
Chapter - 15

"She's even more beautiful than I had imagined her to be," a woman who Sofia was assuming was Vincenzo's mother greeted her when they entered his mansion.

Yes, mansion, complete with a lush green courtyard, a fountain in the middle and the main building itself which seemed go on for miles in either direction.

It was an Italian villa in every sense of the word. As culturally preserved as it was on the outside, on the inside, it was just as modern, while also not loosing touch with it's roots. It showed in the well preserved oil paintings adorning the walls and the rustic furniture placed strategically throughout.

Sofia had a feeling that the stunningly beautiful woman standing in front of her was responsible for it all as she took in the tastefully decorated living room Vincenzo had lead her straight into, followed by Gabriel and Zia Rosetta.

"Mama," Vincenzo chastised his mother lightly as Sofia smiled at the compliment.