
Enchanted To Love You

ARIELLE JACKSON was a young, sweet and charming lady of 20 years old.. If beauty was a person, it'll definitely be her. She was curvaceous, she had the perfect hourglass body shape, a lovely and flawless skin She had a baby face, naturally shapened eyebrows, long brunde hair colour(brown and blonde hair mixed together)..... rose nose, pink heart-shaped lips.... she was just 5'6inches tall She was very kind, sweet and generous but she was quite reserved and quiet.. ** FREDERICK CARSON.... a young man of 25 years of age, he was outstanding and a CEO of a large real estate company.. Frederick was an handsome man.. he had the body of a model and athlete.... he didn't look so built but he did work out some times.... he had long brown hair, bright brown eyes, pointy nose, pink plum lips, smooth and flawless skin He was a really busy man, he was always seen with his usual cold and blank expression on, he hardly smiled nor laughed.... he had never lost a contract.... he was also ranked as the most successful and the most handsome CEO in the country He had also won numerous awards for it.... he was quite upright.. Ever since his girlfriend broke up with him years back, he had given up on love and poured his time and energy into work, he had little time for his family and his only friend.. ** What will happen when these totally different people meet for the first time and get married almost soon? Not any type of marriage but an arranged one More characters in the story..

TrishaWrites · 都市
7 Chs

Awaiting Surprise

The hatred Arielle had towards Frederick was alarming.. how could her so called husband tell the driver not to take her even though he knew the compound was a large one

"This is torture, I want to go home" She wiped her tears and checked her time, 10: 04 was boldly written on her wristwatch and she rose to her feet immediately

She was late already so she had no choice but to walk anyways..

She walked for what seems like an hour before getting to the main road, she silently cursed Frederick for making his stupid island in the outskirt of the city.... it was so hidden

Anyways, fortunately for her, she saw a bus at the bus station and immediately boarded it to school. She got to the gate of her college looking tired as if she had run a marathon

Standing beside the gate was Candice, no doubt she had been waiting for Arielle since.... students were still walking in, minding their businesses

Candice immediately snapped her head towards the direction Arielle was coming from, she was dragging her feet tiredly on the ground but that wasn't Candice's interest, her eyes caught the new and flashy clothes Arielle was wearing which she had never seen her in before

"Arielle" Candice immediately rushed to her and she raised her tired gaze to her.. anyone who saw her would think she was almost dead

"Girl, your clothes are amazing" Candice gushed happily, checking her out. "Omg, your hair, jeez, you are so lucky" She added, not aware of the glare Arielle was throwing at her

How could she just start talking about her clothes without asking about how she felt? Arielle slapped her hand away and that was when she looked up with a pout, rubbing her hand

"Is that supposed to be your main concern? My clothing, gosh Candice, can't you see I'm suffering?" Arielle frowned

"Really? I thought your ʜᴜsʙᴀɴᴅ was taking good care of you, I didn't know, sorry" Candice said and Arielle just glanced at her before sighing,, wasn't it obvious she was suffering or did she befriend a blind person

"Can I stay at your place after school?" Arielle begged. "Please" She added and Candice arched her eyebrows in confusion. Wasn't her matrimonial house way better

"Just for a few hours before I return home" Arielle added, looking at her friend pleadingly.. Candice smiled and nodded

"Sure, why not" She immediately hung her hand around Arielle's neck, leading her in. "Lectures will soon start, let's go"

"You are so annoying" Arielle hissed loudly and Candice laughed as if she just got complimented

"I love you too" Candice grinned


Khloe kept stealing glances at Derek from where she sat, she was at the cafeteria, eating with her friend, Gwen

"You should tell him how you feel" Gwen suggested with her mouth full with rice. "You might create holes in his body" Gwen chuckled

"And risk him rejecting me? No way" Khloe shook her head and Gwen laughed.... Khloe kept on picking at her food while looking over at Derek

He was talking to his friends and also laughing, the way he sat coolly, the way he showcased his white set of teeth while smiling, the way he frequently ruffled his hair only made her smile foolishly

Derek's eyes moved around and landed on Khloe's, he winked handsomely at her and she immediately looked away, gulping down nothing.. he actually looked at her, she wasn't dreaming

She slowly looked at him and caught him staring back at her, she immediately looked at her meal, her heart was racing,, why was he staring??

