
Evil Plans


2 PM

As he said that name, my mind flew back to those memories. Even if I think of her every day, someone actually taking her name reassures me that she is alive. The person I hate is still alive.

Still being conscious not to let my expressions make him guess my state of mind, I asked him.

"Shanaya what?"

That exhausted being took a deep breath and continued.

"There is a piece of fake news doing rounds today. The false info says that you and Shanaya are involved in drug smuggling…

Seth's voice trailed off after that, leaving me in confusion.

How in this world will I attempt to smuggle drugs?

On top of that, why would I make her as my partner?

Is this the result of being aloof from the world? Are people being suspicious about my cold demeanour?

Aren't CEOs meant to be like that?

I left my old self to be like one

Seth was transfixed seeing the anger growing on my face. In the fit of anger, I threw my cane on the side of the window.

If it had been thrown with more speed, I am sure it would have smashed the window glass.

I took a deep breath. Probably, my anger was not on the fake news being circulated.

The major cause was Shanaya.

Getting linked with her in any way, was not acceptable for me.

Proving that I am innocent wasn't my top priority at this time.

The first and most important thing for me was to get rid of that untrustworthy woman.

I feel this is the doing of that 3rd-grade actress. She wants to get tagged along with me.

She surely got some nerves.

But I would not let her take advantage of me again.

Shanaya, you have entered the lion's cave on your will. But you won't escape until I'll let you do so.

These thoughts made my inevitable devilish smile appear on my face.

But Seth's voice woke me to real world

"What is your order, sir?"

"Is there any response from Shanaya's side to this news?"

"No. But her secretary has requested your support to them. What should I say to him?"

"Is the man Oliver?"

"Yeah, he said his name is Oliver."

"Arrange a meeting at 7 PM."

"As you say."

Seth was still in shock. I could see that. But it eventually receded.

Several thoughts were running in my mind.

I was aware of the busy schedule I have today. I had not fixed a meeting with her at 7 PM by mistake. In fact, it was done deliberately.

Why shouldn't I make her wait for a little huh?



8:50 PM

After singing all the documents, the meeting with Mr.Pen, audit, meeting with the finance team and the dinner, I returned office.

As soon as I entered, I saw the usual scene as always.

Girls there gathering and gasping for my looks as always.

But I could feel some strange vibes. Someone's presence was bothering my senses.

I don't know why or who was it, but I presumed that maybe Shanaya had arrived.

I thought to give a look at the waiting area but I didn't want anyone to notice my actions.

Misinterpretations happen easily then. So I continued walking towards the lift

When I reached my cabin, I thought to myself that this is the time that I should call her and her secretary.

So I sent a message to the waiting area.

My thoughts from work were diverted to her. The last time I saw her, she was drenched in blood. My own blood. Her eyes were full of tears. She had her hands held in mine. That face was so innocent. After that dreary accident, I never saw her face.

The news of her return to the industry had reached my ears. The news of her being a drug addict too didn't go unattended.

But I never allowed myself to see her, not even her photo. If I had done so, I would have destroyed her in rage or fall in love again. The latter one, I can't even think of it. And the former one,...

Just then I heard I knock. Assuming that it would be Shanaya and Oliver I said

"Come in."

When I saw the door opening, a lady entered the cabin. Alas! The same slut appeared.

Linda! How can she be so persistent in spoiling my mood? But as I said before, people don't change.

"What brings you here?"

She began her catwalk as usual which never amused me. I anticipated that she is here to spout the same bullshit she did in the morning.

"Sir, I know what is your state of mind."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean your ex who betrayed you, seeing her after so many years would not be normal."

So I was wrong. She is here to irk me with a different method huh?

"Spout the non-sense you want to and get lost."

"I just wanted to ask if I can help to lift your mood.", she said while curling her hairs

"Isn't the warning enough to scare you or should I apply them now?"

Seeing me not even budge for her outside beauty, she was surprised again.

But my words made her hands quiver in fear. This warning was enough for a day. She left the cabin without even uttering a word.

I know some people including Linda know about my past. Digging them would be a waste, so my staff members never discussed.

As for now, my eyes were waiting for the one who would arrive at any time.

Not at all because they missed them, but because they want to see her face all worried.

This kind of uneasiness... I am familiar with it. Before it used to see her happy face, and now it is to see her all depressed. Because she is about to face destruction soon.

Shanaya..... I am sorry dear, but the anger and hatred you sowed in my heart for yourself will definitely show up if you see me. In other words, it would be revenge.

So here we begin with Parth planning to take revenge from Shanaya for her past deeds.

What y' all think it will result in?

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Stay tuned :)

Tinni_15AndAnjalicreators' thoughts