
Chapter - 17

Sofia pulled away from Vincenzo at once, feeling like a naughty kid who was caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Good God, what had come over her just then?

Had she really been about to kiss him? Since when had she become so reckless?

Sofia refused to meet his eyes as he got up from the bed and walked towards the door to open it.

After talking to someone at the door, he shut it and when he turned around again, he was holding a garment bag and a two boxes.

"What's that?" Sofia asked, though she had a feeling she knew exactly what it was.

"I took the liberty of picking out your dress, shoes and accessories for my parents' party day after," he said, placing the said items at the foot of the bed.

"You knew we were going to attend the party?" Sofia blurted out, mentally face palming herself right after.

Of course, he did. It was his parents' anniversary after all. Who didn't remember their parents' anniversary?