
Something In The Air

Age 1991

Oleander City...

"Go go go!" A bandit screamed. He was a normal human so he kind of looked like a frogman. Behind him, several other humans all armed with heavy guns ran with him.

'It had been only a couple of months since the incident, where Squad Six failed.'

"Not so fast!" A loud voice announced. A ball of lightning slammed into the ground as Jackson appeared in front of the bandits. He gave then a cocky grin and raised his greatsword up. "Hey, guys. Sorry but you're all being a little too loud. We're gonna stop you."


There was a loud boom as Kitsune, Cloud, Irene, and Ken all crashed down. 

"Yep," Jackson said giving a cheeky grin. "We."

"Oh crap-"

"Get them!"

The four recruits charged forward.