
Enchanted To Love You

ARIELLE JACKSON was a young, sweet and charming lady of 20 years old.. If beauty was a person, it'll definitely be her. She was curvaceous, she had the perfect hourglass body shape, a lovely and flawless skin She had a baby face, naturally shapened eyebrows, long brunde hair colour(brown and blonde hair mixed together)..... rose nose, pink heart-shaped lips.... she was just 5'6inches tall She was very kind, sweet and generous but she was quite reserved and quiet.. ** FREDERICK CARSON.... a young man of 25 years of age, he was outstanding and a CEO of a large real estate company.. Frederick was an handsome man.. he had the body of a model and athlete.... he didn't look so built but he did work out some times.... he had long brown hair, bright brown eyes, pointy nose, pink plum lips, smooth and flawless skin He was a really busy man, he was always seen with his usual cold and blank expression on, he hardly smiled nor laughed.... he had never lost a contract.... he was also ranked as the most successful and the most handsome CEO in the country He had also won numerous awards for it.... he was quite upright.. Ever since his girlfriend broke up with him years back, he had given up on love and poured his time and energy into work, he had little time for his family and his only friend.. ** What will happen when these totally different people meet for the first time and get married almost soon? Not any type of marriage but an arranged one More characters in the story..

TrishaWrites · 都市
7 Chs


She stared at Frederick with teary eyes but he stared back at her blankly. She sniffed and wiped away her tears.... he didn't deserve her tears

"You are heartless" She choked on her tears and Frederick scoffed immediately. She glared at him hatefully before storming out of his room

Why could she think he would like it? It only put her in tears.. she hated him to the core

She entered her room and fell on her bed in tears, after thinking about what happened for what felt like forever, she drifted off to sleep


Derek's classy car stopped in the compound of THE CARSONS' and out of the car came Khloe then Derek. He had offered to take her home after school and she agreed

Khloe stood in front of him, smiling stupidly at him while he reciprocated it.. they were both staring into each other's eyes

"I.. guess I have to go now.... thanks for the ride" Khloe broke the silence and was about to leave when Derek held her hand and turned her back to him

"I.. I have something to tell you" He muttered shyly and Khloe smiled. Even when he acts shy, he's still so cute

"Go on" Khloe said, she really wanted to know what he had to tell her

"Um.. Khloe, I really really like you, I've actually liked you for a very long time but I was afraid you'll reject me" He paused to stare at her face. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and Khloe couldn't contain her happiness

Her crush just confessed to her about his feelings, she was beyond happy

She nodded. "Yes, yes, I'll be your girlfriend" She smiled brightly and Derek mirrored the smile before hugging her

He brought out a small box from his pocket and opened it before bringing out its content. It was actually a diamond necklace with the letter 'K' embedded on it

"For you" He said and Khloe gasped excitedly. He wore it around her neck and smiled warmly at her

"Do you like it?" He asked slowly and she nodded immediately.. who wouldn't like such a gift

"Of course, thanks" She giggled and he pecked her cheek causing her to blush really hard.... he looked up to the sky and sighed

"It's getting late now, you should go in" He said and she nodded before waving at him.... he leaned on his car, watching her leave with a triumphant smile


The following day, Arielle opened her eyes softly and met Clara coming out of her bathroom.... she sat up slowly then rubbed her eyes sleepily

"Good morning ma'am" She bowed respectfully. "I just finished preparing your bath" She added with a smile

"Really? You really didn't have to" Arielle said

"It's my job ma'am" Clara said and Arielle nodded. Clara left the room and Arielle sighed, how long do they sleep.. it was barely six in the morning

Just as Arielle was about to get up, her phone buzzed immediately and she sat down back, picking her phone.. it was a message from Dennis


He sent and Arielle sighed.. she remembered that she hadn't had time for Dennis


She replied.. she needed a time out to forget she was married to a human-beast, a demon to be precise


He replied and she nodded, anything was surely fine by her


She replied and immediately dropped her phone.. she went into the bathroom and did her morning business before getting dressed for school

She left the room and just then, Frederick also left his room clad in his formal office attire.. she needed no one to tell her that he was going to work

She totally ignored his presence and made her way downstairs.. Frederick scoffed before following behind her, he clearly didn't care a bit if she was angry at him

Arielle got to the kitchen and picked an apple before biting it.. she looked at Mrs. Susan and smiled

"Good morning Mrs. Susan" She greeted respectfully and Mrs. Susan smiled before patting her hair softly

"Good morning Ellie" Mrs. Susan said and Arielle giggled cutely.. she loved the sound of that name, people either called her Elle or Ari but that sounded cute

"I like that name" She smiled and Mrs. Susan laughed.. Just then, Frederick sat down in the dining hall, ready to eat

