
Enchanted To Love You

ARIELLE JACKSON was a young, sweet and charming lady of 20 years old.. If beauty was a person, it'll definitely be her. She was curvaceous, she had the perfect hourglass body shape, a lovely and flawless skin She had a baby face, naturally shapened eyebrows, long brunde hair colour(brown and blonde hair mixed together)..... rose nose, pink heart-shaped lips.... she was just 5'6inches tall She was very kind, sweet and generous but she was quite reserved and quiet.. ** FREDERICK CARSON.... a young man of 25 years of age, he was outstanding and a CEO of a large real estate company.. Frederick was an handsome man.. he had the body of a model and athlete.... he didn't look so built but he did work out some times.... he had long brown hair, bright brown eyes, pointy nose, pink plum lips, smooth and flawless skin He was a really busy man, he was always seen with his usual cold and blank expression on, he hardly smiled nor laughed.... he had never lost a contract.... he was also ranked as the most successful and the most handsome CEO in the country He had also won numerous awards for it.... he was quite upright.. Ever since his girlfriend broke up with him years back, he had given up on love and poured his time and energy into work, he had little time for his family and his only friend.. ** What will happen when these totally different people meet for the first time and get married almost soon? Not any type of marriage but an arranged one More characters in the story..

TrishaWrites · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Heartless Demon

Arielle broke the hug and Glenn wiped her tears..

"Anything you need baby, I'm one call away" Glenn smiled and Arielle mirrored it. She was going to miss this woman in front of her so much

"Ok now, let the newly wedded couple go home, am I right?" David spoke up and Frederick glared at him. Arielle looked at Frederick and looked away

"Sir, the car is ready" Flynn said and Frederick nodded

David went over to Arielle and stroked her hair fondly

"Don't worry darling, he won't hurt you ok?" He assured and she simply nodded. "You should probably get going, you must probably be tired" He added

Soon, Frederick and Arielle were seen seated at the back of Frederick's car, very far away from each other, both doing different things

Arielle was looking outside the window while Frederick was staring at the phone. Flynn kept on stealing glances at Arielle from time to time, he couldn't help but notice that sad look on her face


They arrived safely at Frederick's island and Arielle's eyes widened in shock, the island was magnificent, she had never seen anything like it. It was huge

Flynn parked the car and Frederick wasted no time in getting out, Flynn got out of the car and went ahead to open the door for her

"Thank you" She bowed slightly and he smiled.... she lifted her wedding gown and began entering the mansion, when she entered, her mouth couldn't close as she stared at the interior design

She couldn't believe it, that was where she was going to stay? In this large house? She was definitely going to get lost one of these days

"Welcome ma'am" The maids chorused including Susan and Arielle bowed lightly

"Thank you" She smiled

One of the maids going by the name, Cara, stepped forward, going to stand in front of her

"Ma'am, your room has been ready, I'll take you there" She smiled and Arielle nodded, she couldn't stop staring at Susan, didn't she look quite old to be working for that demon

Cara led her up the stairs which took forever, she has never walked so much in her life but she better start getting used to it

After walking for some time, Cara opened another majestic bronze door and walked inside with Arielle following behind. A gasp immediately left her mouth

The room alone was ten times bigger than her own house. There was a large bathroom, large walking closet and an inner room, how was she going to sleep on that queen sized bed

"I should leave you to get changed" Cara smiled and Arielle nodded. Just then, Cara left and Arielle fell on the bed.... she hadn't been married before but she couldn't help but wonder if they were really meant to share a room or not


Evening time, just as Glenn was about to wash her clothes, a knock came on the door and Glenn went to open it only to see Candice smiling at her

"Good evening mom" Candice bowed respectfully

"Welcome daughter" Glenn stepped aside for her to enter. Candice immediately went to sit down before taking her shoes off, she had been wearing them for a while and they were beginning to hurt

"Do you want anything to eat? I made dinner" Glenn asked and Candice smiled brightly

"Did you read my mind or what? I'm actually very hungry" Candice said and Glenn smiled before leaving for the kitchen

Candice went into Arielle's room and saw no sign of her, but some of her clothes were still there. Curiosity took her back to the kitchen where Glenn was

"Mom, where's Arielle?" She inquired

"Oh, she's in her husband's house" Glenn said straightaway causing Candice to raise a brow

"Meaning?" She questioned

"She's married" Glenn smiled and Candice gasped immediately. "Yes dear, she got married today"

"What? When? Why wasn't I invited?" Candice pouted sadly and Glenn patted her hair. It was quite strange, Arielle never spoke to her about getting married so where was this coming from?

