
Enemy Evaluation

Yelena Borisyuk is the Don of the Russian Mafia. James Underwood is a Lieutenant from the police department. When a murder case affects them both, they're forced to work together to solve this investigation. Can they traverse through traitors, the law, and even themselves before it's too late?

Stxnnergrl616 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


I walk up to the door and reach my arms between the bars. Great, just enough room to bend my arm.

One of the officers spots me down the hall and runs toward me. Shit, I need to hurry up! I stick the key in the lock and turn it. Wrong way!

"Hands back in the cell!" He yells, cocking his gun. I turn the key the other way just before the officer reaches my cell.

The door flies open and hits the guard in the head with a loud bang! Damn, that was loud. Instead of knocking out the officer as planned, the steel door just puts him in shock for a second.

"Hey! You-" I stab him in the neck, silencing him quickly before dragging the now-dead officer around the corner.

My black dress sits folded on the ground next to my black heels. Looks like I have a mole in this building. Without hesitation, I quickly slip off my sweaty uniform and strip the officer of his weapons.

Suddenly, the officer's radio turns on to full volume just as I slip on my heels. "I need all available units to cell 42!" Damn, they're onto me!

A lone officer approaches me, gun drawn as I drag the guard behind me. What does he think he's gonna do? This guy is dead, but he doesn't need to know that... right?

"Drop your weapon!" He yells, pointing his gun at me. I hold the officer in between us. "Ty sobirayesh'sya riskovat' zhizn'yu svoyego muzhchiny radi moyey?"

(Are you gonna risk your man's life for mine?)

He looks at me, slightly confused. Of course, he doesn't speak Russian. "Move out of my way or he dies." I take out a gun and point it at the officer's head.

"Drop your weapon!" He yells again, unfazed. God, it's impossible to talk to these fools. I shoot the guard in the head before dropping the body and running down the hall. "Hey! Stop right there!"

A group of four officers runs around the corner, firing at me. Without thinking, I lunge towards the wall and quickly pull the fire alarm.

The other prisoners still in their cells start to panic, yelling and banging on the bars as water from the ceiling soaks everyone.

Suddenly, all of the cell doors open and the inmates rush out into the hallway. Great. Who knows how many of them have it out for me!

I try to squeeze past all of the pure muscle without being noticed, but that girl I got into a fight with earlier spotted me.

Not today turbo. I push past fighting inmates as quickly as I can as she charges straight for me. Meanwhile, a policeman shoots his gun at the ceiling to try to calm everyone down.

Everything is so chaotic right now. I can't help but think this whole situation is my fault... Nah!

Thankfully, I'm almost at the elevator, and there's nothing turbo here can do about it. The elevator opens to reveal a group of five specialists in gas masks. Those things can only mean one thing: tear gas.

I quickly turn my back to them and dive back into the crowd to try to blend in. Unfortunately, my black dress doesn't exactly match everyone else's orange uniform, and they spot me almost immediately.

They run right for me, so I run in a big circle to throw them off and swiftly slide into the elevator.

I try my best to dodge their bullets while repeatedly pressing the ground floor button as they run toward me.

Shit! A bullet pierces my side just as the door closes. I fall to the ground, clutching my ribs. Blood gushes out, drenching my hand in blood.

Before I could do anything about it, the elevator rings again and the door slides open to reveal the lobby. Damn, how fast is this thing?

Businessmen and women run around under the flashing red lights, trying to evacuate the building in a very unorderly manner.

The... the air is getting thinner and the alarm is incredibly loud. I need a fucking medical team asap. I quickly limp into the crowd of rich people towards the exit.

None of these snobs seem to notice me because they're just worried about their own lives and getting out safely.

I hear officers yelling for me, but thankfully I'm already walking through the door. Ouch! I trip over something and fall onto the ground.

People rush past me overwhelmingly fast, even occasionally stepping on me as if I'm not even there! I grab onto someone's ankle and sloppily pull myself up.

The amount of blood lost is critical now, and I'm getting desperate. This crowd of people is very overwhelming and I feel like I can't get out.

How did I get into this situation again?

Suddenly, a younger girl with short hair dips under my arm and helps me out of the crowd. "I can't stay here, but I know you'll survive. I'll see you again." She whispers before running off.

I fall onto the ground next to the front door. What the hell!?

I look back to see if I could spot the girl who helped me, but the current of people is too strong, and whoever just saved my ass isn't important now.

I need to make sure I stay alive or all of this will have been for nothing. I clutch my newly acquired gun in one hand and—very painfully—army crawl around the corner.

I receive a few weird looks, but hey, we're in New York. People probably see things like this every day.

I pull myself up against the wall and stumble behind the dumpster. If anyone finds me, hopefully, it will be one of my men.

The world goes blurry. I-I'm losing a lot of blood and it's not looking too good for me. I can't die here. I can't...