
Emperor Reborn (In DxD)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?" Revelation 13:1-4 (Since I like yanderes, there will be a lot of yanderes in the story.)

LonelyTiger · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Dragon of Domination.

"I'll tell you later." Patrick told Luna that He would ask his favour later.

 Meanwhile in another place far away which he would visit later, a man and a woman could be seen conversing.

"Who is this kid? Grafiya, We can't get any information on him." The man threw some papers at the ground in frustration.

"All I found out is his name is Patrick Blackwood, that Miss Rias is in love with that boy and he will duel Riser today for her hand in marriage. Mr.Lucifer." Grafiya told.

Lucifer asked Grafiya, "The Duel is today! How come I forgot? Where is it taking place?"

"At the rating game Coliseum."


 Back to Patrick, He was heading to the Club Room wearing his prepared Cloth with Luna as his companion He entered the room to find all the members and an extra person waiting for him.

"You finally arrived, Pat and who is this?" Rias pointed at Luna confused.

"This is my familiar. She is in her human form. Say hi~." Patrick gestured towards Luna.

"Greetings, Child of Gremory. I am Luna Blackwood, his eternal companion." Luna emphasized a bit on the eternal part for some reason?

"This is my family Maid. Grafiya Lucifuge." Rias pointed at the maid. 

Grafiya said with the utmost excellence of a professional maid, "Please come, Master Pat." She gestured towards him to come closer.

 She held his shoulder and activated a magic circle. Which transported them to Hell or Underworld. Which ever tickles your fantasy Patrick thought. A journey like this was not experienced by him in his previous world as it was a normal world like ours. Hence he had a hard time controlling his dizziness.

As they appeared in a courtyard that had tall trees and a wide field, Grafiya perhaps taking pity on him casted magic which seemed to dispel all his diziness.

''Where are we?" Patrick asked puzzeled.

"We are in the Gremory House's Courtyard. Miss Rias's Father and Mother wanted to meet you; their supposed 'Son-in-law'." Grafiya answered his question.

Patrick hearing such accusations became shocked. He then followed Grafiya to the mansion. There two men and one woman were waiting. The man with a beard said grimly while staring daggers at me,

"I am Zeoticus. The father of Rias. I hope you haven't done anything to my daughter." 

On the other side, The Woman (whom Patrick guessed to be Rias's Mother) said,

"Don't worry about him. He is just frustrated that his sweet daughter will go to the hands of another. I am Venelana Gremory. This young man is Sirzechs; the current Lucifer, her brother."

Patrick said, "It's nice to meet you." and offered a handshake to Sirzechs.

Sirzechs accepted the handshake and replied to his greeting having fun. "I see that you have seduced my sister."

"Brother! What are you saying!" Rias became red as peach hearing this.

"So, When am I going to fight Riser?" 

"In 30 minutes. Master Patrick." Grafiya replied from behind.

Patrick wondered what to do all this time but he didn't have to wonder since Rias had a different plan for him. She dragged him where ever she pleased showing off her family property and heritage. As if she forgot her previous embarrassment. She talked, talked and talked as if there wasn't going to be a serious showdown a few minutes later. Grafiya seemed merciless enough to burst her bubble to announce that time had come for the duel to take place.

"Lead the way." Said Patrick itching to make the chicken into fried chicken.

Grafiya lead the way for Patrick, into a Coliseum fashioned like that of the Romans. There the Chicken (soon to be fried chicken) was waiting for him along with his peerage, his family. There was a seating area for the audience. Major high-status devils were there seeking entertainment and gossip. Of course Rias and her peerage was sitting there. Luna was also beside them.

Sirzechs will be the witness of the deal between me and Riser. If either one of us backs out on their promise then Sirzechs will personally handout punishment. Grafiya will serve as the referee to end the fight when either one is critically injured.

"Are you ready filthy human? or do you need more preparation?" Riser asked disgustedly.

"I don't think I need more preparation against you." Patrick calmly answered.

Grafiya had enough of this banter, "Let the fight begin." 

Riser being the classical second-rate villain just blasted flames at my direction which I evaded and manifested the Boosted Gear while I used mana to throw some Ice spikes at him, He burnt them. 'Boost' Reg shouted from the gear. I transferred the Boost to my feet. I moved quickly around the field checking my speed. I tried to close the distance but he blew fire towards me.

Thinking about what to do, I willed Reg to use the ability 'Chain Mail'. After the armor manifested I dashed towards the idiot ready to use my fists. He did fire some flames at me but I threw water back at him. The water made the fire dissipate, then I used more than 40% of my mana to throw a giant fireball which was slightly blue at Riser. It caused a explosion which blasted him away.

I followed him to where he landed. He was slightly injured? Looks like he has fire resistance dumb ass. Whatever, I just decided to beat him. Left hook, Right cross, Left hook, right cross, one-two, uppercut. Liver shot and he spat blood.

You know what? when I was doing this I had formed ice spikes on my knuckles. So, it hurt. As he spat blood and fell down, Grafiya just ended the fight.

"Master Patrick has won." 

 "Hm....The Sekiryūtei of this era has tremendous potential. Vali will be excited at the news and the entire supernatural world will be thrown into chaos." A man said this looking at the duel from another place

Patrick just looked blindly at Sirzechs and Grafiya, "So, Will I get engaged to Rias right now or something?"

Sirzechs is known for respecting his sister's choice, "It would be better if you ask her directly."

Patrick taking heed to his advice went above to the stands, where Rias was sitting. He kneeled on his knee and took her hand in his, caressed it, and asked if she would be his.

Rias was surprised at his bold statement and answered positively. However, Akeno didn't like this whole affair.

"Looks like I need to punish him." thought Akeno staring at the duo.