"I'm sorry Candy, I told her not to call you so you would focus on your studies actually, I'm sorry" Glenn said pleadingly and Candice sighed

Before she could say anything else, the doorbell rang and they both glanced at each other, both asking 'are you expecting anyone?' with their eyes

"I'll go check" Candice said and went to the door. She opened it and almost fell when she saw who was standing there

"OMG! DENNIS STONES!" Candice screamed and he smiled, thank goodness he was wearing ear plugs. Glenn joined them and gasped when she saw him, she wasted no time in telling him to get in

He got seated as his eyes darted around the small house, wondering if he was in the right house or not

"So what brings you here?" Glenn asked and Dennis turned to her

"I heard Arielle Jackson lives here" He said and watched how they both glanced at each other. Why was Dennis looking for her? Was Arielle in trouble?

"Y-yes, this was her home" Glenn cleared her throat and Dennis arched a perfect brow

"What does that mean?" He inquired

"She moved out this morning" Candice quickly said and Glenn nodded in agreement

"Well, can I get her new address?" He asked and watched as they exchanged glances again

"Can't I just give you her number? She is yet to tell us the address herself" Candice said and Dennis nodded, liking the idea

He handed her his phone and she put Arielle's number in it before giving it back to her with a smile

"Thanks, I'll call her" He said, rising to his feet. They saw him off and sighed immediately


Arielle left her room, heading to the dining hall for dinner.... she was walking down the extremely long hallway when Frederick came out of his bedroom. They were both in their pyjamas set

Arielle was wearing a purple silky pyjamas shirt with matching high waisted pyjamas shorts that stopped at her mid thigh, showcasing her smooth legs while Frederick was wearing a black silky pyjamas shirt and trousers

She glanced at him and was about leaving when his voice stopped her

"I hope you've read the rule book" His deep voice echoed a bit, he sounded raspy yet a bit calm

Arielle turned to him and shook her head innocently, he rolled his eyes and scoffed

"Or can't you read?" He teased and she frowned

"Actually I.."

"I don't care to know" He said cynically and she went mute. "Well since you didn't read it, I might as well tell you, we are to live as roommates, don't talk to me, don't even look at me, move on with your life like an unmarried woman, don't tell anyone that you are married to me and I'll do the same, when you are needed to act as a wife, I'll tell you" He said, glaring at her

Who did this man think he was? He must be thinking she likes him as well but he better be joking before their feelings towards each were mutual

"He said roommates but that's not how roommates behave towards each other" She said almost inaudible

"I heard that" He scowled and she bit her lower lip, staring at the floor. He glanced at her before putting his hands into his pockets

"Anything you need, tell Susan instead and not me, have I made myself clear?" He asked and she nodded slowly before turning to leave

"I don't remember dismissing you" He arched his eyebrows, staring at her back figure in a belittling manner and she stopped immediately and then, he walked passed her.... she scoffed loudly

So that was what he wanted to do..

"Bossy demon" She hissed but immediately looked around to see if anyone was coming


Arielle headed back to her room after the dinner, it was the most boring dinner she had ever had, there was no noise, the only things making noise were the cutlery causing her to want to go home..

Arielle was about turning off the light when her phone rang out loudly.... she sighed and went to pick it even though it was an unsaved number

"Hey, Arielle?" Dennis husky voice rang out and her eyes widened immediately. Why the hell did he get her number?

"Dennis?" She asked. "How did you.."

"A little bird told me" He cut her off, obviously knowing what her question would be and Arielle sighed

"Are you busy any time tomorrow?" He asked and she arched a perfect brow.... why would he ask her that? What did he want from her?

"Uh.. no, I have lectures tomorrow then I have to go to work" She said truthfully

"Ok, when will you be free, I'd like for us to meet up" Dennis said and Arielle just didn't know what to say.... why would a stranger want to meet up with her? A STRANGER!!

