
Empire of Man - Book 1: The First Empress

作者: K R Dalley
Eastern Fantasy
連載中 · 6.6K ビュー
  • 31 章
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What is Empire of Man - Book 1: The First Empress

WebNovel で公開されている、K R Dalley の作者が書いた Empire of Man - Book 1: The First Empress の小説を読んでください。Lyla's life is planned. In a few months, she'll be leaving her stifling small village and the vicious rumors that have marked her as unsuitable to be anyone's wife, for the endless opportunities of th...


Lyla's life is planned. In a few months, she'll be leaving her stifling small village and the vicious rumors that have marked her as unsuitable to be anyone's wife, for the endless opportunities of the large port city of Balast. There she will finish her training as a magical healer, join an adventuring team, and see the world beyond the mountainous valleys of the High Passes that she's lived in her whole life. Then a tragedy strikes. Lyla doesn't know the secret that the soldier who saved her life is keeping from her. Worse yet, she doesn't know that he accidentally bound himself to her when he saved her life and that without her he will slowly lose his mind. What she does know is that her parents, the village elders, and even her best friend, are falling all over themselves to marry her off to this nearly perfect stranger with far too many muscles for her to take him seriously. Can she escape this unexpected marriage that is messing up her plans for greatness? Will she even want to? Or will this be exactly the kind of adventure she was hoping for all along? Do you love reading about the Mages of the Empire of Man? Try my book "Lines of Inheritance" The first of a series about the conflict between the Empire of Man, The Matriarchy, And The Priestess Isles. Or check out my web series "Inheritance" and read about the political intrigue within The Matriarchy and the uneasy truce they have with the Orc Horde.



From a disowned and forgotten heiress to a multi-talented powerhouse, Ye Wen's journey was one of defiance and resilience. Thrust into a political marriage with the powerful Wu Xue, Ye Wen's many secrets began to surface, leaving her enemies and allies alike stunned. As Ye Wen's many identities came to light, the reactions were as diverse as her talents. "An heiress AND an assassin?" one gasped, their eyes wide with shock. "A supermodel AND a hacker?" another whispered, their voice laced with reverence. "But how... how can one person possess such a diverse array of talents?" the onlookers murmured, their words laced with astonishment and curiosity. "The CEO of a multinational corporation... a celebrated painter... a renowned equestrian..." the whispers continued, each revelation revealing a new facet of Ye Wen's depth. Ye Wen might have presented herself as a harmless, if not haughty, wife to the world, but those close to her knew the cunning behind her innocent facade. With Wu Xue, she found comfort in the guise of her "helplessness." "Wu Xue, darling," she purred, batting her eyelashes as she leaned into his embrace, "Can you have the chef prepare my favorite dish tonight?" "Of course, my love," he replied, a hint of amusement in his voice, but his adoration for her undeniable. "She's got him wrapped around her finger," a sly voice remarked. "Who would've thought the great Wu Xue would be charmed by such a cunning wife?" another murmured with a knowing smirk. "There's more to this woman than meets the eye," one onlooker remarked, her gaze sharp with curiosity. "The wife of the mighty Wu Xue, yet she wields her own power," another added, his eyes narrowed in fascination. "She's not just cute, she's cunning," one muttered, shaking their head in bemusement. As Ye Wen continued to make requests, her tone playful yet commanding, Wu Xue remained attentive, indulging her every whim. "Can you have my car delivered to the front in an hour? I want to take a drive," she murmured, her voice sweet but with a hint of steel. "Of course, my dear. I'll have it ready," he replied, his voice hushed yet still laced with affection. "And darling," she purred, her fingers tracing his jawline with a sensual tenderness, "I'd like to go shopping tomorrow. Can you arrange for a private jet? I'd like to visit Paris." Wu Xue's expression softened, his eyes darkening with desire as he whispered, "Anything for you, my love." As Ye Wen leaned in to place a soft kiss upon Wu Xue's cheek, her eyes gleamed with a mischievous light. "And one more thing, darling," she whispered, her voice dripping with honeyed persuasion, "I want you to accompany me on this trip. You've been working too hard. It's time for a little relaxation, don't you think?" Wu Xue's brows furrowed slightly, his mind torn between duty and desire, but his love for her won out. "Very well, my love. We'll go to Paris together." As the disgraced members of the Ye family approached, their heads bowed in feigned humility, Ye Wen's expression hardened, her eyes darkening with vengeance. She turned to Wu Xue, her voice low and commanding as she whispered, "Husband, they've wronged me. They've cast me aside like rubbish. Get rid of them." Wu Xue's lips curved into a predatory grin, his hands tightening into fists at his sides. "With pleasure, my love. Consider them as good as dead."

Morali · 都市
1 Chs


Benji has recently been accepted into one of the three prestigious Academies of Adventurers and Elites. He's nervous about it all but eager to make friends. A new school life of training and magic awaits him, but he can feel the stares. Heck, he can practically hear the question on everyone's mind: 'What's that mark on his face?' ———————————————— !!!UPDATES!!! [RESTRUCTURING CHAPTERS {19-34}] Super busy with my job, school, and well life so once again please bear with the slow updates. I've started the process of correcting some things and adding the arc I skipped. I'm a more confident writer now so please look forward to the new content! The chapters being work shopped are [18-34] so kindly ignore those please ;p. A new cover will mark the completion of this process. [It has begun] Saturday is the day I try to post, but I may drop a chapter a day or two later. -v- Oh and count on me not dropping this story it's my very first after all so I'll write it to its end >;) ———————————————— Credits Thank you Lapiz for the amazing cover art! Please go check them out if you like what you see. Their name is blacklapiz on Fiverr. They have an Instagram too so give that a follow @blacklapizuu Thank you Baxtli for the wonderful sketch used for my christmas thank you. Go check them out on Fiverr. Their name is baxtli. ———————————————— [Me] Hello, Dear reader, I'm Oliver Mepo, but you can call me Mepo. As you already know this is my story "MarKed". I aspired to be a writer for some time now, and yet I never had a work of mine seen by actual readers. So I decided to comb through my library of ideas, and put one out there. Call this my punch to the sky. Hoping this works at least a little. Heck if this blows up I might become a full-blown writer. So please let me know what you think. Tips on how to improve or polish my writing are appreciated more than you may know. I'm a newbie, but I do hope you'll stick around to see how "MarKed" unfolds.

Mepo · ファンタジー
37 Chs
Latest Update
1 :1


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