

Age 1991

Dawson dropped down through the hole smashing down with a loud and heavy thud. 

His feet stabbed into the ground as he slowly pulled himself up.

"Wait!" A loud and panicked voice said. Dawson looked up finding a heavily beat up and annoyed Sirius. The Noble stared at Dawson in a mix of shock and horror. He was seated leaning down onto the wall as blood trickled down his face. 

Dawson ignored the man walking past him as he looked around. His eyes widened slightly when he saw the room. Blood could be seen everywhere. To the point where the stone was now red. It was caked and stained. Over in a corner, he saw an incinerator. A foul-smelling black smoke rose from it. 

Dawson felt his teeth grit as he slowly turned to the man.

"I swear she isn't in there!" The beat-up Sirius said quickly.

Red tendrils wrapped around Dawson's hand as he grabbed the man by the throat. "What the hell have you been doing!" He growled out.