
Erotical: Punishment And Reward level up.

"Wait! You are goddess Aphrodite?" Lucas, a 17-year-old virgin, was dumbfounded by the ravishing beauty that slowly revealed her entire body, like a slow painting, as she materialized on his bed in revealing clothes. In just one day, he made hasty decisions that turned his life upside down. Lucas had a rather mundane life, either hanging out with his mom or spending time on the internet watching girls in skimpy clothes. He didn't interact much with people and always preferred to be left alone, especially after his father left. Then Aphrodite had come into his life like a ray of seduction, whisking him away from his home and his mother, who meant everything to him, to a distant land for her selfish reasons - to use him as her right-hand sword. Lucas was granted a system and became as strong as a god, annihilating all of Aphrodite's enemies until there was none left. Everything would have gone smoothly for him, and he would have been able to go back to his mom. However, he made a mistake by rejecting the advances of a goddess. As a result, his wish was granted, but Aphrodite was always there to make things harder for him so he could die faster and come back to her. Lucas has to navigate all obstacles Aphrodite throws at him to survive and also level up using Prime Crystals. "I can't just sit around and play by her rules and constantly fear death... I need to become more powerful. More powerful than even a god." The need to urgently level up arose combined with the looming threat of another planet approaching Gaia Prime. Lucas must survive...will he? ______ ~Kindly support this book with power stones and also leave comments and reviews so I know what you all think! Please note that this book is not going to be solely based on smut as the book has an actual plot.

Marcel_Mercy · ファンタジー
6 Chs

How time flies.

"Oh, I think I was supposed to feed you." With a sigh, she clapped her hands twice and another female in transparent clothing adorning her figure pushed the large door open.

Without even sparing the lady a glance Aphrodite gave a wave of her hand as she ordered the lady who he suspected to be a servant. "Get him food."

'Even the servant is this beautiful…I can't wait to explore this place.' Lucas thought as he started to beam with positivity. Maybe this place would be a nice adventure for him and he could maybe even get rid of his virgin status here. Well, how the navie thinks.

"I don't still understand why Godzelus had to make you humans eat for a living." Aphrodite's voice brought him back to reality.

Without listening to her words, Lucas went straight to the point. "What am I here for exactly and what type of training would I be undergoing?"

"Hmmm always straight to the point I see." Just then the door was pushed open again as three beautiful females walked into the room with the same attire as the first servant with trays in their hands. They moved as one without a single noise from the sound of their feet against the floor. When they were done dishing out the food they filled out single as Lucas's eyes followed their every movement.

"Am going to give you a system and with that you will become stronger and become my right-hand sword." She ended her speech.

"A system? Like in books?" Although he asked this question his eyes were trained on the trays placed on the table in front of him as the tantalizing scent of food wafted through the air.

"What book? Back on Earth?" She sounded confused like she had not heard of humans writing books about systems.

"Yeah, leveling up and stuff right?" He wanted to confirm that the idea of a system back on Earth was the same thing she was talking about.

"Whatever that is. I want to start the process as soon as possible, maybe after you are done with your meal." She tapped on her chin in thought.

Immediately Lucas heard her last statement, he stretched and reached for his food but stopped in his tracks when he heard her voice again.

"On second thought, let's grant you the system now."

"What?" He looked up to see her now standing right in front of him making him shift backwards into the bed.

"Lie on the bed." She commanded him as she wound her gown and moved her right leg forward.

"What?" He was stupified, 'What is she trying to do to me?' His mind began to wander, 'Was she trying to rape me?' At that though he was both a bit scared and filled with anticipation.

"Humans…" She moved and pushed him on the chest making him fall back on the bed his heart pounding.

'Is this finally it…' His heart was pounding and he was half scared it would bounce out of his chest.

Before he could complete his train of thought, he saw her move and in one swift move she slashed at his chest from his neck down to his torso and he felt himself suck his stomach in.

His clothes parted like the red sea, and his eyes opened wider when she swung her leg over his frame straddling him.

"What- what are you trying to do?" He stuttered out as he felt sweat dripping down his body due to how close she was.

"Get that silly thought out of your head. Am going to grant you the system now." Did this human seriously think that she was going to give herself to him? There was no other way for her to grant him the system due to her being the goddess of love, she had to initiate skin contact.

Soon enough Lucas was covered entirely in a soft pink glow and all he felt at that point was pain. Pain like he had never imagined racked through his body and he screamed out his body shivering due to the intensity of the pain as Aphrodite murmured some strange words under her breath and drew strange signs on his naked torso.

A mystic feel and glowing pink smoke filled the whole room increasing the room temperature and making sweat drip from Lucas' frame as he screamed out in anguish while Aphrodite remained the same.






50 years later.

A man sat on the railing of the balcony, his gaze focused on the scene before him. The wind gently caressed his face, carrying with it a symphony of whispers and rustling leaves. The tall trees, adorned with golden leaves, swayed gracefully in response to the wind's gentle melody. It was a tranquil moment, where the man found solace in the beauty of nature. The golden leaves danced in harmony, creating a mesmerizing sight that captivated his attention. As he sat there, immersed in the tranquility of the moment, he felt a sense of peace wash over him, reminding him of the simple joys life had to offer. 

He seemed lost in thoughts. 'I wonder how mom is doing…' Lifting his hands, he ran them through his long flowing raven black hair. It's been a long time from home. His short hair has now grown to a lush full straight mass of hair reaching his lower back.


As the man sat on the balcony, enveloped in the peaceful ambiance of nature, his tranquility was abruptly shattered by the jarring sound of a door being forcefully pushed open.

The walls reverberated with the impact, causing an unsettling tremor in the air. The sudden disturbance snapped his attention away from the serene scene before him.

From within the large room behind the door, he could hear the distinct sound of clicking heels and scuffling of feet in the large room.

"Oh, Lucas! Where are you?" The high-pitched voice of a lady rang out in the room.

"Where has he gone now? Hey you, move around and check around the room!" Ringing out the order she pointed at a servant whom she had come in with.

Standing at the entrance of the room was a captivating figure—a lady exuding an aura of both hunger and thirst for life. She possessed an undeniable beauty that seemed to command attention