that he wasn’t good enough for it. His thoughts were blank and he only grew more and more bored. He wanted an adventure. Something that could excite him out of his infinitely flat existence. And he got it.

JuniorJumble · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter 8: Quests

As Erick was getting ready for school, he heard another of the infamous 'Ding'.


[ Rebirth rewards have been unlocked and received. ]

[ +1 Ability Point ]

[ +1 Ability Roulette ]



'Rebirth? When did- never mind. The system works in mysterious ways.'

'[Error System] what dose Ability Points do?'


[ Ability Points can be used to increase an [Abilities] limits. ]


'And it's quality?'


[ S-Grade. ]


'Dang, guess i cant increase the quality.'

He then had an idea.

'Wait, what if increase the quantity and then use one to up the limiter on my quality.'


[ Loop hole found. ]

[ Correcting loop hole.. ]




[ Corrected. ]

[ Update: ]

[*NEW*Can only use [Increase: Quantity] on anything with in the limits of [Increase: Quality].]


Erick's eyes ran blank and his body froze in shock of the disappointment.

"Well if your gonna take that away, at least tell me a way I can get these points!" He furiously spoke to the system, grinding his teeth.


[ There are two ways. ]

[ [Quests] and [Achievements]. ]

[ Would you like to unlock the [Quests] tab? ]



"There was something like this yet you decide now to give it to me?"


[ You didn't ask. ]


"Just unlock the damn tab."



[ [Quests] tab unlocked ]


"Now, show me [Quests]."

{ Error System: [Quests] }


Quests: (Tap to Open)

Hidden Quests: (Tap to Open)

Daily Quests: (Loading...0.9%)


"System, how rare are quests?"


[ You will gain at least one quest every time you enter a monster domain. ]


"And how rare are the ones you get ability points from?"


[ As rare as an S-Grade monster domain. ]


"So, rare then. How about [Daily Quests] and [Hidden Quests]."


[ [Daily Quests] are quests used to match your power and train you in a way that will show improvement. You have three [Daily Quests] to chose from at the start of your day. [Option 1] will include level training. [Option 2] will include stat training. [Option 3] will be completely random. ]

[ [Hidden Quests] only appear when certain requirements are met. Because these quests are quite rare, the rewards are also quite high. ]


"And what about that Ability Roulette thing?"


[ It will give you a random ability ranging from E-Grade to SSS-Grade. ]

[ It's quality is S-Grade. ]


"Say, whats above all that S-Grade stuff?"


[ After SSS-Grade there is X-Grade, Deity-Grade, and Reality-Grade. ]


"And what's your quality then?"


[ Error ]


"Thought as much."


[ Would you like to use Ability Roulette? ]



Erick jabbed the 'Yes' button.


[ Congratulations, you have obtained the E-Grade Ability [Repulse]. ]


"Hide." Suppressing his rage, Erick left the orphanage towards school.


Besides Erick, there were only four other orphans in the orphanage. Out of the four, there were 2 that were about a year younger than Erick, one that was a month older, and one that was almost a year older.

There was only one person who worked in the orphanage. They're a strict old lady yet not to a point where you could call them harsh.

Erick went to the patch of flowers out near the forest behind the orphanage every day, before school, after Ele disappeared.