
Enchanted To Love You

ARIELLE JACKSON was a young, sweet and charming lady of 20 years old.. If beauty was a person, it'll definitely be her. She was curvaceous, she had the perfect hourglass body shape, a lovely and flawless skin She had a baby face, naturally shapened eyebrows, long brunde hair colour(brown and blonde hair mixed together)..... rose nose, pink heart-shaped lips.... she was just 5'6inches tall She was very kind, sweet and generous but she was quite reserved and quiet.. ** FREDERICK CARSON.... a young man of 25 years of age, he was outstanding and a CEO of a large real estate company.. Frederick was an handsome man.. he had the body of a model and athlete.... he didn't look so built but he did work out some times.... he had long brown hair, bright brown eyes, pointy nose, pink plum lips, smooth and flawless skin He was a really busy man, he was always seen with his usual cold and blank expression on, he hardly smiled nor laughed.... he had never lost a contract.... he was also ranked as the most successful and the most handsome CEO in the country He had also won numerous awards for it.... he was quite upright.. Ever since his girlfriend broke up with him years back, he had given up on love and poured his time and energy into work, he had little time for his family and his only friend.. ** What will happen when these totally different people meet for the first time and get married almost soon? Not any type of marriage but an arranged one More characters in the story..

TrishaWrites · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs



Derek came out of the car and then carried Khloe out as well.. he walked to the entrance and knocked on the door

The door opened, revealing an elderly woman in her late forties, he needed noone to tell him it was her mother - Mrs. Tatiana Carson

She gasped immediately she saw her daughter lying sleepily in his arms

"What happened to her?" Tatiana raised her voice and Derek sighed

"I drove her home from the bar, she got drunk" He said and Tatiana gasped again, she immediately stepped aside for him to enter which he did

She directed him to the living room where he laid her down on one of the luxurious couches then stood up to stare at Tatiana who looked like she had a lot of questions to ask

"I didn't touch her" He sighed out and she looked at him

"I didn't ask" She said

"I just had to say it so that you wouldn't think of me as a bad guy, I'm really not" He said and she smiled

"What's your name and who are you to my daughter?" She asked warmly

"I'm Derek and I'm.." He hesitated a little. "I'm your daughter's boyfriend" He scratched the back of his head nervously, he didn't know whether he was to say that so soon

Tatiana smiled. "My daughter has a boyfriend? An handsome one at that, thank you for bringing her home" Tatiana said, shocking him. He had expected her to start ranting but she didn't

She looked like she had been worried sick about her but when she learned he was her boyfriend, she saw nothing to be worried about

"You are welcome ma'am.... it's late, I should get going" He said

"Can you at least take her to her room, now that I know you are her boyfriend, I wouldn't want any of the guards to take her upstairs" Tatiana said imploringly and Derek nodded slowly before doing as told


Frederick's car halted in the compound and he got out of the car immediately, heading to the entrance when a young man walked to him

"Good evening sir" A young man greeted and Frederick looked at Jake for answers

"He is the new gardener" Jake said and Frederick nodded before going inside the house. Jake looked at Zayn, the gardener and showed him to his own small house, set aside

Just then, Arielle got to the stairs leading up to the main door and sat on it.. Flynn immediately greeted her and she greeted back but her main concern was what Frederick was going to do to her

Just then, a thunder rumbled and Arielle came to know that it was about to rain, asides that, the chilled breeze met her skin in a beautiful way

The cloud had darkened and she needed no one to tell her that it was going to be an heavy thunderstorm

Regaining her strength, she climbed up the stairs and opened the door only to see Frederick standing far from her, inside the house.... he was looking dangerously at her

If she hadn't looked well, she would have screamed out in fear because just the way he was staring down at her could chase someone away

Just then, Mrs. Susan, Clara and Claire showed up immediately

"Welcome sir and ma'am" They chorused but only Arielle answered them as Frederick gaze was solely on Arielle

They all bowed and left, leaving Arielle and Frederick in the room.. both not saying anything but Frederick was definitely boring holes in her

"Who is he?" Frederick demanded hotly and Arielle looked at him


"Don't you fvking lie, don't you dare! Who the fvck is that guy you were seen with at the restaurant" Frederick snapped angrily and Arielle flinched

"Uh.. I.. I.."

