
Enemy Evaluation

Yelena Borisyuk is the Don of the Russian Mafia. James Underwood is a Lieutenant from the police department. When a murder case affects them both, they're forced to work together to solve this investigation. Can they traverse through traitors, the law, and even themselves before it's too late?

Stxnnergrl616 · ファンタジー
10 Chs


"Over my dead body," I scoff at the stick in his hands. "We'll see about that." I guess we will, won't we, Lieutenant?

James walks around the table behind me and positions the stick in my mouth. Ew. Definitely tastes like a real stick.

"This is your last chance to talk to me before the answer is beaten out of you." He says through gritted teeth. I laugh as he circles back in front of me. Is that supposed to be intimidating?

He sits back in the chair calmly. I look at him, confused. Wait, what is he doing?

"Oh, you thought I was gonna hit you? No, I'd never lay my hands on a woman... but my friend Connor will."

Honor. I respect that. The same guy who searched me last night walks into the room, still in his normal uniform.

I would say a smart comment, but you know, there's still a stick in my mouth.

Connor stares at me as if plotting how he'll punch the crap out of me. Even if I was hiding something—which I'm not, no amount of punches will make me talk.

Trust me, I know. Actually, I-

He lands a punch on my cheek. I wince as the pain surfaces, stinging my face. Damn, that's definitely gonna leave a mark. Not bad. "Fats ah you cot?"

(That's all you got?)

I challenge him. Oops, Maybe I shouldn't have said that. James squints at me as if trying to read my face. News flash: There's nothing to read.

Connor creates a fist and punches me again, harder than before. That woke me up! I spit the stick out with a smile, blood dribbling down my chin.

"That was weak, Officer!" His eyebrows crinkle into a frown. Aww, the little policeman has lost his way!

He punches me a third time with a grunt.

I fold over in my chair, the impact nearly breaking my jaw. I muster the strength to laugh, blood dripping from my nose.

James looks at me like I'm a bug he's smushed under his shoe, while Connor waits for further instruction.

"Disgusting. We're done here," James picks the stick up and sets it down on the table. "Aw, come on! I was just starting to feel something!" I whine, throwing my head back.

Connor massages his knuckles as he walks out of the room. He's showing me a weakness. This pair is really terrible at their job, aren't they?

After a few seconds, I hear the door buzz once again and two men with large guns walk in as James walks out. I knew that guy was all bark no bite anyways.

They take the handcuffs off of my wrists and roughly pull me to my feet. What the hell is their problem with man-handling me? "Damn, I'm still a woman, you know!"

They shove me back into a cell and slam the door. This place is on a very low budget, I can tell.

"Get dressed, Lunch is in five." One of the officers says shortly. I look behind me to see an un-ironed orange uniform laid out on the cot.

"Gee, thanks. I'm really flattered." I say, feeling my jaw. "You're in jail, princess. You'll find no luxury here." One of the officers says, glaring at me behind the bars.

"Yeah, yeah don't remind me," I say before pulling the uniform top over my dress and pulling on the pants. Did they really think that I'd give them a show? I'm way smarter than that.

As soon as I'm done, an officer opens the cell door. "Lunch time."

We walk towards the cafeteria in painful silence.

"We'd love it if you don't fight with anyone in the next thirty minutes," he says before leaving my side and I walk in line for some food.

Why does he think I would get in a fight!?

"And then I just killed her!" A group of skinny, tattooed, women laughs annoyingly loud. Suddenly, I get a brilliant idea.

"Shit heads," I mumble under my breath as we move forward in line. The tallest girl turns to face me. "What'd you say, bitch?"

Who does she think she is? I stomp on her foot. "I called you the shithead that you are," I sneer as she doubles over.

She stands back up, surprised before punching me in the stomach, making me fall over. Okay, maybe not one of my smartest choices. A policeman rushes over to us.

"Hey! Break it up!" He yells, stepping in between us. I didn't even do anything yet! You know what, fuck this whole place, I'm ready to go.

I back away from her, brushing my hair out of my face. "On second thought, I'm not hungry." I simply walk out of the cafeteria, ignoring the police yelling after me.

I could actually escape right now—

"Hey! You're coming with me!" A policeman with multiple guns on his person grabs me by the arm. Damn it, I knew I should've just ran.

The officer throws me back into my cell and locks the door behind me. "You just lost your lunch privileges today." He grunts.

"Did you not just hear me say I'm not hungry? Why would I walk away from the cafeteria if I still wanted food?"

He shrugs carelessly before walking away, and I sit on the cot while waiting for the hallway to clear.

After a few minutes, I pull a key from my sleeve. Hey, sleight of hand is useful! I reach into my bra and take out a knife.

That officer never did search my torso, did he?