"Gwen?" Khloe called softly and Gwen looked at her. "Is Derek still looking here?" She asked secretly and Gwen used style to check before looking back at her

"No" She replied and Khloe let out a sigh of relief before sitting upright. She looked at her tray which still had rice in it, she lost her appetite already

"I'm no longer hungry, I'll go drop it" Khloe muttered and stood up before heading to the lunch lady but before she could reach there, she slipped on juice and would have fallen if a pair of arms didn't hold her

Everyone turned to the scene in anticipation.... Khloe's tray was on the floor, the rice bowl was broken into large pieces

Khloe who had her eyes closed, waiting for when she would land heavily on the floor, opened her eyes and stared up at her saviour but immediately frowned at who see saw,, she straightened herself immediately

"Jamie? Who asked you to help me?" She snapped and took her eyes to Derek who was standing behind Jamie,, he was actually going to save her but Jamie beat him to it

Jamie who heard her silly question, raised his eyebrows, looking at her like she had grown ten heads. What type of question was that?

"I couldn't just let you fall" Jamie defended and Khloe rolled her eyes

"It would have been better" She scoffed. "Or you could have made way for Derek to save me instead" She added and he gaped at her.... at that moment, he regretted helping her

He was actually walking in the moment she was about to fall and decided to help since he was the only one closest to her, now not even a thank you?

She hissed and pushed passed him before walking away.. Jamie's eyes followed her until she was out of sight.... Derek smirked before leaving as well

Jamie gulped down nothing and went to his seat, ignoring the stares of everyone in the cafeteria


After a hard day's work, Frederick finally glanced at the wall clock and sighed, it was early evening. He took one more look at his computer before saving his work

He took hold of his phone which was on the table before going through his emails for new messages. Well yes, he saw an email from one of his investors telling him to show up with his wife to the next meeting

He hissed and turned off his phone, just then, the door opened and a smiling Fiona walked in with an envelope in her hand.... she looked at him and caught his angry gaze,, she immediately remembered that she didn't knock before entering

She bowed in respect immediately. "Sorry boss"

"Why are you here?" His voice came out raspy, he looked really uninterested. Fiona gulped, he didn't even respond to her apology

"Uh sir" She cleared her throat and stared at the envelope before walking closer to his table. "Uh there's a company's anniversary party this night and...."

"I'm not interested" He cut in immediately, taking his gaze to the files on his table which were arranged properly. "You can go" He added, picking a file from the table

Fiona gulped down nothing, can he ever seem less handsome? The way his hair fell freely at his eye level, the way his pink lips just stood out,, her eyes went down to his chest area, three of his shirt buttons were undone causing him to look extremely cute

She was busy drooling when he looked up with a frown

"Fiona!" He called, bringing her back to reality. She looked at him and smiled nervously

"Out" He drawled firmly and she walked away immediately


Arielle slumped exhaustedly unto the couch, dropping her bag next to her. After lectures, they went straight to Candice's house

It was getting dark outside already but Arielle cared less, she was not in that demon's house so she should enjoy at least

Candice went into the kitchen and brought back a bowl of cookies with her.. she sat down on the same couch with Arielle and Arielle immediately smiled, looking at the cookies

She remembered she didn't eat anything in the morning.. she immediately took one and threw it in her mouth

"So, is your husband cute?" Candice asked and Arielle frowned, she just knew how to ruin the moment

"Why? Don't you see him on television?" Arielle rolled her. What even brought her husband into that?

Candice chuckled. "Chill babe, I'm sorry"

Arielle hissed.