"WORDS LIA, WORDS!" He snapped crazily and Arielle didn't fail to notice that he called her Lia but right then, that was the least of her problems

"My friend" She replied, staring at the tiled floor. She was shivering in fear

Silence reigned for some minutes.

"Your friend has no name?" He asked and Arielle went mute. Why does he want to know about Dennis? Weren't they supposed to act like unmarried couples

"Out!" His voice came out calm yet cold.

"Huh?" She asked and just then, her eyes met his angry gaze

"You came home after me so.. GET LOST" He snapped, his anger had doubled but Arielle remained transfixed, trying to understand what he meant

He stood fast steps to her and immediately grabbed her arm, bringing her back to reality.. his soft yet strong arm tightened around her arm like he was about to rip it off

"Ouch" She winced but dared not to talk because right then, she felt he could also slap her. His gaze was burning with anger

He pulled her to the door, opened it, and pushed her outside so much that she fell heavily on her butt

"You will sleep outside tonight" He said and she immediately gasped. He was joking right? But no, he meant every word of it

Just then, the heavy rain began and it just felt like everything was against her at that moment. She immediately knelt down and clasped her hand as loads of tears rolled down her face

"Please, don't do this, I'm sorry-"

Before she could finish, Frederick shut the door in her face and then her tears rolled down freely.. she sat on the tiled floor and was crying her eyes out

How heartless could he get? She wondered.. wasn't she supposed to be happy? Her mother said he wouldn't do anything to hurt her but he was doing it

The rain fell heavily and the cold breeze met her skin.. not a normal type of cold, the cold that could get her curled up in a bundle of thick duvets

After few hours, Arielle fast asleep but she was terribly shaking, she knew she was going to get sick but what could she do?

Just then, Zayn walked to her and tapped her lightly. His warm arm met her skin and she opened her eyes to see a new face in front of her

"Ma'am, what are you doing here?" He looked around worriedly and Arielle sat up before hugging his waist tightly. At that time, even if he was a kidnapper, she would follow him

"Can I go with you? To anywhere please" She pleaded, her skin had turned pale and her lips were shaking terribly

"I'm the new gardener" He introduced and she nodded immediately. "Will you stay at the garderner's house with me?" He asked and she nodded immediately


The following day, Khloe opened her eyes sleepily, she blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the ray of sunlight shinning into her room from outside

She sat up slowly and her eyes darted around the room as if trying to slowly reboot. She immediately remembered the previous night at the bar and wondered why Jamie had beaten up that guy that way

In fact, it was her first time ever since she'd known him, seeing him get that violent and angry but she had to swallow her pride and thank him because he actually saved her

She immediately went to get dressed for school and then headed to the dining room where she saw her parents already eating

"Good morning lucky charms" Khloe greeted with a smile as she got seated opposite them

"Good morning baby" David, her father replied with a smile as well

"Good morning dear" Tatiana grinned, a bit mischievously but Khloe didn't care

"So.." Tatiana began after much silence. "Your boyfriend dropped you off last night" She added and Khloe's eyes widened.... boyfriend?

"Derek of course, why are you behaving as if you don't have a boyfriend" Tatiana teased and Khloe slowly smiled

"He dropped me off?" Khloe asked and David nodded.

"He took you to your room and tucked you in bed" David said and Khloe blushed. Derek was just a gentleman

"So you had a boyfriend and didn't bother telling us? Did we wrong you?" Tatiana pouted dramatically

"I'm sorry, mom, it really skipped my mind, honestly" Khloe looked at both of them and they smiled

"Have you both kissed?" David asked suddenly and Khloe gasped. How was she going to answer that question now

She nodded slowly and watched her parents look at each other before looking back at her

"What about.."