"Good morning ma'am" Claire greeted with a smile and Arielle nodded cutely.. Claire took Frederick food from the counter before dropping it in front of him

Arielle picked another apple and began eating it

"Won't you eat something else?" Mrs. Susan asked and Arielle shook her head

"I'm already late for lectures, I can't possibly eat anything now" Arielle replied and Mrs. Susan nodded

"You should learn to wake up early" Mrs. Susan said more like scolding and Arielle nodded

She threw the apple and it landed inside the bin, she immediately clapped like she had won a lottery. Clara, Claire and Mrs. Susan immediately chuckled

Arielle waved them goodbye before heading to the door, before she could open it, Jake entered immediately, almost bumping into her

"I'm sorry ma'am" He immediately apologised and Arielle nodded with a smile

"Sorry as well, I should have been more careful" Arielle said and Jake bowed slightly.. he was holding a neatly packaged item in his hand

"This is for you" Jake stretched out the item to her who collected it in confusion. Why was he giving her that

Frederick showed up that time and Jake immediately bowed slightly before him

"Good morning boss" He greeted and Frederick nodded before looking at the packaged item. Jake turned back to the confused Arielle and smiled

"The delivery guy told me to give it to you" Jake said, wiping out the confusion on her face.. she smiled and looked at the tag that said 'from Dennis'

She immediately smiled before leaving the mansion.... Jake turned to Frederick with a questioning gaze

"Is she going to walk to.."

"Let's go, I have a busy day at the office" Frederick cut him off immediately


Arielle tore open the packaged item in front of Candice.. they didn't have any lecture then and was free.... after much pleading from Candice, Arielle decided to open the package

"OMG, Arielle! This is gorgeous" Candice gushed happily with wide eyes. "Jeez, this will look s3xy on you" Candice added

Arielle chuckled before staring at the gown; it was a strapless blue high-low ruffled maxi gown

"Don't you like it?" Candice asked and Arielle sighed, dropping it back in its package

"Don't you think it is too much? I mean, he isn't my boyfriend or husband and he is a complete stranger, isn't it too much? What if there's a motive behind this?" Arielle wondered aloud and Candice rolled her eyes

"Oh please, we both know you aren't happy in your matrimonial relationship so what is wrong with this, huh? And Dennison isn't a stranger, for him to pick interest in you, he probably considers you a special person that deserves to be happy" Candice said

Arielle smiled after hearing that.. what would she do with her bestfriend?

"You know I love you right?" Arielle said and Candice smiled

"I know baby, and I love you too" Candice said and they both hugged each other


The students could be seen rushing back to class after their first free time ended.. they were chatting amongst themselves

"So.. you are saying Derek is now your boyfriend?" Gwen asked for the umpteenth time and Khloe nodded with a smile

She brought out her necklace and showed it to her..

"See.. he gave me this, isn't it so cute?" Khloe giggled and Gwen nodded. Truly, it was magnificent

"Gosh, you are so lucky" Gwen said truthfully and Khloe nodded with a smile.... Just then, she looked ahead and saw Jamie walking to class with his head buried in his phone

She frowned before walking into the class, but not without bumping into him. Gwen followed immediately

In the class, Derek walked to her and immediately kissed her in front of everyone causing everyone to gasp





Derek pulled away and Khloe looked away shyly causing Derek to chuckle

"You are so cute" Derek pinched her cheeks softly and Khloe giggled. They sat down together immediately and began chatting

Jamie who saw them kiss just walked to his seat with a blank expression on his face.. he shook his head slowly before bringing out his book


Later in the evening, Candice and Arielle were both in Candice's room.. Candice was busy making Arielle up even though Arielle refused it

She had texted Dennis to pick her up from Candice's house instead.

Arielle on the other hand still felt nervous about the whole thing, she wondered if what she was about to do was considered as cheating.... even if she and Frederick didn't behave like married couples, she just didn't want to cheat on him either

"And.. done" Candice announced after styling Arielle's hair. It was just a friendly date but the way Candice styled her hair was as if she was getting married again

Arielle stared at herself in the mirror and sighed, the make up was too much, yes, she was very beautiful with it, she looked like a real angel but still, it was too much

"Candice?" She began slowly, still looking at herself in the mirror. "Don't you think this is too much?" She asked and Candice rolled her eyes

"What is too much about this, huh? Gosh Arielle, don't you want to have fun instead of being stuck in that relationship with Frederick?" Candice hissed

"Have fun? What type of fun? I'm just going on an harmless date with Dennis, was this really necessary? I'm married-"

"Fine then, take it off! I tried helping you but I guess you don't like it.... what's wrong if you go out with Dennis this way?" Candice frowned, she was really hating what Arielle was saying