"But do you really hate him so much? I mean he can't be that mean, right?" Candice shrugged and Arielle immediately glared daggers at her

"I came here to forget about that demon but you are making it hard for me, should I just leave?" Arielle asked, pointing at the door and Candice immediately shook her head

"I'm sorry, I won't talk about him again" Candice said and began eating.... silence took its place in the room

Arielle looked at Candice, she just knew she wanted to talk badly,, she kept on clearing her throat and smiling at her

"What do you want to say, Candice?" Arielle sighed and Candice smiled

"What about Dennis? How are things between you too?" Candice asked and Arielle shook her head

"So you gave him my number, right?" Arielle scoffed and Candice shrugged. "Anyways, he asked if I was free any time so we could hang out"

Candice immediately gasped, she dropped the bowl on the floor and faced Arielle immediately, smiling foolishly

"Then what are you waiting for? There is no lecture tomorrow so you can go" Candice said and Arielle sighed,, she can't just hang with a stranger

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you are afraid of him.. he looks so nice and friendly, I really think he wants to be your friend" Candice said honestly and Arielle stared at her

"I'll think about it" Arielle faced the television. "I want to watch TV" Arielle said, dropping the topic


Arielle checked the time when she got to the entrance of the mansion and gasped, she spent so much time in Candice's house and forgot about returning to the island

It was already very late in the night, there were no worker seen in the compound which only signified that they were already asleep

Taking a deep breath, Arielle entered the mansion and as expected, it was dark. She closed the door and yawned, she was so tired and needed to sleep

She walked into the inner living room and saw a figure seated on one of the couch, she cleared her eyes hoping she was just seeing things but no, she wasn't

The living room light came on and Frederick's face was seen.. her eyes widened, what was he doing still up? Doesn't he sleep

"Where are you coming from?" He demanded in a low tone, his gaze was on the floor.... he sounded cool and not as harsh as before

"Uh.. from my friend's house" She replied and he looked at the time on his wristwatch

"It's eleven pm, don't try this again.... any day I get here before you, you are sleeping outside" His gaze were on her now and he was staring at her with a slight frown

Arielle gulped down nothing, just when she was thinking he could be less of a demon.... she hissed inwardly and rolled her eyes

"Don't fvcking roll your eyes at me" He raised his voice and she lowered her head to the floor, not wanting to meet his angry gaze

"I'm sorry.."

"You are going to the office with me tomorrow so try to wake up early" He cut in sharply and she looked at him, he stood up and pointed at a neatly packaged item on the couch where he sat

"Huh?" She asked and he glared at her hatefully

"I don't like repeating myself" He scowled and she nodded. At least he had the mind to get her a dress right?

"Oh, the dress is not for free, you'll have to pay me for it" He added, staring at her with all the seriousness he could muster

At that point, she vowed never to rejoice almost too soon because now she had to pay for something she didn't ask for

"How?" She drawled out slowly, rolling her eyes but making sure he didn't see

"That dress cost me one million dollars" He said and she gasped, one million what? How was she supposed to pay him back

"Uh.. Fred.."

"Don't you dare talk when I'm still talking" He snapped angrily and she immediately took in her lips, looking at the tiled floor

What was wrong with this stranger they got her married to? He sounded like someone who was mentally and emotionally deranged

"I'll tell you later how you'll pay me back" He said, glaring daggers at her

Arielle nodded.

"You should better go to bed, and don't let this happen again" He added before leaving

Immediately he left, Arielle raised her head and stuck out her tongue at him before rolling her eyes

She took slow steps to the couch and then picked the package before sighing. She tore the package and then brought out the gown before shrugging

"Not bad, a black gown" She giggled before running to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and there was a huge icecream bowl in it

She took it out and dropped it on the counter before taking her spoon. She sat comfortably on the high chair before digging it.... she closed her eyes, enjoying the chocolate taste

"This is so amazing" She smiled cutely.





I know, the update is coming late but it's here now. I'll try to post more often

#notedited ~ There might be errors, I didn't proofread

Kindly vote and comment💕

Byyee.... for now!!❤❤