"Mom! We haven't reached that stage" Khloe chuckled and they all shared a laugh

"He is very handsome" Tatiana said and Khloe smiled. At least they loved him


Frederick finished eating; just ten spoons though. He was obviously ready for work in his designers suit. His hair was done in a messy side part.. it was almost his signature hairstyle

His face held the usual cold look, in fact, throughout the night, he didn't even look like someone who had thrown his wife out of his house.. he still maintained his unfazed expression

Even when Mrs. Susan was scolding him about his actions, he cared less. He behaved usual all through the night and then the morning

Jake came in to take his briefcase as usual and then they walked out but to Frederick's despair, Arielle wasn't laying where he left her yesterday

He frowned. "Where's she?" He questioned and Jake stared at him in confusion. No one knew about what happened except Frederick, Arielle and Mrs. Susan of course who was going to give Arielle her food but didn't see her in her room

"Who?" Jake asked

"My wife.. where is she?" He barked out in anger but Jake didn't know what he was talking about

Frederick's face held a deep frown.. so that little vixen ran away right? He thought as he ruffled his hair a little

Just then, Arielle walked from behind the building to the main mansion where she saw Frederick standing and yelling at Jake

"Here" She muttered softly, she looked pale as she leaned against the wall with her arms crossed, staring weakly at him

Frederick turned to her and then glared at her but this time, she returned the glare faintly. She coughed slightly

"Where are you coming from? Where did you sleep?" He demanded coolly but Arielle went mute... she was staring at the man she was supposed to call her husband with complete disgust and hatred

"Answer me!" He yelled loudly but Arielle didn't even have the strength to flinch. Jake was busy watching the drama in anticipation

Arielle eyed Frederick before walking into the mansion without replying him. That seemed to have angered him the more because he swiftly turned to her and grabbed her arm forcefully,turning her to him

"Answer me Lia! Where the fvck did you sleep?" He demanded angrily

"The gardener's house" Arielle yelled back and yanked her head off his grip before glaring hard at him

"The gardener's house and so what? Can't I have peace? You are the worst human on earth" She scoffed. "Are you even a human? You are a beast, an heartless beast" She yelled at him, shocking him by her outburst

The innocence was gone because a new Arielle was talking to him..

"You know, I also didn't know you before marrying you, why do I have to suffer, huh? You left me out there to die right? Well, I too wanted to die, at least I wouldn't be able to see your silly face again" She sniffed

"I hate you! Yes, I hate you so much.. you threw me out like I was nothing, jeez, are you even human?" She scoffed before turning then she turned back to him before pushing a cheque into his hand

He stared at it in confusion.

"Your one million dollars! For the stupid dress, I'll return your silly dress to you" She hissed and then heard him murmuring

"I Should have know they got me married to a slut" That was what she heard and then, angry, annoyance and hatred filled her eyes.... she immediately stroke his face with a loud slap

He didn't show it but he was shocked to his bones.

"You b@stard! How dare you?" She yelled crazily. "I hate you Mr. Carson! With every single bone in me, with every strand of hair on my head and with every thing I have, you are the worst" She cried, tears were flowing nonstop from her eyes

"I am not a slut and I will never be!! For your information, I gave you everything in my savings account you heartless demon!!" She thundered

How could he call her a slut, what type of man was she married to? She hated him so much now and she didn't even think of him as a human talk more of him being her husband

She turned around and was about to walk away when she coughed loudly, she was going to get sick if she didn't act fast. Lucky for her, Clara walked in and Arielle immediately smiled at her

"Good morning ma'am" Clara bowed shortly and Arielle nodded

"Can you make hot cocoa for me please, sorry to disturb you" Arielle asked softly, she could feel Frederick's gaze on her but she cared less

"Sure, you don't have to plead ma'am, I'll do it for you" Clara smiled. "Anything else?" She asked

"Yes, painkillers and ointment, then I'll need lots of duvet, ok? I will skip lectures today" Arielle's voice cracked up and she sneezed

"Sure ma'am" Clara nodded and walked away. Arielle too dragged herself into her room, leaving Frederick there to stare at her retreating back


Candice sighed for the umpteenth time as she strolled to the counter of the cafe.... it was barely eight o'clock in the morning so the cafe was almost empty..