"Stop it" Arielle frowned. "I am married ok? Even though we don't behave as married couples doesn't mean I should go around with men, looking like this, this is too much" Arielle yelled and Candice threw a napkin at her angrily

"You can wipe it off yourself" Candice hissed and Arielle stared at her in disbelief, was she angry because of that

"Candice, are you seriously getting mad at me because of this?" Arielle asked and Candice walked off


The doorbell rang and Candice went to open it only to see Dennis standing outside, looking charming in his designers suit.. his hair was gelled to the back, making him look so cute

"Hi" He smiled and Candice blinked twice before letting him in. "Is.. she um.. ready?" Dennis asked, looking around the small apartment

Candice only nodded without looking away.. she just kept on wondering where angels like him fall

Just then, Arielle stepped out of Candice's room in a totally different attire; she was wearing a white button-up long-sleeved shirt that stopped right above her knees then a black vest over it that stopped at her mid thigh with a pair of black sneakers

She cleaned some of her makeup so that it would be lighter, she packed her hair into a ponytail then decorated it with two hairpins by the side.... she wore a pearl necklace with matching earrings

She looked like a damsel and one could tell by the way Dennis was looking at her

"Hi" She smiled nervously. "Sorry I couldn't wear the dress you bought-"

"It doesn't matter, you look amazing this way" Dennis immediately cut in, he was staring at her throughout

Arielle looked at Candice before sighing, she still looked very much angry at her.... she stared back at Dennis

"Can.. can we go now? I have to get home this night" Arielle's soft voice came out nervously and Dennis nodded, he just couldn't look away from her, she looked like a princess

Arielle picked her bag and then Dennis opened the door for her before heading to the car.... afterwards, the car moved out


The clicking sounds on the laptop from Frederick's office was another sign that he was very busy, other signs were his loosened tie, three of his buttons were undone, his hair was a bit messy and just like always, files and papers were neatly arranged on his table

He looked so busy doing what he was doing that even if a fly passed by, he would definitely miss it

Just then, a soft knock came on the door and then Fiona walked in, in her extremely short and revealing outfits. She had an iPad with her

"President" She cleared her throat. "Mr. Cody is here to see you" She said and that was when Frederick looked up.. he glanced at her outfits before looking at her face with an indifferent gaze

She frowned slightly when she didn't see any ounce of care in his eyes, he stared at her the same way he stared at any other person which made her wonder if she wasn't doing enough

"You could have called me from your desk" Frederick muttered coldly and Fiona immediately averted her gaze, avoiding his eyes

"You can go, let him in" He said and she bowed before walking to the door but his voice stopped her again

"Don't ever wear that outfit again or any other outfit that goes against the office's dress code, avoid getting fired" He said calmly with his gaze solely on the work he was doing

Fiona gulped down nothing, feeling humiliated and embarrassed.. she immediately bowed and left

After some minutes, Cody walked in and sat gallantly on the chair opposite Frederick. Frederick didn't even bother to look up at him, he was very busy

"Hi Fred-"

"Skip to the point, Cody" Frederick drawled, his gaze was on his laptop

Cody chuckled airily.

"Ok ok, let's go out" Cody muttered and Frederick raised his head to stare at him briefly before looking back at his laptop

"I'm busy" He stated firmly

"I can see that, and I'm forcing you so let's go" Cody smiled foolishly and got up from the chair. Frederick's eyes followed him

"I'm busy, can't you see? I'm not going" Frederick raised his voice a little in annoyance and Cody shrugged

"Not my business, come, let's go, I know of this restaurant that just opened, let's go there" Cody persisted and Frederick groaned out in frustration

Why did he even allow him in? He was so annoying and stubborn to deal with

He stared up at him in anger, the stupid smirk on Cody's face was enough to anger him the more

"Are you in or not? I'm not going anywhere if you don't follow me and I will make it my goal to annoy you" Cody sat down back with a satisfied smirk on his face

Frederick clenched his fists angrily before closing his laptop, he stood up and Cody smiled wider. He just knew how to annoy him

"Good boy" Cody laughed

"Shut up" Frederick frowned


School ended hours ago and to pass the time, Khloe could be seen seated on a chair around a table with a bottle of alcohol on the table..