"Are you there?" His voice pierced into her thoughts

"I'll let you know when I'm free" She immediately said

"Ok, have a good night" He said and hung up

Arielle dumped her phone on the bed, thinking about so many things before she closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep


The following morning in WEST HIGH.... the students of the school could be seen walking into the school in groups, chatting amongst themselves but it all died down as a blue Mercedes drove into the school's compound

As soon as a tall figure left his car, the students around began screaming his name. It was noted that he was very rich by his way of dressing

The guy had an headphone on his neck as his right hand was in his pocket while his left hand ruffled his blonde hair; he actually dyed it





Derek winked at them and some girls literally fainted on the spot. He giggled and another round of screams left their lips

Just then, when he was beginning to love the attention,, a white luxurious Audi sports car drove into the compound and the students averted their attention to the car, all curious to know who will alight from the car

Derek also turned, patiently waiting to see who the f**k had the audacity to avert their attention. He was the only one who had the right to gain their attention

Just then, a man in black suit got down from the car and opened the back door for whoever it was

A white nike air force converse immediately stroke the ground and out of the car came Jamie, looking so hot wearing a white shirt inside while he wore a brown sweater on the outside, both were over a beige pair of trousers which fitted him properly like they were made specially for him

His hair was styled in a messy side part, his hair was falling to his eye making him look so attractive

Derek turned to him and his eyes widened immediately, when did he get a car and those flashy clothes??





Jamie ignored them and walked away, his eyes suddenly met with Khloe's and he sighed and walked off. Unlike like others, Khloe wasn't moved by his appearance

"I still think he's ugly" Khloe said

"Ok now, you are lying" Gwen, Khloe's best friend defended immediately. "Jamie is smoking hot" She added with a wide smile

"Whatever" Khloe rolled her eyes and immediately walked to Derek

"Hi" She waved at him and he smiled, he was just recovering from the shock

"Let's go to class together" She proposed and he nodded. He stared at the passage which Jamie took and rolled his eyes


Arielle immediately ran down the stairs in a haste, she was already so late for her lectures, she woke up very late.... it was nine am and her lectures began at ten

She was wearing a red long-sleeved sweater over an high-waisted flared denim jeans with a pair of white nike shoes then a white bag which she hung on one shoulder.... her hair was packed in a neat ponytail with hairpins in front while the edges were laid properly

She also wore minimal accessories; a wristwatch, a simple necklace and earrings.. she was really looking like an angel.... the clothes were actually bought for her by David and her mother

Her wardrobe was filled up with dresses she had never worn so she felt like trying out something new

She got to the dining room and all the maids bowed at her respectfully, she waved and took and apple before biting it

"Won't you eat something?" Susan asked and Arielle smiled, at least someone cared enough to ask

"Nah, I'm already late" She said and glanced at Frederick who just behaved like no one was in the room. He was actually in the dining room, eating

"Sorry ma'am, I was going to wake you up but sir told me not to" Cara immediately said and Arielle looked at Frederick before hissing inwardly

Of course he said that, she married a monster and not a human so it's only better she starts doing things for herself

Frederick did not even care about what they were saying even though he clearly was hearing them

"Don't worry.. maybe I'll have to learn to wake up on time, it's quite an habit" Arielle laughed it off and Cara nodded

"Ok, I'm off to school" She waved at them and immediately left the house.... she stood outside, looking at the cars, checking which one she would use

She walked to Flynn who was washing a car and tapped him.. he immediately turned to her and bowed

"Good morning ma'am" He greeted

"Good morning" She smiled

"How may I help you?" He asked and she looked around

"I need to rush to school, can you please take me to school?" She asked cutely and then his face fell.. he shook his head and she stared at him in confusion

"I'm really sorry ma'am but sir told me not to take you to school today" He said and her eyes widened in shock. How heartless could he get?

"What?" She asked to be sure of what she heard

"I'm really sorry" He said pleadingly and she nodded slowly, she was already on the verge of crying

Frederick walked out of the house with Jake. He looked at Arielle and Flynn before going to where they stood

"Are you done?" He asked, totally ignoring her presence. Flynn nodded before looking at Arielle who was already leaving the place.... to walk from that place to the gate was a punishment that he felt bad for her, he would have begged on her behalf but his boss was not that type who would listen to that

Frederick got into the car and soon it zoomed off.... when the car was out of sight, Arielle crouched on the floor, crying loudly

"He is an heartless demon" Arielle cried