Arielle had texted her saying she wasn't going to be around in the for the day which only meant it was just going to be a boring and long day for her that even the thought of it saddened her

She collected her usual coffee, paid and was about to leave when a deep and somewhat familiar voice spoke beside her

"You again, huh?" He scoffed and Candice took her gaze to him but immediately regretted him when she recognised him even though he had a pair of sunglasses on

He was clad in a sparkly black Armani suit, shiny shoes and wore simple silver necklace which could buy her whole existence

"Y-you?" She stuttered in utter shock, the coffee in her hand was threatening to fall but she somehow held on

"You forgot this with me, the other day" He smiled and dropped Candice's bracelet on the table and she gasped in realisation; he was the rich brat that splashed water in her and the guy she bumped into

"Shocked huh?" He chuckled. "I'm Jeong, you are?" He stretched forward his hand for a handshake still with that smile on his face

Candice stared at his hand for a while without shaking him back,, he understood and dropped it but his stupid smile was still on his face

"What do you want from me, Mr. Jeong?" Candice scowled

"Just Jeong would do" He said and then shoved his hands into his pockets, his eyes were on her throughout

Candice hissed. "So what do you want from me?"

"Nothing.. nothing more than friendship! Let's be friends" He said and Candice scoffed loudly. Was he joking or what? How lonely could he be that would make him ask such all of a sudden?

"I can see you are a very lonely man but please I'm not ready for this so no" She said hotly

Jeong chuckled. "Lonely? Nah princess, I'm not lonely, I'm just interested in you and sooner or later, we will be friends or more than that" He winked at her before leaving

Candice gazed at him with a frown on her face, who did he think he was to say that?


Khloe was walking down the hallway when she saw Jamie walking her way but he was on his phone though.. she took her deep breath and walked to him

"Hi" She called but no response.. she tried again but later found out that he had airpods in his ears

She tapped him and that was when he looked at her.

"Hey" He smiled, slowly removing the airpod in his right ear

"Hi there.. I just wanted to thank you for yesterday" Khloe smiled at him

"Don't thank me, any sane person would have done the same" He smiled back and Khloe chuckled..

"So.. what were you doing there?" Khloe just had to ask

"Um.. I met with my friend there" He replied and Khloe nodded with a smile

She was about leaving when she heard..

"Jamie love"

She turned only to see a very cute, slightly thick girl running to them.. she hugged Jamie then pulled away afterwards

"Jamie love, why did you leave me for so long, I was scared and I almost got lost" The girl whined and Jamie brushed her hair fondly with his hand, he had this cute smile on his face

"I'm sorry, Presley, I had to do something" He said and Presley nodded before hugging him again, causing him to chuckle

"You are forgiven, Love, I can never stay mad at you" She smiled, flickering her eyelashes cutely at him.... that was when she noticed Khloe and her expression changed to that of a small frown which she masked immediately

"Love, who is this?" She asked, still looking at Khloe and Jamie smiled before smacking his forehead slightly, as if he just remembered something

"Oh.. Presley, meet Khloe, my classmate and Khloe, meet Presley,, the one I said I was at the bar to meet" He did the introduction and Khloe forced out a smile; to her, Presley was a very clingy person as she had noticed her hugging unto Jamie tightly

"Nice to meet you" Khloe stretched out her hand for an handshake

"Hmm, sake" Presley rolled her eyes slightly without shaking her hand.. she turned to Jamie

"Let's go, I think our class is about to start" Presley smiled and pulled Jamie with her

Khloe just stared at them and sighed before leaving..


"You did what?" Cody raised his voice a little after Frederick told him what he did to Arielle

Cody frowned. "You are insane, really! How could you do such a thing to that innocent precious gem? Gosh, I knew she was going to suffer in your house but this one is too much" Cody said with a loud hiss

Frederick immediately frowned, he was almost feeling guilty but now, he didn't know again.... he thought about it and sighed

"You don't have to make this even worse for me"

"Well, it should be! If I was her, I wouldn't think twice before suing your wicked ass" Cody retorted sharply

"Enough!" Frederick yelled. "I shouldn't have told you, just stop talking already" He rolled his eyes

"You should better apologise to her" Cody hissed and Frederick glared at him. Why was he so offended

"Why are you so much offended?" He asked

"Because she doesn't need to suffer that much" Cody frowned then took his phone before standing up. "I'm going, good day" He said and left

Frederick scoffed then slowly, his face held guilt as he remembered what happened. He slowly ruffled his hair and groaned loudly