She had been waiting for her driver to pick her up but he was coming.. the guys in the bar were frequently looking at her, even in her drunk state, she looked amazingly beautiful

Jamie was on the other end of the bar, he was also frequently staring at her but he didn't want to go to her, in fact, he wasn't there for her so why should he go to her

He ordered a drink and was drinking slowly then he began pressing his phone to pass the time

Khloe was busy drinking and singing drunkenly to the song playing in the bar. She was wasted already but she kept on drinking anyways

Just then, a guy walked up to her table

"Hi there beautiful" He smiled out his yellow teeth and Khloe squeezed her face in disgust

"Get lost" She spat drunkenly and drank from her bottle again, ignoring his presence but the fool didn't leave, instead, he grabbed her arm fondly

"I can't leave you, you are too pretty" He said and Khloe yanked her hand off his grip in anger

"Fvck off, do you know who I am? I'll get you sued" Khloe thundered, wanting to sound intimidating but she kept hiccuping after every word

The guy licked his lips as he undressed her with his eyes, truly, Khloe was gifted in terms of everything; brains, looks, wealth and fame

He held her hand again firmly this time and used his free hand to caress her cheek while she struggled but to no avail

"Let me go, you b@stard, I'll jail you" She kept struggling but he didn't let her go. Who would let this opportunity slip out just like that? He leaned forward to kiss her but stopped when someone sat down loudly beside her

Leaving her alone, he turned to the angry looking Jamie beside her

"Leave" Jamie said angrily yet calmly which got the guy scoffing out in mockery

"Why? What can you do? Who are you to her?" He threw questions at her

"None of your business" Jamie frowned and drew Khloe closer to himself. The guy saw this and held Jamie's hand but Jamie being disgusted could hold back the urge to punch him and so he did

He got up and landed three consecutive punches on the guy's face, the punches were heavy that Khloe even heard a crack from the guy's jaw even with the loud music playing behind

Khloe looked drunkenly at Jamie who didn't look like he was ready to stop even though the guy was bleeding. She got up sluggishly and held Jamie's hand

"Enough please" She pleaded softly and before Jamie could do anything, she fell asleep on his shoulder.... Jamie held her immediately, throwing the guy off who fell with a loud thud

Jamie with Khloe in his arms, picked her belongings, paid for her drinks and then left the bar but on getting to his car, Derek walked up to them with a frown

"What are you doing with MY girlfriend?" Derek asked, making sure to emphasize on the 'my' just to piss Jamie off

"I was just taking her home" Jamie rolled his eyes and Derek raised his eyebrows in a demanding manner

"I'm here now, I'll do it.. give her to me" Derek said and not wanting to cause a scene, he handed her to him and gave him her belongings

"Derek" Khloe hiccuped sleepily and a smile escaped Derek's lips; he looked at Jamie then scoffed before leaving with her


If someone had told Arielle that she was going to enjoy herself so much, having dinner with a CEO, she would have denied it

They had been there for hours, chatting, eating and laughing, it was getting late in the night but Arielle cared less, the man in front of her was so funny

"..and then my mom had to push her off me" Dennis concluded the story he was telling Arielle and her laughter reigned.. her laugh and smile was so cute and entrancing that he found himself smiling

"But you were really stubborn, you know" Arielle laughed and Dennis shrugged

"Sure but I loved myself back then, so active, outgoing and.."

"..stubborn" Arielle completed and they shared a laugh

Arielle glanced outside and found some of the customers leaving, in fact, they were among the six people left in the restaurant

"Jeez, how long have we been here, it's almost late" Arielle muttered and Dennis smiled warmly

"We must have been so engrossed in her conversation that we failed to notice how quickly the time went" Dennis muttered and Arielle couldn't agree more

"I'll go pay" Dennis smiled and left the table. Arielle was all alone as she smiled to herself, recalling how her date night went.... Dennis wasn't a bad guy at all, in fact, he was so fun to be around

She was glad she didn't turn his request for them to go out on a date night, she needed to feel loved since she was trapped in a fruitless relationship with Frederick


He was there, yes, he was there, outside to be precise.. she recognized the other guy as his friend immediately.. Frederick failed to notice her but as they walked inside, Cody saw her and she didn't know why but she was panicking

What if he saw her with Dennis and concludes on something stupid.. she adjusted uncomfortably

"Bro, isn't that your wife?" Cody said as they both sat down to order, and Frederick snapped his head to her direction. "Damn, she's hot"

Frederick frowned.. he just silently watched her as she nervously moved on her chair. What was she doing here?

"Jeez Frederick, she's looking breathtaking" Cody added, his eyes were solely on Arielle

"Are we here to eat or not?" Frederick frowned

Just at the wrong time, Dennis showed up and smiled at her

"I'm ready, should I drop you off?" He asked and she shook her head

"Fred, who's that guy with her?" Cody whispered and Frederick looked at them again. Truly, Dennis was there but his back was turned to him so he couldn't see

He saw the way Arielle smiled at him and he frowned heavily. Was his wife already cheating... having had enough of the sight, Frederick left the restaurant

Arielle's gaze followed and she immediately sighed

She was doomed!.