
Emperor Reborn (In DxD)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?" Revelation 13:1-4 (Since I like yanderes, there will be a lot of yanderes in the story.)

LonelyTiger · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Dragon Emperor Title is too little for me

I am going to kill Issei.

It's straightforward why. He is just not needed anymore and it would be better if he were dead besides that, I might be able to get his Sacred Gear. Overall it is a beneficial move.

How should I kill him? Go inside his room in the middle of the night and kill him.

Umm, That could work. Anyway, When I came inside my house I saw my familiar lying on the ground as if he was sleeping. I didn't disturb him and went inside my room. I had yet to even embark on making a suit that would help me in battles to come. Since the battle with Phenex might be near, I couldn't make the suit with the features I wanted. I had to compromise. Wait a minute, Aren't I thinking too much? 

If I kill Issei, I would get the Gear and I am sure that it had armor in it.

Well for everyday wear, I have to make this suit. It should have a strong outer layer while still being flexible.

(After 7 hours)

The suit was a stylish Black Italian suit with gold highlights. It was durable; able to handle a fire and not tear if sliced. It was okay as a compromise. Midnight still hadn't come so I had a bit of time. What about my weapon? Should I fight with my fists? Yeah, I know a few martial arts. It would be enough for now but I must have a weapon in the future.

Let's refresh my memory, shall we?

I know-

Krav Maga

Boxing (Especially a boxing master, having sparred with Iron Mike, Rocky Marciano, Joe Frazier, Sonny Liston, and last but not the least Muhammad Ali The legend himself. Having sparred with such opponents especially Sonny Liston has given me the confidence to beat a god to death.)



Sometimes a Jack of all is better than a master of one. However, in my case, I can be both the Jack of all and master of all because of my Learning capabilities and potential. I already am one.

Anyhow let's get on with killing Issei. Wait I don't even know where he lives....

Don't worry I overheard him talking about his address and how it was not in the vicinity of hot busty girls. I went to his house in the dead of night with a certain purpose.

I climbed over to his room which was on the second floor. Went inside through the window making sure to not make a sound. Instantly a smell came which made me nauseated. Did the fucker wank off too much? Covering my nose in distaste, I had sufficient materials for my endeavor. I stuffed chloroform in a rag and pressed it against his sleeping face. He struggled for a few moments but succumed. I then carefully injected some harmful substances that won't be easy to discover inside him. 

After waiting 10 minutes a light shone brightly and it manifested into a red gauntlet on the body of Issei. I carefully took the gauntlet and wore it.

A voice rang out in my head,

"Umu. Someone managed to kill my host and assume control of me. Impressive nobody has been able to do that for centuries. However, I sense you are a most strange being"

"Should I think for you to hear? Can you hear everything I think?" I ask.

"Yes, you should think for me to hear and no I can't hear everything you say. I can only hear what you allow me. Just will something to be heard by me and I will hear it. My question now is. Who are you?"

"My name is Patrick Blackwood. I am from somewhere else than this world. God brought me here to defeat the Beast of Apocrypha Aka Trihexa. I need your help in this mission. Will you help me?"

"Patrick I see, then my name is Ddraig. I just have one question. What were you wherever you were?" 

"I was the emperor of my world." I said with pride.

"Hahahaha! Indeed you deserve to be the holder of the Boosted Gear and my companion." Ddraig laughed joyfully.

"So, what kind of abilities can I use now?"

"You can boost your power every 10 seconds and transfer that power to something or someone else of your choice, Penetrate and Scale Mail. As you get familiar with the Boosted Gear and gain more power, You will be able to access more abilities of mine." Ddraig explained.

"I see. You will be of immense help to me. But tell me if you have any wants I will try to fulfill them."

Draig thought for a moment and answered, "I want you to build me a body when you can do so."

 "I promise to fulfill your wish."


"Let's go home." The gauntlet dissappeared. 

I went to my home since my work was done and I wanted to rest. When I went inside the house, I saw my cat standing in front of the door.

"Hello, cat." I waved.

"Don't call me cat." The cat was annoyed at my remarks.

"Whatever I need to sleep now. Let's go to bed."

"Why are you saying it like I will sleep with you?" 

"I don't care. Anyhow you have a new partner now. Ddraig say hi."

"Hi fellow companion." Ddarig's responded from a green light emitted on my left hand.

"What the hell! I thought I would be your sole companion." The Cat become angry and her whiskers went up.

"Whoa are you being jealous?"

"No, I am not. You bastard." The cat quickly ran away to another room and slaamed the door.

"What the hell just happened?" Ddraig's voiced his concern in my head.

Whatever I just want to sleep right now. I'll try to talk to her later and maybe name her because I can't just keep calling her cat now can't I?




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