
The Mysterious Intruder (Part Two)

Age 1991

"I mean she... As in the girl, I'm going to save."

Labby stared at the boy in disbelief, or at least the closet thing a lab coat could do to staring in disbelief, as Hero simply stared back at him. "You're a fool. They are not them."

Hero simply gave a shrug. "I believe they are. At least kind of. They aren't the real Ava, but still. That doesn't mean they don't exist." He said finally after a few awkward minutes of pure silence. "An Attribute. I'm not sure about it all yet, but I do know that it is somehow tied to Mantra. I can feel it, even if I don't know what Mantra is yet. By taking someone's Attribute you're taking a piece of them. Hospital isn't just the will of the Monsterfication. She is also the will of Ava." Hero stated. "I believe that when you placed a piece of Ava into me, it didn't just give me her Attribute. It stored some of her inside of me. That is who Hospital is! She is Ava! Or at least a piece of Ava."

"Ava..." Hospital said quietly as another loud rumble came off of it.

"It is just not the case." Labby said shaking the closet thing he had to a head. "There have been several Seraphin's before you. Known of them have had anything remotely close to this happen. For them, they simply had manifestations of the other Attributes."

"I guess that means I'm special then." Hero stated placing a hand on Hospitals outstreatch tentacle. "But I know I'm right... Ever since I turned ten my memory of my past was always fuzzy. One thing I know though, is after that day I never did feel alone. In a way, I had three people watching over me."

"Three?" Labby questioned in confusion.

Hero gave another smirk. "Oh? You haven't realized it yet? Well, I'll keep that a secret for now then. I don't want that big version of you finding out about it."


Hero turned away as he stared back at the Hospital. "I get it now." Hero said smiling at them. "Save me... Back then I thought you meant you were wanting to save me. But that isn't right, is it? You want me to save you. And that's what I'm going to do. So stick tight Ava. Hero Otoko, the third strongest human is coming for you!"

"...Idiot..." Hospital said shaking its head.


Labby let out a huff. "Hero... You're playing a dangerous game, and you're aren't giving it much thought. You's shouldn't try to befriend this thing. Especially if it really is Ava. You might say you love her, but those feelings are one-sided. The real Ava despises all Seraphin's. That is how I know that this is indeed a fake. This can't be the real Ava. Becasus if it was she wouldn't hesitate to kill you..."


Hospital let out a loud angry rumble as it shouted the name. Once again the entire void shook as 100% of the Momsterfication was unleashed for only a mere moment before being squashed back down by the void once more.

Hero recoiled like he had be struck by something as he shook his head. "...You might be right. In fact, you probably are, since you know more about this than me. But I don't care... I'm going to save Ava. Even if it kills me."

"You're going to follow a false dream?"

"I am. False or not. This is where I'm going. I haven't reached a path yet. But I will. And no matter which path I choose I know that they will led to the same conclusion..." Hero said slowly. "I'm Hero Otoko. A human. If I can't do it I'll just become a version of myself that can."

'Are you prepared to die for that goal. And I don't mean die, and complete the goal. I mean are you prepared to die, in an attempt to follow after this goal.'

'You're going to die like an Enforcer.'

'You can die holding onto a goal, and maybe, when it happens, because it will happen, you won't be afraid. Because you know it was what you wanted. Because you know you stuck true and followed that path. We all die as Enforcers. But at least if we have a goal to chase after we can say that we struck true to who we are...'

'I'm going to get stronger. No matter what happens. I'll save her. I'll save my friends. The name Hero was my mother's gift. I'll live up to her expectations. Because... Because if I can't even save one girl who has asked for my help how can I have the audacity to claim the title of Hero for myself! So keep telling me I can't do it! I'll prove myself wrong, if I have to!'

"You say that a lot." The small Labby said slowly. "Becoming a new version of yourself. And yet you never do. You could become a monster, and gain that power. You could evolve and become a new creature, but you hold your power back not letting it progress as much as possible. You chose to not become someone new."

"I guess you're right." Hero laughed. "Never really thought about the phrase before." He said giving a shrug. "It's just something my Grandfather told me to say, so that I don't give up on my dream."

"Only a fool follows after a dream knowing it will end in despair..." Labby warned.

Hero gave another smile. "Then I guess I'm a fool." He said simply. "I'm choosing to believe."

"Believe what?"

"Believe that you guys are more." Hero said turning away. "Hospital, The Lake, and even you Labby. You aren't just versions of myself in here. You might all be me, but you're still more. If that makes any sense?"

"It is that kind of ideals, that will get you killed... You are a Seraphin. A weapon created for war. You don't get to decide what path you'll travel on. It's already be choosen for you."

"Death..." Hospital said in a loud rumbling tone. "Leave. Now."

Hero flashes a smile as the two as he have a small wave. "I'll be going now... Oh and I don't know when I'll be coming back. Hospital, I'm placing some trust in you. Don't take me over okay? As for you Labby. You'll probably get bored of being in here without me-"

"I'm going to kill you."

"-Later guys!" Hero slashed his and down creating another rift as he stepped back out.

In the real world...

Hero's eyes opened up seeing the pitch darkness of the room. The sounds of the three people breathing hit his ears.

'Right... It was getting late so we all went to sleep.' Hero thought to himself as he laid face down on the carpeted floor. He was back in the room he shared with Ken, and Sera. Naturally, there was only two beds so he had opted to take the floor. Both girls liked the idea of getting a comfortable bed to sleep on.

Hero let out a small sigh as he listened to the quiet breathing. The first was to his left. That was Ken. From the sounds of it, she was already asleep.

The second breathing was to his right. That was Sera. Much like Ken, she to was asleep.

'It is probably pretty late...' Hero thought rolling over slowly. 'I should probably get back to sleep...'

His ears twitched again as he listened to the sounds of the three breathing.


Hero's eyes suddenly widened. 'Wait a minute... Ken is to my left. Sera is to my right.' The sounds of the third person came from behind him... Facing the door...

Hero took a deep breath before flipping himself over, and staring towards the door.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RainyLiquid2020creators' thoughts