
Empire of Man - Book 1: The First Empress

Lyla's life is planned. In a few months, she'll be leaving her stifling small village and the vicious rumors that have marked her as unsuitable to be anyone's wife, for the endless opportunities of the large port city of Balast. There she will finish her training as a magical healer, join an adventuring team, and see the world beyond the mountainous valleys of the High Passes that she's lived in her whole life. Then a tragedy strikes. Lyla doesn't know the secret that the soldier who saved her life is keeping from her. Worse yet, she doesn't know that he accidentally bound himself to her when he saved her life and that without her he will slowly lose his mind. What she does know is that her parents, the village elders, and even her best friend, are falling all over themselves to marry her off to this nearly perfect stranger with far too many muscles for her to take him seriously. Can she escape this unexpected marriage that is messing up her plans for greatness? Will she even want to? Or will this be exactly the kind of adventure she was hoping for all along? Do you love reading about the Mages of the Empire of Man? Try my book "Lines of Inheritance" The first of a series about the conflict between the Empire of Man, The Matriarchy, And The Priestess Isles. Or check out my web series "Inheritance" and read about the political intrigue within The Matriarchy and the uneasy truce they have with the Orc Horde.

K R Dalley · 東方
31 Chs

Chapter 26 - The Introduction of Mops

The High Passes of The Empire of Man was not a particularly dangerous place. Relatively speaking. For a given value of ‘safe’.

The region known as the High Passes lay along the slopes of the Five Sisters or Five Peaks as the mountains which split the continent were called. Which wouldn’t have meant much except that the Imperial Eagle Riders, the order of Knights who rode giant sentient ice eagles, made their Aerie below the glacier atop the central mountain.

Their regular patrols of the large trade road that linked the Northern and Southern ends of the continent kept the one route North-South safe for travelers and clear of monsters. The barren upper reaches of the pass, where the forests stopped growing were also well-hunted by the eagles and thereby ‘patrolled’. So, the rocky slopes and ridges between were ‘safe’ for a given value of safe, wherever there were no trees.